
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Last chance to submit nominations to the 2011 Golden Quilter Awards

The Golden Quilter Awards were created to allow quilters to recognize their favorites that have helped to make our world of quilting so wonderful. Today is the last day you can submit your nomination.  If you have not yet submitted your nomination, I hope you will take time to do so today.    You can also earn an extra entry in the giveaway that sponsors of this event have donated some wonderful prizes for.

As SewCalGal is the host for this event, I'm unable to nominate or vote.  I can certainly think of some teachers, designers, stores, products and quilt retreats that are wonderful and have not yet been recognized by way of receiving a nomination to the 2011 Golden Quilter Awards.  Be sure to check the current list of nominees to see if your favorites have been nominated yet.

click here to view the current list of nominees and submit your nominations

click here to go directly to the giveaway

 Voting for ultimate winners of the 2011 GQA will be held March 18-31st. I hope you will take time to nominate your favorites and ultimately vote too.

Please feel free to let others know too. 


  1. Hi! Since I became a follower of your blog, I have enjoyed looking at some of your older posts. I really like the look of the 12 pocket bag. Could you tell me if there is a brand name or specific type of "web for straps" that I should look for? I would like to try that bag!
    Thanks very much,
    Jacque in SC

  2. Darlene, I am giving away a Moda Charm pack for the Oopsie Daisy pattern of Sandy Gervais, please let everyone know:


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