
Friday, September 17, 2010

Are you Ready for Fall?

I hope you enjoy this last weekend of summer.  Once again, summer flew by and Fall is now on our doorsteps.

While I'm already working on some fall projects, I wanted to remind everyone this is also a great time to work on your Christmas projects.  I also hope enter a  Christmas Theme quilt (includes thin quilts) in this upcoming Christmas Quilt Show. 

Given the recent poll, it looks like this show will be held starting the first week of November. 
While I hate to put up Christmas decorations until after Thanksgiving, I'm scheduling this year's Christmas Quilt Show based on feedback from a recent poll.  And, it was clear that the preference is early November.  It will be a fun show, with simple rules, and one that will be open for bloggers and non-bloggers.  

I also want to recognize the following sponsors that have already come forward to sponsor this event:
I have also been chatting with several other potential sponsors, and hope to be able to make official announcements soon.  You can always get the most current info on this show, by clicking the tab for "Christmas Quilt Show" at the top of this page.

In the meantime, I thought you might get a kick out of this cute Animal Christmas Song video.  There is a good chance that you have seen this video before, as it is been around in email and on many blogs, over the past few years.  I just felt it fit, especially given I'm still working on closing the loop on ensuring winners received their prizes from the recent Pets on Quilts Show. {If you haven't yet received your prize, please email me ASAP}.


  1. Love the video! I am also looking forward to the Christmas quilt show.

  2. Wow, I've never participated in any of the quilt shows you have here but I have many many Christmas themed so I guess this will be a great opportunity to get my feet wet.

  3. Early November....okay, need to get going :)

  4. Love the video! Makes me giggle, good way to start a Saturday of quilting!

  5. Very "cute" vedeo. lol Different. lol
    Thank you for sharing.
    Happy Quilting!

  6. Yeppers, LOVE LOVE LOVE Fall.......and working on it..........but also working on Christmas gifts....all while watching football.

  7. that video just cracked me. so funny.
    thanks for coming by my blog and leaving a kind comment.

  8. How did you ever find that video? Very entertaining.


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