
Thursday, August 19, 2010

Pets on Quilts Show: Final Update before show closes

First, I want to clarify that while the Pets on Quilts Show closes on the 21st (midnight PST), the benefit of virtual quilt shows is that all the entries will be viewable anytime after the show

I want to thank three new sponsors that have generously donated prizes:

The Electric Quilt Company

Angie Padilla (Angie's Bits 'n Pieces)

Martingale and Company, Home of That Patchwork Place

I also want to encourage everyone to check out the rules for this show, list of prizes and categories of prizes as this may help you win prizes.  There are many wonderful prizes and many ways to win.  While those that enter a Pet on Quilt in this show have many chances to win prizes, so do viewers, and voters. I'm just fearful some may have ignored some opportunities to win prizes.  For example:

1) Follow SewCalGal and leave a comment to let me know you are a follower, to get entered.

2)  Enter a Pet on Quilt (real pet, pet themed quilt, or even an EQ6/EQ7 pet theme design).  You just need to enter by end of day on 8/21.

3) Vote for your favorite Pet on Quilts, to get entered.

4) View quilts in the show and leave a comment on any of the SewCalGal posts about this show, and you'll be entered to win a prize.  And, it would be very nice if you could leave a comment on the blog post of those who entered the the show.

5) View ALL of the quilts in the show AND leave a comment on every blog post, for every entry.  Come back and leave a comment on this post to let me know you have viewed ALL of the quilts and what # of quilts you viewed.  This is a tricky rule, as there is a timing factor.  You post a comment too early and more quilts get entered, if someone else comes in and has viewed more quilts, they will be the winner under this rule.  Tip:  Be the last, or one of the last to enter.  But be sure to visit all the entries and leave a comment on each.  If audited and you overlooked something, you are disqualified. 

When you do leave a comment, you may want to share insight on what prizes you may want to win.  I can't guarantee, but I'll try to match prizes up with the interest of the winner.  An example of such a comment might be "Enjoying the show, Mary (#5,14, 28)". Or send me an email to let me know what you are interested in. 
I'm maintaining a spreadsheet with all the ways one can win a prize and logging info on what prize  you may want! 

Sadly, there are several no-reply bloggers and Anonymous bloggers that I have no way to contact, should they win.  Those posting comments via the anonymous option need to leave their contact info, if they wish to win a prize.  Bloggers with no reply settings can check for tips on changing their settings on my page where the tab at the top of my blog is labeled "giveaways & contests", or leave your email address in your comment if you are not certain.

Again, entries to the show accepted thru 8/21 (midnight PST).  Just be sure to follow the rules.

Shortly after the show closes on the 21st (midnight PST), a post will be made to announce the winners. The winners will have five days to claim their prizes, or another name will be drawn for that prize.

It may seem complicated to review all the rules, categories of prizes, list of prizes, show entries, etc. But, just like visiting any big show there is a lot to see and do. Always easy to overlook a great opportunity and later be sorry, thus I hope you'll take time to review these tips, if you want to increase your chances for winning prizes in this show.  And, if it becomes too much, don't worry about it...just enjoy the show.

I hope you are enjoying the Pets on Quilts Show. I know I am.


  1. I didn't enter and not sure what to do, I am bad at reading lots of rules, lol. I will look in my folders and see what ones I have that might be a good entry.


  2. I didn't enter but I'm watching. Somehow the cat that likes to be on my quilts looks like she's always unhappy that I'm photographing her! Most likely because I disturbed her naps.

  3. Hi,

    It is great you organize this competition! It is wonderful to look at all the different entrees and all the sponsors that are supporting all of your hard work!
    I am looking forward to the next Christmas Quilt Show already.
    Cheers, Hilde

  4. Great to have EQ sponsor!
    Test comment by Lisa at Sun Naturals

  5. I'm working as fast as I can to get my fish wall hanging done girlfriend.

    I think I've been asleep because I'm surprised by how many people have entered.

    You do wonderful and fun things here on your blog....thanks for keeping the joy of community going :)


  6. This contest is great fun, even if I don't have enough time to enter the contest in all the different possible ways. But I am a follower so please give me an entry for that. I like prizes 3, 5 9, and 24.

  7. oops! Didn't keep track of the blogs I commented on.... off to double check that :)


  8. I am enjoying the show so much. I check in everyday to see what's new. It sounds like an incredible amount of work for you and I hope you will consider doing it yearly. I can hear you groan about that, especially when it gets bigger every year. Thank you so much for this.

  9. It's wonderful what you do, my dear. If my little girl Muffin Karen were still with me, I would enter her photo on her quilt I made from her little scarfs from her groomer.
    Good luck to everyone.
    Happy Quilting!

  10. Hi. I am now a follower. Can't wait to check out all of the quilts and get my vote in there. :)

  11. What a great contest. My favorite though has to be the Sun Naturals & Gifts...I LOVE the little dog...and the quilt is TOO cute!
    All of the pictures and quilts are amazing.

    Also, what great prizes! Would love to win the Fat Quarter Bundle of Rex My Little Puppy (in blues). What CUTE fabric!

    Thanks for the great contest and giveaway!

  12. Thank you again, for organizing this virtual quilt show. All your hard work is really appreciated. Lots of us are having a blast on this side of the computers, appreciating the quilts and its furry occupants. More "oooh's, and ahh's" said than on an episode of wheel of fortune!
    nsue21702 at gmail dot com

  13. I follow your blog! I failed to read (obviously - my apologies) all the ways to enter the draw! Thank you for this clarifying post! Now I am off to leave comments on everyone elses blog - I will return when done and let you know! Yippee

  14. I'm a follower of your blog. And I want to tell you how much I've been enjoying the show. What a great idea and wonderful pets and quilts!

  15. I'm not sure if this is the right place to leave this, but I have viewed and commented on 65 quilts. Loved all of it. Thanks for doing this.

  16. I've left a comment on 66 Blogs the last one being, Quilting Krazy.
    Goodnight and God Bless.

  17. Okay, I have just finished checking all the submitters (what a great show!). I have successfully commented on everyone!

  18. Thank you for this quilt show there have been some great quilts to look at..

    I have looked at 65 (66 including my own) quilts, and left a comment on each one.

    I also posted about the show on my blog a couple of times, put your badge on my sidebar, and posted about the voting.

  19. Wow Darlene - was just thinking over the whole prize process and don't know how you keep it all straight! I wanted to say that I'm a new follower to your blog, visited all the entries including those from Saturday 22, posted a blog and a little button widget and was entered in the "other" category for viewer's choice.

    I love the prizes 7,28, batting or 6 - they would be a blessing.

    Also - please contact me if you ever want some of my hand dyeds as donations for future prizes in your cool contests.

  20. I visited ALL of the entries into the show!!
    What an amazing group!



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