
Thursday, July 8, 2010

The summer of EQ7

From my perspective, the summer of 2010 is going to always be recognized as the summer of EQ7.  I'm having such fun designing with EQ7, even though I'm far from an expert.  EQ7 is so easy to use, and has such vast capabilities.  I'm still amazed how much one can learn in 15 minutes of play time with EQ.  Of course, more time helps, but even a few minutes is worth it. 

Today I played a bit with the photo feature, as I've been thinking about creating a wallhanging with an applique lei of Plumeria.  Here is one of my plumeria photos that I'm using to design this wallhanging.

I was able to easily import this image into EQ7 and trace a flower to create an applique design.
And I did this all in a matter of minutes!  My plan is to create a variety of plumeria flower applique designs, using EQ7.  Then I'll create a wreath on a wholecloth background.  For this project, I'm more concerned with creating a variety of unique plumeria shapes, which is very easy to do with EQ7.  When I proceed with the applique portion, I'm thinking of using paintsticks to help with creating a vibrant flower.  Thus, for my approach, I'm not too concerned with the 3D aspects of the plumeria.  I share this with you, as the EQ7 software would fully support anyone wanting to create an applique design that reflected a 3D affect of the plumeria and/or the variety of colors offered in a single plumeria...I'm just going to pursue this with other artistic mediums, like paintsticks.

If you are new to EQ, remember that they have a great online community.  And, offer many excellent online lessons for free.  I hope you have signed up for their newsletter and the info-EQ communications managed by Planet Patchwork. 

I'd love to hear what you've been working on this summer with EQ.  I have several EQ projects I'm working on and enjoying the designing aspect in EQ7 very much.  Hope you are too.


  1. Ooh thanks for this info, I have just purchased eq7 and I'm looking forward to some free time when I can play with it. Lovely idea with the plumeria. xo

  2. You are ambitious.....I think your ideas are wonderful...can't wait to see the in action!

  3. Thanks for the links. I am quite new to EQ and had no luck learning EQ5 (probably the fault of ME and not the program). BUT...I am doing much better with EQ7. I have spent a lot of time working up designs for which I can use my GO! cutter and the dies I currently have for it. I love your plumeria applique. I don't know how to do that yet...but I will learn!!!

  4. I also love my EQ7, but admittedly have been hooked on EQ since EQ2!

  5. What fun. I am enjoying the work others post regarding the program, but with a Mac, I don't know if they have compatibility-?

  6. Plumeria flowers are my favorite. I really need to figure out how to import to EQ7, I know it's not difficult I just need the time.

  7. I need you to kick me in the bum to get me to load mine. Can you believe it? What is wrong with me anyway? But you know what, once I load it....I won't get off the computer because I can't wait to take pix of my stash and play with layouts.

    Thanks again for the encouragement!!


  8. Your flowers are so pretty! I will get EQ7 later this summer, so glad to hear that it is good.

  9. Wow. I definitely need to learn how to use EQ. Can't wait to see your plumeria quilt all finished.


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