
Friday, July 9, 2010

Guess the Designer Challenge Part 1 and Part 2

How good are you at recognizing designer patterns, styles, fabrics? And, if you are not very good, are you interested in building your skills in this area? I know I am.

To clarify, this is currently part one of a two part post. The title of this post and actual post will be updated when the first person to guess the designer of these quilts.  You can submit an email to SewCalGal or add your comment at the bottom of this post. Just be sure that I have a way to contact you via email (no reply bloggers w/o an email address in their comment will not be considered).

First person to guess correctly will be recognized on my DESIGNER CHALLENGE page.

I will also update this post to reflect who was the first to accurately guess the designer, and share a bit more insight on the designer, as well. If no one can accurately guess the designer in 24 hours, I will update this post to reflect same, along with sharing insights on the designer. So, I hope you'll check back.

note: If there is a discrepancy on designers, that may have similar styles, SewCalGal will be the ultimate judge to determine the winner. And, in most cases, the photo of the quilt shown in this post will also be posted on the designers site.


Who guessed it:  Vicki Cal (Felines and Fibre Arts).  And Vicki lives in Ontario Canda and she was the first to correctly guess this Designer, who is from California.  Vicki certainly knows her designers!  Congratulations Vicki!

Who is this designer:  Norah McMeeking (Bella Bella Quilts) who is an amazing quilter, designer, teacher, and author!   I've been lucky to take two different workshops with her and learned alot in both.  I wouldn't hesitate to sign up to take another class with Norah.  She really is an excellent teacher who inspires and helps ensure quilters of all levels, sharing a common class, all learn and come away from the class inspired to make more amazing quilts.  She also has the ability to take complex designs and make them easy to make. 

Norah has written "Bella Bella quilts", which was published by CT Publishing.  This is an excellent book for making her signature designs of beautiful Italian Mosaic quilts.

She also travels whereby she gives delightful lectures and/or holds fun workshops, which I highly recommend for any quilt guild, store, or show looking for an amazingly talented designer who does an excellent job inspiring thru her lectures, as well as teaching in her workshops!  And while she is well known for her Bella Bella (italian mosaic designs) she has a broad selection of designs to teach and inspire, and an excellent trunk show to share!


  1. Color me CONFUSED as I'm not sure which of the above photos we are supposed to look at and "guess" about..........LOL.....I'm having a confusing week, though, so don't mind me.

  2. WOW what a diverse set of quilts. As Pat said above, I'm also wondering if these are from different quilters or did they all come from one person. So the only one that I recognize the style is the 4th quilt which looks very similar to the quilts from the book Bella Bella Quilts by Norah McMeeking. So that's my guess. If she made all of them, then wow, she is quite diversified in her talents as a quilter.

  3. I have a couple in mind.... Crazy Old Ladies?


  4. OKay...I'll just guess and say Paula Nadelstern?


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