
Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Spun Sugar Quilts - AccuQuilt GO! Giveaway

Vickie of Spun Sugar Quilts has a delightful blog.  She has also joined a group that I'm organizing, of bloggers that have AccuQuilt products.  You'll be able to quickly spot these bloggers as they have a badge (see below) on their blog that will take you to a post that has a list of various bloggers and articles about using AccuQuilt products.  We are also going to be working together to come up with some other fun insights and activities, so we hope you'll follow us.

Ok.  The really fun stuff.  Vickie is hosting an amazing giveaway for an AccuQuilt GO!.  I hope you'll pop on over to her site for more info on this giveaway.  And, while you are there, check out her delightful blog.

Ooops. I forgot to mention, that I'm posting insights on giveaways and contests on my "page" labeled same.  You can click on the tab near the top of this page to learn of other giveaways.  But Vickie's giveaway is so exciting, I wanted to share more info with you in this post.


  1. De-lurking to say thanks for posting the link. I've already got one... But I sent the link to my buddy Angie. She SO wants one!!!!

    I'm kinda funny about giveaways. I'm quite choosy and only post to those I *really* want. I know that a lot of cost, thought, and generosity go into running giveaways... Going all willy-nilly and entering for the sake of getting something free isn't my thing. I want to be sure it's something I can really use.

    Have a great day! Behave if you can (wink!)

  2. I thought i might know about this before you did, but I saw your name above mine on Vicki's blog, lol. I think I would enjoy one of these, I love the die cutter at school. It just helps speed things along!

    Thanks for the notice about the new blog of Jodi's, don't you love the photos she has put together? :-}pokey


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