
Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Designer Challenge Part 1 & 2

How good are you at recognizing designer patterns, styles, fabrics, works by famous people, etc? If you have been a follower of my blog, in 2010, you should know I've been trying to build my skills in being able to recognize designers by their work (and ultimately the work of their students).  

In part one of  this post, I share photos of quilts made by the designer that I'm showcasing in this challenge.  The challenge is to see if you can look at the collection of photos I'm sharing and correctly guess who the designer is.

The first person to correctly guess the designer of this quilt will be recognized in part two of this post, as well as be recognized on

This post will be updated (aka Part 2), once someone has correctly guessed who the designer is.  If, within a 24 hour window no one has correctly guessed, I will update part 1 of this post, to provide more clues.

note: If there is a discrepancy on designers, that may have similar styles, SewCalGal will be the ultimate judge to determine the winner. And, in most cases, the photo of the quilt shown in this post will also be posted on the designers site.

For this particular challenge, I think it may be difficult.  I only learned of this designer via  the nominations for the Golden Quilter Awards.  To clarify, this designer was a nominee for the Golden Quilter Awards in 2010.  Ok.  Here are a few more clues......this talented designer is also going to be teaching at IQF Long Beach next week, and they also use Electric Quilt products to create their amazing designs.  I hope these clues are helpful!  Good luck.

PART II  - coming as soon as someone correctly guesses the designer, based on insights in Part I.

Who Guessed it: Pamela Davis (Creative Dawn), who is probably the fastest to guess correctly the designer to any of my Designer Challenges.  Kudos to Creative Dawn, as she certainly knows her designers!

Who is this designer: Deb Karasik

Deb is clearly an amazing designer.  I understand she also  uses Electric Quilt products (now EQ7) to design her beautiful quilts, using perfect paper piecing techniques.

Check out her site for more information for workshop opportunities. I think she'd be awesome for teaching to a guild,  a quilt store, but I think you'll soon only be able to take her workshops thru large quilt shows. She is very talented and definitely destined to inspire and teach quilters who want to make spectacular quilts. 

Deb has also written 'Quilts With Attitude',  published by AQS, and is currently working on her next book.  I can't wait to check out Quilts With Attitude, and I am already looking forward to Deb's next book.  She is so very talented and inspirational!


  1. Deb Karasik is the designer and quiltmaker! I love, love, love her quilts!!

    hugz, Pam

  2. Deb's partner is Janet Mednick and together they are QuiltMavens!!!
    Pam .... just had to get that first designer's name in because these quilts here are Deb's designs!

  3. Wow beautiful work! I would have no idea who the designer is. Guess I am not designer savvy ;-)

  4. I guess I missed the original posts because I was looking at the pictures and said those look like Deb Karasik. She's coming to our guild early next year. So excited. She was also at Asilomar when I was there and her class room looked like they were having a blast.


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