
Wednesday, June 2, 2010

FMQ Challenge

You may recall that I've been  researching ways one can improve their Free Motion Quilting skills and reporting my findings as I go. After all, we are not all "born" with the skills of Karen McTavish, Patsy Thompson, Diane Gaudynski, or so many other talented free motion quilters.  Thus, I'm checking out books, DVDs, blogs, you-tube videos, attend quilt shows,  and classes to find ways to help quilters improve their free motion quilting skills!

In May,  I learned about the FMQ Challenge while reading Inky Threads blog.  Wendy of Inky Threads came up with this great idea for a fun challenge and partnered with her friend Joanne of Thread Head.

The challenge sounded simple, in the fact that participants simply needed to commit to practicing free motion quilting for 14 consecutive days.  No judging, no requirement for what type of free motion quilting, just simply committing to 14 consecutive days of practicing.  The challenge for me, was that I was on vacation (without a sewing machine) for most of May.  So, I gained inspiration and insights by watching DVDs by Patsy Thompson and drawing free motion quilting designs on my white board daily, while on vacation.

Upon my return from vacation, I was able to free motion quilt with my machine for 14+ days.  While doodling on a dry erase board is helpful, playing with some quilt sandwiches created for the purpose of playing, was also very helpful.

I was extremely pleased that I've learned how to create nice looking feathers! {sorry the photo above doesn't do a great job capturing the green thread used for the feathers, on the blue fabric, but it does pop up close).  Even friends have been really impressed!  Unfortunately the photo I can share doesn't do a great job capturing the feathers I created on the borders of a Linus quilt. 

This particular quilt design is also working well to try different free motion designs in the various shapes.  My pebble technique still needs more practice, but was quite fun to create.

While the FMQ Challenge is now over and winners have been announced (randomly selected), I want to say that I'm confident I'll continue spending time doing free motion quilting on a daily basis.  I'm now addicted and really amazed how doing it every day has made such a difference! 

Thank you to Wendy of Inky Threads and to Joanne of Thread Head for hosting this fun FMQ Challenge and inspiring participants to practice free motion skills on a daily basis.  

Yes, practicing free motion skills for 14 days really is a great way to develop your free motion skills.  Give it a try and I'm sure you'll see a difference in your skills too!


  1. That does sound like an awesome challenge....I just might have to make it my own.

  2. I really need to get better free-motion skills...sounds like a good way to do it.

  3. Great challenge. I recently purchased that same DVD, and look forward to trying it out.

  4. When I get back home to my big machine and my scraps that will be a good project. I guess it's like learning to play the piano... Practice, practice, practice...

  5. Great quilt and the perfect place to try all sorts of techniques.

  6. I received that DVD for Mother's Day! Of course, I haven't had a chance to view it. Your journey is encouraging.

    Now...just to get started myself....

  7. Oh how fun and I bet 14 days of practice is really what a person needs to see progress.

    Thanks for the inspiration.


  8. Well done! Is the flower quilting at the top of the post yours as well? it's wonderful! I did a cable not too long ago without a stencil...ahem...need to invest in a few basic really did add to the charm of the quilt. Feathers are my next try...

  9. photo (floral) is of my FMQ!



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