
Saturday, May 29, 2010

Victory Quilts

There is something special about Victory Quilts, those beautiful quilts that were made in the 1940's using a variety of beautiful quilt blocks (aka Sample blocks).  I remember them fondly at my Grandparent's home, when I was a little girl.  But, it wasn't until Eleanor Burns released "Victory Quilts, 1940's Sampler Quilts", published by Quilt In A Day, that I began to truly understand the history and delight of these special quilts. 

Eleanor's dedication to this delightful book, hits home on what Victory Quilts are all about.  I also believe it applies perfectly to Memorial Day.  Her dedication reads "For Father, Erwin J. Knoechel, and all men and woman who bravely serve our country".    For me, I embrace this dedication with great admiration and compassion.

I want to recognize Eleanor for this delightful book, as well as recognize those whom she dedicates this book to.  As such, I dedicate this post to those that have the men and woman who are currently serving, as well as those that have served. 

Eleanor has made many wonderful contributions to our world of quilting, but this book also formally captures the recognition for those that have served, and are currently serving, to protect us and fight for Freedom, through the eyes of a quilter. 

Thus, I want to use this time to share insights on this delightful book, as well as to recognize and show respect to those whom this book is dedicated too!

Eleanor shares insights in this book about the 1940's, when the United States was united with a common cause of winning World War II.  Rosie the Riveter was the symbol of working woman.  There were scrap drives, rationing, Victory Gardens, and the baby boom.  I am proudly a child that came from this baby boom, and there isn't a day that doesn't pass where I don't think about how blessed I am. 

Insights are also included on how to make many beautiful traditional blocks, how to set them on point or traditional block, add swags,  beautiful borders, and more.  For the beginner quilter, insights are also included for basic cutting, fussy cuts, assembly line techniques, seam allowance tests, pressing, and more.   But heartwarming insights are also provided on traditional blocks, sharing insights on how these blocks came to be, as well as historical insights on many quilt designs.

Victory Quilts - 3001 from Quilt in a Day on Vimeo.

Many designs are shared to make completed quilts, including the "Comfort Quilt". When Europe was devasted in World War II, familes often had to live in one room with no heat and blow out windows.  American and Candian quilters were urged to make quilts for these people.  The Comfort Quilt was one of the popular quilt designs that wer emade from scraps and ultimately shipped to families in Europe to provide warmth and comfort.

The Service Flag is an official banner that the family of service members in harm's way can display.  The banner has a white background and a red border, with a blue star for each family member in active duty.  If a family member dies during service, a smaller gold star is sewn on top o fthe blue star, with the blue edge showing.  These banners became popular during World War II, and were hung in windows of service member's homes.  Yet, even today, we see many volunteer groups that make these banners and present them to families who have family member serving.

This book brought soft tears to my eyes, as I took a few minutes to write this post.  It is a delightful book.  While it has many beautiful quilt blocks, designs and qulting insights, it also shows how quilters have helped to recognize those that have served to provide Freedom.  I don't want to come across that a gesture of a quilt is greater than one who actually serves, but I do want to say that I am proud of any qulter, historically or current, who has taken the time to make a Victory Quilt, or block.  It might be through making a block for Quilts of Valor, in making a Service Flag quilt, or in helping in so many other ways.  But, this Memorial weekend, my focus is truly on the men and woman who are currently serving to provide Freedom and protecting us from those that may challenge or terrorize this basic human right.  Yes, thank you for all those that serve in the Military.
Quilt In A Day
1955 Diamond Street
San Marcos, CA
119 North 4th Street
Paducah, KY

Victory Quilts - 3002 from Quilt in a Day on Vimeo.


  1. I am going to order this one. I saw her on her show recently, and I remembered that my first quilt was made using her Log Cabin Quilt in a Day book. It looks like a great book!

  2. I love Eleanor's books and this is a personal favorite. The videos are also nicely done. She sure does her homework and supplies lots of information on the history behind quilting. Glad to see you feature this wonderful woman here.

  3. this book is one of the best things that's ever happened to me--i used it to make my entry to the blog festival. such clear directions. it has given me the bravery to just go for almost anything in quilting now. the sense of accomplishment i felt as each block was completed is absolutely priceless to me.

  4. Very informative post, I'll have to take a look at that book. And thanks for honoring our service people too.

  5. Great post - thanks for sharing.

  6. What a great book, thanks for sharing!

  7. Eleanor Burns is wonderful. Thanks for reviewing her work. She is a lovely woman!!


  8. Thanks for review this book! I love the history behind quilts. I didn't realize their was historical info in this one. Will have to look for it. Thanks!

  9. such a great post! thank-you for all the info about the book and about Eleanor!

  10. I'm an eleanor fan!!! I love how she makes things to simple. I got her "egg money quilts on DVD"!!!


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