
Friday, May 28, 2010

Guess the Designer Challenge Part 1 and Part 2

It is about time to have a Designer Challenge, so here goes. Well, maybe I should start with a bit of background, as some may not be aware of what this is.

How good are you at recognizing designer patterns, styles, fabrics, works by famous people, etc? If you have been a follower of my blog, in 2010, you should know I've been trying to build my skills in being able to recognize designers by their work (and ultimately the work of their students).

Are you interested in building your skills in this area too? Or, do you think you recognize who created this quilt? Or is this going to be a challenge that stumps you? {hint: They've been recognized recently for their contributions in the world of quilting}.

This is part one of this post. It is a challenge to see if you can guess the creator of this quilt. The first person to correctly guess the designer of this quilt will be recognized in part two of this post, as well as be recognized on

I will also update this post to reflect who was the first to accurately guess the designer, and share a bit more insight on this designer, as well. If no one can accurately guess the designer in 24 hours, I will update this post to reflect same, along with sharing insights on the designer. So, I hope you'll check back.

note: If there is a discrepancy on designers, that may have similar styles, SewCalGal will be the ultimate judge to determine the winner. And, in most cases, the photo of the quilt shown in this post will also be posted on the designers site.

Part 2 will be added to this post once this designer has been correctly guessed.

Vicki Cal of Felines and Fibre Arts was the first to correctly guess the design of this challenge.  I hope you'll go visit Vicki's blog and congratulate her.  She has a delightful blog and obviously knows her designers! 

The designer of this challenge is Peggy J. Martin.  Peggy is a Quilt Teacher, Designer, and Creator of Quick-Strip Paper Piecing!  She has also recently been named Teacher of the Year by the International Association of Professional Quilters. 

Peggy has a specialty for Quick-Strip Paper Piecing technique to make spectacular quilts.  She has written many books,which have been published by CT Publishing. "Quick-Strip Paper Piecing: For Blocks, Borders & Quilts" and "Paper Piece the Quick-Strip Way: 12 Complete Projects Create Your Own Designs Paper Piece Faster!"  are available from  And she has a current DVD called "Peggy Martin Teaches You Quick-Strip Paper Piecing DVD", also available through CT Publishing.

Clearly, Peggy is a very talented designer whom has contributed dearly to our wonderful world of quilting.  Her site is:


  1. This looks like the work of Peggy Martin.

  2. Paula Nadelstern. Looks like her stuff.
    Vicki at

  3. Those are some really beautiful quilts...Wow!! Thanks for taking the time to post.

  4. Beautiful quilts. Wasn't familiar with Peggy Martin's work, but love the red one and the snowflake one!! I guess my 10-15 year gap in quilting shows with this! Her work should certainly be recognizable. It's gorgeous.



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