
Saturday, May 8, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

To all Mothers, Happy Mother's Day! 

To all  sisters, aunties and girlfriends, who care enough to help mothers be good mothers.  You may help  to babysit when a mother needs a break, help run an errand,  help prepare a meal, help by listening,  or help in so many ways, but you are always there to help when a mother needs it.  Thus, I wish you a Happy Mother's Day too.  

To all mothers who have children serving to in the Military!  Thank you for raising such wonderful children!  Happy Mother's Day!

To all  mothers that have lost children, while it may be hard to take time to celebrate, Happy Mother's Day.  Your angel may now be in heaven, but I'm sure they want you to have a Happy Mother's Day and are walking near you every day, just like you carry them in your heart, every day!  I tend to not share this, but I have personal insight on this perspective of Mother's Day.  But I want to challenge all that fall into this category to still take time to celebrate, as you have given more than a mother should.

To all the wonderful women who give a hug and offer support to women, in the way only a mother knows how, to women who no longer have a mother with them.  Happy Mother's Day!  Pat, Jeanne, Dee, and Eileen I hope you know how much I appreciate your friendship, and mothering when I needed it.

Mothers are special people.  And Mother's Day is a fun day to take time to recognize Mothers, along with all those that help inspire and support great mothers, as well as fill in, when a mother is no longer there.  Clearly, there are many forms of being a mother.  Thus, I wish you all a very Happy Mother's Day!

Hugs, many hugs!



  1. Aloha - the red and white pineapple quilt card caught my attention. I sent this as a Christmas card over 24 years ago when we were living in Honolulu. It reminded me of my then 2 toddler (Korean) daughters, and I kept one card to remember.

  2. Thank you for the wonderful words....and Happy Mother's Day to you!!!


  3. Happy Mother's Day to you too.

  4. Very, very well put, Darlene! Happy Mothers' Day today, and every day!



  5. Thanks! Happy Mother's Day to you, as well. I love the artwork and pics you chose for this post...gorgeous!

  6. Wishing you a wonderful day!

  7. Beautiful Photo's and Happy Mother's Day to you..

  8. What a very special post! Beautiful!

  9. Very lovely Darlene. You are a very special lady and it is our pleasure and honor to be your friend.
    Can't wait until you return.
    Have you thought about the tea? I am sure I will have room at my table if you don't want to put together a full table. Also Megan is getting a table together.

    Hugs and keep patting the turtles for me.


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