
Sunday, May 9, 2010

Free Motion Fun with Feathers

I was very lucky to win a copy of "Free Motion Fun With Feathers!, Volume 2", by Patsy Thompson via the 30 (32) days of Giveaway hosted by Kelly, of I Have A Notion.  I was very excited to hear that I was a winner of this DVD 2 disc set, as I had been drooling over it for sometime.  You see, this year I set a goal to significantly improve my free motion quilting skills.  I'm very thankful that Patsy was a sponsor of Kelly's delightful giveaway, and that I was lucky to win this fantastic DVD.

As this is the only DVD of Patsy that I've seen, I can truly only provide insights on this DVD.  But I do want to increase awareness that she also has many DVDs, and based on what I've seen, I believe all of her DVDs are well structured, providing great insights and inspiriations on free motion quilting techniques.

For Patsy's Free Motion Fun With Feathers!, Volume 2, I loved seeing how she provided a quick recap of insights from Volume 1.

And I enjoyed how she showed in Volume 2 how a basic feather can be "hyper-quilted" to make it spectacular.  I loved how she shared tips & tricks to allow you to select threads, placement and create various pieces of quilted art through these quilted feathers that I've admired by winning quilts. 

Don't you just love these feathers?  Trust me, there are oodles more in this DVD and great insights to show you how you can create theme in your quilts.

I'm now convinced that if you want to become a master at free motion quilting of feathers, Patsy's DVDs are an absolute must for your library collection.  You'll be able to watch again and again, and soon see your free motion quilting skills significantly improve.  I can see my skills already improving within a short time of watching this DVD!

{above} The Volume 1 set is not a DVD that I have watched previously.  While I thought I have previously made quilted feathers, I was so impressed with Patsy's Volume 2 DVD that I view I really "need" to get a copy of her Volume 1.  I'm sure there are many tips and tricks in her Volume 1 DVD that will help me, as well as quilters of all levels.  But clearly, this is a great DVD to start with for those interested in learning to make beautiful quilted feathers.

{above} I have also learned so much with Patsy's volume 2 DVD, that I'm also looking forward to getting her Volume 3 DVD.  Even the cover of this DVD tells me that you can create spectactular free motion feathers after watching this DVD!

{above}Then I look at the cover of Patsy's Free Motion Fun with Vines and Leaves and think I need to also acquire this DVD for my collection.  I am confident this DVD will help my quilting and inspire. 

Don't all of her DVDs look fantastic. And, she actually has more DVDs.  I'm sure they are all fantastic.

Difficult to say which Patsy Thompson Designs DVD will be my next DVD, but I know I'm now a loyal fan of Patsy and confident that anyone that buys her DVDs will get a great value and will see a difference quickly in their free motion quilting.

Patsy also has a large collection of free downloads, of which I highly encourage you to check out.  But, I also feel that her DVDs are well constructed and provide excellent insights and visuals to help you learn how to make amazing quilted feathers.

Patsy's DVDs are also available for purchase, at a great price, from IHAN. But be sure when you go shopping at IHAN you take time to check out their other great products.  IHAN has a great selection and excellent prices.  Plus, there customer service is top notch!

Lastly, I want to say thank you to Patsy and Kelly for this opportunity.  I really am enjoying the Free Motion Fun With Feathers,Volume 2. 


  1. They are beautiful feathers...thanks for sharing this!

  2. Yummy, yummy feathers! Although I can already quilt feathers, I still want this on my wish list to see all the variations from the more basic feather! Thanks for the post!

  3. That is so awesome....the feathers are amazing...


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