
Thursday, April 15, 2010

Traveling - surprise problems

My laptop is about to go on an extended rest, as I have departed on a trip and forgot to pack my powercord.  Plan posts will hopefully appear sometime next week, after I've made arrangements to have my laptop power cord express mailed to me.

Like a power cord or foot petal to your sewing machine being critical to pack for a class, sew-cial or retreat, a computer power cord is equally important.  I have a few more recommendations for packing that I'll share, once I have more power. In the meantime, feel free to post a comment on your recommendations to pack for an extended trip!  Or share your stories about what you may have forgot to take!  LOL!


  1. We always forget something. Mostly the charger for the phone :-( But thankfully there is usually a Phone store to buy (yet) another charger, or a Walmart to pick up toothbrushes, curling irons, make-up, contact lens solution......... you get the picture.

  2. Two years ago, one week into a five week trip, my power cord died! I went to a local computer store and bought a new one. When I got home, we mailed the still under guarantee dead power cord to the company and they replaced it. So, now I have two! And, BOTH of them go everywhere my laptop goes!

  3. have a good time, can't wait for you to get the power cord so you can show us all the fun things you are doing.

  4. Luckily, you were able to have the cord express mailed to you!

  5. I am kinda new to posting so forgive me please. I was searching on a family name and in the results I found 'sewcalgal'. One of your posts was on a Marge Renner I believe, and had to do with some of her family quilts. Well her great-grand mother Jeannette Danks Howenstein is also my great-grand mother. My name is David Howenstein and my grandfather is Claude Howenstein who you mentioned also in your post. Claude had two boys, John and Joe. I am Joe's son. I have never seen nor heard about these quilts and would love to see or hear more about them. My email is Thank you.

  6. I would put all the tickets on the top of the list. Husband once forgot to bring one of his tickets for the return flight of our summer holiday. He was joining us after a week, so I had left his tickets for him at home. Fortunatly a friend had a key to our house, collected the ticket, brought it to the airport and they arranged so we could pick up the ticket on our way back home.

  7. Hope you get your power cord soon...What a shame! It will come sure, I am sure.


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