
Saturday, April 17, 2010

Last Call for Winner to Claim a Prize

Update:  The original winner of this prize did not claim it.  Another winner was selected randomly and has claimed this prize.  The winner is officially Sherri of A Quilting Life.

One of the winners of my March giveaway (for Voting for the Golden Quilter Awards) has not come forward to claim their prize.  I have sent multiple emails and am now posting this notice.  I need "tpotquilter" to contact me to claim their prize by April 24th.  If not, this wonderful prize, donated by Electric  Quilt, will be used in another giveaway.   

"tpotquilter" please email me ASAP to claim this prize.  This is your last chance.

Note:  To those that follow both my mail blog (SewCalGal) and my blog for Contests and Giveaways, my apologies, as this post will appear on both sites.  While redundant, I am trying hard to contact the winner before I place this wonderful prize into another giveaway!  But, if you have ideas for how this item might be turned into a 2nd time around giveaway let me know.  I want to make it special fun so that it finds a great home.  Should I hold this giveaway as a giveaway on my primary blog, giveaway blog or for my fans on Facebook?


  1. Just give it to me!!! I really want it. lol :P

  2. Darn it beat me to it!!!!!

  3. I'm with you Janet, I would gladly take that off her hands! Yes INDEED! lol...It is such a wonderful product for designing!!!

    hugz, Pam

  4. Hey I want it too! Not really surprised someone forgot to give you a way to get in touch with them - I had that happen on my blog too and gave the prize to another person. I need to look and see if I have all of your blogs posted on my google reader.


  5. Well it's a piece of cake!!!... give it to me, LOL!

  6. Being that it was a prize for the Giveaway blog, could you not just generate another winner from the Golden Quilters Awards comments??

  7. Give it away on your primary blog and some way that it could only go to one of your established followers (me?)!!!
    Such a fun decision to have to make Darlene! I'm sure you will figure out a good way!

  8. Good luck finding this person!

  9. Coincido con los anteriores, también lo quiero. Me parece buena tu actitud de buscar al ganador, quizas puede tener roto su equipo o solo paso para el sorteo y olvido dejarte su correo. Dale unos dias y entregalo como un nuevo regalo, quizas en este mismo post. Un abrazo

  10. Like the other commenter's I would love to put it to good use! It's one of my next purchases - when I have the $$ good luck getting in touch with her :)


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