
Monday, April 5, 2010

To Be an Elm Creek Quilter

In celebration of the release of the Circle of Quilters, which was the 9th novel of the Elm Creek Quilts series,  Jennifer Chiaverini launched a quilt block design contest to her fans. The block that best captured the spirit of Elm Creek Quilts would become the series' new logo. And, to my delight, C&T Publishing worked with Jennifer to publish "To Be an Elm Creek Quilter", which contains block designs from the top 10 finalists in this contest:
Jane Clocker, Candy Hargrove, Shelley Stevens, Flora Brooks, Deb Thomas, Nancy R. Shotick, Keri Minnick, Gayla McDonald, Debra Shetler, and Tanya Anderson.

To Be an Elm Creek Quilter  provides templates for traditional block patterns, insights on foundation piecing, and insights on applique (hand or machine) designs.  All of the blocks are lovely and can be used to create a sampler showcasing these top ten blocks from Jennifer's fans.  Insights are also provided to layout these blocks. 

This is a delightful ebook with easy to follow instructions that will help you make beautiful blocks, and create your own Elm Creek Quilt.  Yes, you can be an Elm Creek Quilter!

Published by C&T Publishing, Inc.,
PO Box 1456, Lafayette, CA 94549.

You can purchase a copy of this delightful ebook directly from C& T publishing:  click here


  1. You come up with the most interesting things to show and tell us.

  2. Sounds like a good book - i'm just learning how to sew, but i'm interested in eventually trying out quilting so I'll check this out down the road when i get to that point :)

  3. I got your package full of fun treats! Thank you so very much!!!

    Ferne Watt


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