
Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Can you Snagit?

One of my favorite computer tools is a software package called Snagit.  I doubt that many quilting, sewing and embroidery enthusiasts have heard about it before.  But, I do believe many would find many uses for Snagit.

Snagit Version 9 is a very easy to use software that allows you to easily capture images (or portion of an image), that you see on your computer. You can then do many things with this image.  For example, you may want to save it for a future reference (e.g. an idea for a future project), email it to a friend, edit it, or use the image to post to a blog or create a greeting card!  I'm sure the possibilities are endless.

I can truly say a day does not go by that I do not use Snagit.  This software helps me Go Green, by being able to save information electronically vs printing everything. 

Snagit version 9 is even easier to use, than previously easy to use versions (amazing that they could make it easier, but they did).  And, this screen capture software has five different capture modes with over 40 ways to copy text, videos, images and websites content from your screen.   You could:
  • capture an entire web page to a file, or,
  • select and capture any area you see on your screen, or
  • create a video by capturing steps you perform on your screen (perfect for creating training tutorials that involve software applications, such as EQ6, digitizing software, Photoshop, etc.), or  many other opportunities.

Are you wondering what the photos that I've shared have to do with Snagit?  Nothing, except that they are photos from two sites that are having giveaways and I used Snag It to capture images from these sites.  As my blog is targeted towards quilting, sewing and embroidery enthusiasts I wanted to show you some examples of how I use Snagit, before I showed you insights on the software.

Snagit Version 9 is really easy to use.  While on a web page (or in a software application), where I want to capture an image, I run in parallel Snagit and the above program pops up.  I press that red button, where Snagit provides easy to use hand tool to allow you to draw a box around anything you want to capture, and from there you can simply save to a JPG or edit first inside of Snagit.   Way cool.  I love this software!  I'm sure you'll be able to snag it with Snagit Version 9!

I hope you'll check it out and try the 30-day trial. I think you'll like it and want your own copy.

But remember you still need to adhere to not copying from sites that advise do not copy without owners permission!  In the case of the two blogs, with giveaways, that I copied from, I did have permission.  They are:  Kelly of IHAN is having 30 days of giveaways.  Some of her giveaways are shown in pictures above.  But unfortunately, she doesn't have a free copy of Snagit to giveaway.  Yes, SewCalGal has a giveaway for five beautiful quilt patterns from Cozy Quilt Designs. Sorry, I don't have a free copy of Snagit to giveaway either. But I do recomment this software and feel it is absolutely perfect for quilting, sewing, and embroidery enthusiasts who blog, write tutorials, or simply want to Go Green and save things electronically vs print!

Go Green! Go Snagit!

Snagit is provided by TechSmith, which has great tutorials for this software (not that you may need them, as this software is really very user friendly). There is even a free 30-day trial of this software:

For more insights on SnagiIt:


  1. You are good!!! I need Snag It. I'd get it today but I won't be able to use it until I get back home. You always have the best insights on the coolest things. Thanks for sharing....definitely sounds cool and helpful too.


  2. I love Snagit! It is so very useful, everyone should use it! I never know what kind of wonderful nuggets I'm going to pick up from you - thanks!

  3. I LOVE snagit. Use it every day at


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