
Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Sew You Want To Be A Quilter

Have you heard about the new board game designed for quilters?  "Sew You Want To Be A Quilter" is a delightful trivia board game  for quilters, where 2-8 players can have fun sharing their knowledge of quilting, learn new insights, and simply have fun sew-cializing and playing this game together.

The game is comprised of a Game Board, eight colored "Spools of Thread" (which are the game playing pieces), a single die (to control game flow).

Like many board games, players roll the dice and move around the board. Players can land on Perks and Quirks spots whereby they get card that provides further instructions and excitement. To clarify, Perks are the benefits and Quirks are the penalties that the player will experience in this fun game.

Examples of the Quirks:
- Cut your batting too small. Roll the die and answer another question. If wrong, you lose a turn.
- You ran out of the fabric for the quilt you need to complete by tomorrow.  Roll the die and answer another question.  If wrong, go to the nearest intersection.
- You burned yourself on the iron.  Go to Satin Stitch Hospital.

Examples of the Perks:
- Your spouse comes home with a vacation ticket to Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. Roll die and answer another question.  If correct roll again and move the number on the die without further penalty or credit for space.
- Your quilt has been selected to appear in the National Quilt Magazine.  Move forward to the nearest intersection.
- You win a door prize at a guild meeting.  Roll die and answer another question. If correct roll agian and move the number on the die without further penalty or credit for space.

This game has been created by Northwest Quilting Productions, which has also released a "Your Town CD". On this CD you will find patterns for all of the buildings on the game quilt, as well as a detailed manual containing tips, tricks, techniques and guidelines for creating your own town in Raw Edge Whole Cloth Applique. 

This is a delightful board game for quilters.  Perfect for sew-cials of 2-8 players.  And, this would also make for a fun quilt guild meeting, whereby multiple tables are set up with "Sew You Want To Be A Quilter" for members to play and enjoy.  An inexpensive entertainment activity that can be played again and again!  It also makes for a great gift!

For more information, or to order a copy check out:


  1. I am sure I would have a good laugh about the "Quirks Cards" in this game! The examples you've shown are things I've been able to relate to at one time or another as a quilter! Too funny!

  2. What will people think of next...I am afraid I would lose, my knoweledge is limited...but looks fun.

  3. Sew, who wants to play with me? I doubt the family wants to!


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