
Monday, April 19, 2010

Hawaiian Quilting

Hawaiian Quilting is a style of quilting that always catches my attention, and a style that I love to make.   Over the years I've made many king size, queen size, lap and wall-hanging quilts.  A few have been given to charity fundraisers, and some have been given to friends. 

I realized I had a photos of a few of my Hawaiian quilts on my laptop. As such, I thought I'd share. I have a few King size Hawaiian quilts, that I've actually found too large to photograph...but someday hope to be able to get a photograph of them that I can share.

While working full time, a King Size Hawaiian Quilt typically takes me two years to complete.  A lap quilt or wallhanging ~6 months.  But, in both of these scenarios I tend to also make other quilts at the same time. I guess you can say I having Quilting ADD.  Clearly, I can't stay focused on one project for a long period of time!  Yet it is funny, as I do have many UFOs, but not a single UFO is a Hawaiian Quilt. Probably because I really do enjoy making them.  I enjoy the process of the applique, the relaxation of the echo quilting, the excitement of feeling closure when I add the binding.  And, throughout the entire process I think of the history of how such beautiful quilts were designed, made and shared among various generations and friends, as well as given as special gifts.  Doesn't this sound similar to traditional quilts?  Yes, gifts of love.

If you are interested in learning more about Hawaiian Quilting, you may want to check out the following links:


  1. Those are beautiful! I'm going to Hawaii next month, and I'm scouting around looking for the best quilt/fabric shops to visit. I'm going to check out your websites that you shared. Thanks!

  2. I am impressed! I LOVE Hawaiian quilts, and marvel at anyone who can do that kind of applique since I'm a "fuse it and forget about it" girl. Gorgeous quilts you've shown here. I especially like the one in the last pic!

  3. Oh, wow...I just LOVE the look of Hawaiian quilts but would never attempt one as my applique skills are not good at all. I do like hand-quilting, that part I could handle. Your work is lovely!

  4. WOW!! Those are beautiful!! I don't think I could ever do somethign like that!!

  5. Your quilts are beautiful. I didn't know much about this style until I started reading the Aloha Quilt (book by J.Chiavarini)

  6. I always find something out that I never knew before. I had never heard of Hawaiian quilts.
    Really beautiful. x x x Far too good to hurry.

  7. Wonderful quilts. I have always wanted to make one but never have gotten up the courage to tackle it :(

  8. I too love Hawaiian quilts. I took a class and ended up with a couple of pillows. :) Still have plans to do more. I'm impressed that you have done so many. You go girl!

  9. I am just finishing the Aloha Quilt (book by J.Chiavarini)and it has really gotten me thinking about trying a quilt in the Hawaiian style. Your quilts are beautiful: do you make your own patterns?

  10. Beautiful! I like the second especially. I was wondering what applique method you used...

  11. Beautiful quilts! Hawaiian quilts are so different and eye catching. I'm impressed you manage to make King size quilts and work full time and blog!


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