
Thursday, April 29, 2010

Painting Barn Quilts


I have been having fun painting Barn Quilts. While some would consider this difficult work, EQ7 definitely makes it fun.  To clarify, painting Barn Quilts would be fun with EQ6 or EQ5, but it really is so much easier with EQ7.  While I'm planning on sharing more insights with you in the near future, about EQ7, I suspect you are wondering how I can share insights about EQ7 given it doesn't ship until June 7th?  Well, I've had the pleasure of being one of the volunteers to Beta Test EQ7.  Thus, I can truly say EQ7 is "Fantastical". 

While playing in EQ7, painting various block designs (5,000+ copyright free blocks in EQ7) I had fun with the vast amount of paint selection EQ7 offered (5,000+ new scanned fabrics, plus grayscale textures).  Needless to say, I was very impressed with how fast I could paint so many barn quilts and how easy EQ7 is to use.

So, when I heard AccuQuilt was  having a "Barn Quilt Design Contest", I knew that I had to enter one of my barn quilts.  But which one?

I'm really excited about this contest, as AccuQuilt has some generous prizes:
  • 1st Place:  $1,000 AccuQuilt Shopping Spree and a trip for two to AccuQuilt headquarters for the unveiling of the winning design
  • 2nd Place: $500 AccuQuilt Gift Certificate
  • 3rd Place: $150 AccuQuilt Gift Certificate

Deadline for entries is midnight, May 14th, 2010.  Thus, there is plenty of time for you to create and submit your design to AccuQuilt, for their Barn Quilt Design Contest.  You need not own an AccuQuilt product to enter, need not have to purchase anything from AccuQuilt, and you don't need to submit a design that you created using EQ software, I just think that it is so much more fun and faster to use EQ software for this contest.  And, of course, while I wanted to share with you my Barn Quilts!

Of course, I'm really hoping to win first place in this contest.  I would just love to meet the wonderful people at AccuQuilt and see Lincoln, Nebraska!  And I'd love to see my quilt block displayed on the AccuQuilt offices!  But, as I'm a firm believer half of the fun of winning any contest is dreaming about what it would be like to win.  And for me, I also had so much fun using EQ7 to create these blocks I feel like I'm already a winner.  
I do hope you'll take time to enter the AccuQuilt Barn Quilt Design Contest?   And I hope that you use EQ to create your unique Barn Quilt blocks too! 

For more information on AccuQuilts' Barn Quilt Design Contest:

I also want to thank Penny, who recently shared photos and insights, on her blog,  of a beautiful barn they are building.  Penny was kind enough to let me use pictures of her barn, to show off my quilt blocks.  Maybe if AccuQuilt doesn't select my blocks I can get Penny to paint them on her new barn.  {sorry Penny, but I really do think your barn will look better with a block painted on it}.


  1. It really is a great contest B U T it's not open to those of us living outside the US. (Boohoo, 'snotfair, stamping foot.)

  2. Although you are already a winner, I would love to see you win this contest!

  3. I am definitely upgrading to exciting! Glad that you like it!

  4. Not sure when I'll be able to , but I will eventually be upgrading to EQ7 too. I liked the barn quilt contest idea ... but we've had so much going on -- a birthday, a baptism and Mother's Day ... eeeek!

  5. Hey, when you win and get to Lincoln, I'll volunteer to drive you up to Fremont and here and there and whereever you want or need to go!!!!


  6. YES! I agree those barns definitely are improved with your 'quilts' on them. I'm eagerly awaiting my EQ7.


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