
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Aloha Quilt

The spirit of Aloha and Hawaiian quilting has certainly been captured in the new book by Jennifer Chiaverini.  "The Aloha Quilt" is the sixteenth book in the Elm Creek Quilt series. And, from my perspective, it is a delightful book that is perfect for quilters, as well as those that love Hawaii.

The basic plot of this book: Bonnie leaves her comfortable surroundings of Elm Creek Quilters in Pennsylvania, while going through a divorce, after finding her husband has been having an affair.  Bonnie takes on a role as a consultant to a friend from college, Claire, who wants to create something similar to Elm Creek Quilters, in Hawaii.  Both Bonnie and Claire focus their energies on planning for the opening of the "Aloha Quilt Camp".  Indirectly,  Bonnie is introduced to the Aloha spirit, and learns more than new quilting techniques.  Hint:  Life can toss a surprise or two when you are least expecting, but you can survive with the support of family and friends.

I loved the insights that were weaved into this Elm Creek Quilter's story, sharing insights about Hawaiian history, culture, values and quilting. While this was my first book to read, in the Elm Creek Quilt series, I found it to be an easy to read and entertaining book.  And, I definitely recommend it to others that enjoy a heartwarming story and/or fiction stories that focus on quilters.  This delightful book is sprinkled with qulting fun, and peppered with great insights on Hawaii.  Even if you are not able to travel to Hawaii, to read this book, I think you will enjoy reading it, where ever you are,  and you will certainly want to read more of the Elm Creek Quilt series.   I know I certainly want to read more of the Elm Creek Quilt series!


  1. I love your picture at the top of the post!

    It sounds like a really good read! I haven't read any in this series, either, but if I do I will start with this one you've recommended!

    Aloha to you, too!

  2. Maybe I need to start reading these series???

  3. I enjoyed the book - I started the series from the beginning & look forward to each novel as they are released.

  4. Hello, I have this on order from our library.. I love all her books. Thanks for the info, I didn't know it was out??

  5. I felt the same way about this book. I have read all of her books and this is one of the best.

  6. I love the Elm Creek Quilts series, I think I've read most of them. I'm thrilled to know she has a new one out!

  7. I might have to get this to read on my trip to Maui!


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