
Monday, February 1, 2010

ToteTuesday to benefit American Cancer Society starts tomorrow!

You are invited to come join the fun at ToteTuesday tomorrow, and please feel free to invite others. 

ToteTuesday, a FiberArt For A Cause fundraiser for the American Cancer Society, will open tomorrow, Tuesday, February 2 and continue through March. It’s a fundraiser AND a showcase for everything that is fun and creative about the fiber arts.

A variety of beautiful totes (~5-7 each week) created by various fibre artists, and filled with delightful fiber arts (knitting, art quting, mixed media and surface design products) will be released each week for auction.  These weekly auctions will be held  from 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. CST every Tuesday with a required opening bid with additional bids requested in $10 increments. There will also be a Go for the Gold! price if you can’t wait to own the tote AND want to be a champion supporter of the ACS. Any donation you make above the retail price is (upon advice from your accountant, of course) tax deductible. All donations will be made by credit card to the ACS through the FFAC donation page. You will receive an immediate receipt. All shipping is FREE to buyers.

{above}  Delightful tote made by Pokey Bolton is one of the beautiful totes that will be auctioned off during ToteTuesday!
{above} Every tote is also filled with various goodies.  This photo shows insight on some of the goodies in Pokey's bag!

Each tote will have an opening bid indicated which is the retail price. Bids must be made in increments of $10.  Bids should be made by e-mailing Virginia(at)  Email bids should use the subject line “ToteTuesday Bid.” or use the subject line “Going for The Gold” if you want to own the tote immediately. You may include bids on more than one tote in one e-mail.

To view these beautiful items up for auction each week, and to bid, check out Virginia Spiegel's blog: for more insights. Mark your calendars, as the bids will be open 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. CST every Tuesday, starting tomorrow, thru March!

Please remember proceeds benefit the American Cancer Society and  can make a difference by letting friends and family know about ToteTuesday.

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