
Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Threads Magazine Archive 1985-2009

Threads Magazine has released a delightful CD that contains 146 issues of Threads Magazine from 1985-2009.  SewCalGal is very impressed with the quality & ease of use of this CD, which enables easy access to viewing  a vast collection of issues and insights, from Threads Magazine, a publication by the Taunton Press. 

This CD is easy to load on your computer and the software makes it very easy to view the 146 issues of Threads Magazine, page by page, starting with issues #1.  Isn't it amazing that 146 isssues of Threads Magazine are all  stored on a single CD! 

The software also enables easy key word searches (e.g. quilting, embroidery, art, etc).  You can even search by author, department, title or sub-title, or you can search a large text string if there is something specific you are looking for.   And, in each search I found  insightful articles instantly; much faster than I would trying to pull out old issues of Threads Magazine! 

Want to learn to piece perfect points on a quilt?  I did a quick search and came across a delightful article by Ami Sims in Threads Magazine issue #39.

Want to read "THE EXQUISITE ART OF QUILTING BY MACHINE",  by Diane Gaudynski that was published in Threads Magazine February/March 2002 issue?  I found it quickly via software that came with this CD. 

Even if you have this issue in your library,  I'm confident I could find any article on this CD and read the article faster than you could find it in your library!

Do you know how to embroider on sheer fabrics?  If not, I think the article "THE SECRETS TO EMBROIDERING SHEERS BY MACHINE", by Adrena Johnson-Telfair, published in Threads Magazine April/May 2003 issue could help.  And, even if  you subscribed to Threads Magazine in 2003,  you may not have been interested in embroidery in 2003, but you may be interested in embroidery now!  Which shows another example how helpful this CD can not many people will still have back issues of magazines taking up space in their home libraries.

It is amazng to see how many fantastic issues Threads Magazine has providing sewing, quilting &
embroidey enthusiasts in the last 25 years.  While SewCalGal looks forward to future issues of Threads Magazine she is also delighted for the ease of use of reading issues over the past 25 that have been compiled by Taunton Press in this one CD "Threads Magazine Archive 1985-2009".  

For more information on this CD, go to:


  1. That is so amazing. To think if we could get all of our magazines on much space it would save in our rooms? To have information at our finger tips!!

  2. Wow! I wish a few other quilting magazines would put their all issues on cd's like this. It would sure clear up some shelf space for me! And the ease of finding certain articles sounds amazing.


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