
Thursday, February 18, 2010

Negotiator Update

My PC Negotiator gave it his all, but concluded it wasn't worth the $$$ to pay for an on-going relationship with a two year old laptop (that had given me nothing but problems from day 1...and has been on strike more days than it has ever worked). 

Needless to say, I've fired that laptop.

As this laptop was made by a well known manufacturer, whom I had been loyal to for many years, at one time I would have really liked to have had this decision be a win-win.  But, I'll be honest, this particular laptop went on strike less than six months of service.  It was returned to the Manufacturer 3 times, plus at different times parts sent to me.  The Manufacturer could never repair it, and this laptop remained on strike until it went out of warranty and the Manufacturer refused to service it for the 4th time (never repaired for the other 3 times).  Fortunately I purchased this laptop with American Express, and they double the warranty.  The laptop was then shipped off to a different repair place who quickly repaired the unit (even though 3 visits to the original manufacturer could not fix it).  But now, at the two year mark, given a new reason for it to strike has happened I really don't see any reason to continue to work with it, or be loyal to the Manufacturer.  

I struggled with how to send the message, and hope I'm being polite.  But the conclusion is the same. I can't move on with this computer or manufacturer. 

Ultimately it looks like I'm going to have very limited access to the internet, until I can hire a replacement laptop.  Fortunately my PC Negotiator was able to give me a cool hardware tool, which contains the hard drive of my fired PC, for me to migrate data to my new PC.  Still, I know the migration process isn't easy and I still need to hire a replacement laptop.

Until I can get back up and running, my posts (and emails) will be limited.  I can borrow PCs, but I can't migrate all my files to these PCs, thus making it difficult to continue research and sharing insights.  But life goes on. The strike is over!  I've accepted it, and am actually happy to fire this particular laptop.  Now looking for a new brand to be loyal to!

In the meantime, please know I'm still accepting nominations for the Golden Quilter Awards, which I'm also hosting a giveaway.  Nominations will be accepted in February  via email or posting comments on any of my blogs.  For more information:   In March, I'll announce all of the nominations and start accepting votes for the winners of a variety of categories.  And, in March, I'll have another giveaway in support of the Golden Quilter Awards.  Plus, those that like giveaways and enter in February your points will be carried over for the March giveaway.  Please help spread the word.  There are a lot of categories and all nominations (appropriate nominations) will be recognized.


  1. I hope you can come up with a replacement. I purchased a computer before I left the states, it was giving me grief, then my husband stepped on we got the same computer (only because they said it would take the applications we had better) and so we are having problems with it....never I understand your frustration and am so sorry.

  2. So sorry about your computer issues. I also had computer issues all of last year. Not only my laptop but my desktop. I replaced both and have not had one issue since. I hope you have the same luck.

  3. Sorry you are having all this trouble with your computer.

  4. Well....sounds like it is time to say goodnight Dick. And Hello Dolly :)

    Should have bought it from IHAN....I would have driven over to the manufacturer and swapped yours for the CEO's laptop.....and given them the "you've got nerve" stare!!!!

    You could secretly give us the e-mail address of the companies CEO and everyone could give a mean stare into our cameras and we could put together a slide show of angry women faces....that would scare them into giving you a brand new of charge :) least it was an idea...LOL.


  5. Sorry to hear of your computer troubles, not much fun! We share our family computer, my Larry and I. It's a Mac, Larry's a graphic artist and it is used for any freelance work he may have. For me, it's just the problem of sharing screen time when he has work! I hope you can get a new computer soon, stress-free, hopefully!

  6. Sorry about all of the problems! DD computer pooped out on her a week before finals, not fun! Good Luck!!

  7. Are you still going to stay with a laptop instead of a CPU?

  8. I am so sorry to hear all your problems with the laptop! I hope you can get a new one that will be everything you need it to be!

  9. Sorry about your computer.. Buy a Mac, no viruses and they're so user friendly. I love mine. Give it some thought..


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