
Monday, December 7, 2009

Fun Christmas Projects

I'm having fun making Christmas gifts and items to decorate my home for the holidays. It has been fun to work on projects while listening to Christmas music. And we finally have some rain in Southern California, so it now feels like winter has arrived.

Two fun projects that I've been cutting fabric for today are from patterns that I won from a C&T Publishing giveaway, earlier this year.

This cute design by Joni Pike, of Sew Speical Designs, is called Snowflakes (#810).  It also goes well with the Hillcreek Designs hand dyed button package called "Snowflakes".   I just love this cheerful snowmen!

And this "Krismas Kats" design (#795), also by Joni Pike of Sew Special Designs, is absolutely purrfect for Christmas!    And Hillcreek Designs has a delightful packet of buttons called "Krismas Kats" that works beautiful to embellish this quilt, as well as a package of buttons (#795) from Just Another Button Company.  I recommend this design and both packets of buttons to make this quilt spectacular for the holidays!

These designs are well written with easy to fusible designs, that make for a fast quilt project that you can quickly finish in time for Christmas!

SewSpecial Designs

Hillcreek Designs:

Just Another Button Company:

C&T Publishing:
C&T Blog:

And, you could even finish these quilt projects in time to enter them in the Virtual Christmas Quilt Show to win prizes.  Winner will be announced on December 25th!


  1. Love them....sounds like you are having fun....

  2. I love the Krismas Kats. What darling patterns. Thanks for sharing them with us.


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