
Saturday, October 31, 2009

My Favorite "New" Fabric Designer: BBS Designs, by Beena Singhal

I've been following (trying to not stalk) a very talented woman. Beena Singhal is a graphic artist that also loves to quilt. And she has been working hard to create a delightful line of gorgeous fabric, through her studio “BBS Designs”, which has just recently been released for purchase on

Beena's line of fabric is colorful, creative, and definitely unique. I think it will work well for quilting and other projects. And you know that any project you use Beena's beautiful fabrics will be unique.


I love the colors & designs of Beena's Beach castle and matching fabrics, she appropriate calls "Beach Days".


Beena has created some beautiful artistic panels that would certainly make a beautiful quilt, as well as other projects.

Beena has created the most striking pineapple designs I've ever seen.


And a lovely dragonfly design.

She created this very unique and beautiful coffee panel design.

Doesn't this beautiful pink fabric make you feel like you are in exotic Paris?



Again, Beena currently has her fabric designs available for purchase thru While these fabrics may be higher priced than fabrics in a typical quilt store, remember that these are unique fabrics that are also artistic fabrics. What ever you make with these fabrics will be unique, and I'm sure will be delightful. So, I hope you'll go check out Beena's beautiful fabrics at Spoonflower, and I hope you'll share with me what you create using her new line of artistic fabrics.

Beena also writes a delightful blog, which I also enjoy reading very much.


  1. She is very talented...thanks for showing

  2. Oooooo - I love that pineapple print fabric.

  3. I especially love the beach fabric!!!!!


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