
Friday, October 30, 2009

Happy Halloween

I hope you have a Spooktacular Halloween. 

As I don't have any decorations out for Halloween I've decided to whip out some placemats using EQ6 to help create a festive design.

Do you think this will work?

EQ6 is so fun to play with and so much easier to use than the early versions.  Don't you just love it?


  1. What a cute placemat. Wish I had EQ. We have an EQ expert coming to our guild next month and now I'm really interested is hearing what she has to say.

  2. I love EQ6 too..what a cute block!

  3. Do I love EQ6?
    Oooooh YES!!!!!!!!!!!
    And that cat would scare me!
    Judy B

  4. Love the place mat! Happy Halloween to you, too!


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