
Friday, October 9, 2009

Blogger's Quilt Festival

Thanks to Park City Girl for hosting the Blogger's Quilt Festival.  This is a fun online quilt festival that is a delightul virtual quilt show.  You can view all the quilts in one sitting, or pace your self and view a few at a time. 

Contestants are asked to post a photo on their blogsite of the quilt they wish to exhibit in the Blogger's Quilt Festival and share insights about their quilt. 

Park City Girl does a fantastic job organizing this show and I wanted to join the fun and enter one of my quilts.  But which quilt should I show?  It took me a few minutes to conclude, that while I've recently posted about this particular quilt (, I wanted to be able to share more insights about this quilt, thus I concluded it was the quilt that I would enter in this Festival. 

This quilt was made with the purpose of raising funds for Susan G. Komen For The Cure.  It is currently part of an opportunity quilt raffle, whereby donations of $25 (or any increment of 25) will be entered into the drawing.  To clarify, donate $250 to Komen and you will be entered into the drawing to win this quilt.   I have more insights about the steps to enter this quilt raffle in my prior post, but if you have any questions, please feel free to email me directly.  And, if you know of anyone that might be interested in this opportunity fundraiser, where 100% of the proceeds go directly to Komen, please feel free to share this post with them.

This quilt measures 58”x73”. It was made with with beautiful red, green & cream fabrics and machine quilted with a pointsettia quilt motif.

I'm passionate about fighting breast cancer.  This isn't a disease that only attacks old woman.  There are many young ladies that get breast cancer, as well as men.  We need more awareness, assurance that everyone can get treatment, and we need to find a Cure! As such, I fully support Susan G. Komen For The Cure's efforts and appreciate everyone's efforts who help in this cause!

If you would like to view other quilts entered in the Blogger's Quilt Festival and/or find out more about this fun event:

For every $25 you donate, your name will be entered into the drawing to win this quilt. (e.g. donate $250 and you'll receive 10 entries, donate $25 and you'll receive one entry).

All proceeds go directly to Susan G. Komen For The Cure.  While details are in my prior article, for how to enter this drawing, you can write a check made payable to "Susan G. Komen For The Cure" and in the comments write "SewCalGal" and mail your check to:

Susan G. Komen For The Cure

4699 Murphy Canyon Road, Ste. 207

San Diego, CA 92123

Donations need to be received by November 23rd.  I will be verifying with this Komen office for those that have donated, to participate in this quilt raffle, where the drawing will be held on Tuesday, December lst 2009.  And the winner will be notified directly, as well as announced on this blogsite.


  1. What a lovely quilt, for such a good cause.

  2. Beautiful quilt and for such a good cause. How nice of you to do that. You are truly a special person.

  3. Beautiful quilt. I love the poinsetta fabric in the middle and wish I could see the quilting design up close. Sounds fabulous though. Good luck with the raffle!

  4. A wonderful quilt for a great cause! Good for you!

  5. My favorite thing about Amy's festival...all the amazing quilts and blogers! What a beautiful quilt and what a fun blog you have!

  6. Crisp and graphic... a wonderful quilt. Good for you for supporting an important cause. Got my mammogram scheduled!

    Kay Mackenzie

  7. Love your quilt!
    Thank you for sharing.

    @ Loose Ends

  8. I love how the flowered fabric is showcased so nicely as the big squares and then mimicked again in the little diagonal squares throughout the quilt. This is truly lovely!

  9. Any quilt that is used for a fundraiser is a winner in my book! Well done!

  10. A beautiful quilt and for such a great cause too!

  11. I agree with Heidi above, - I really like the clever use of the flowered fabrics against the red and white. Very beautiful.

  12. This is a great quilt - just love the feminine tones and freshness - perfect for a fundraising quilt. Thanks for sharing it for the Fall Quilt Festival...

  13. Well done! Such a striking quilt and for a very important cause.

  14. it is so great of you to do this!! beautiful job and thanks for coming by my blog and saying such nice things.

  15. What a gorgeous quilt! Thanks so much for sharing it and for helping in such a great cause. My grandmother died from breast cancer and my mother is an almost-15-year survivor, so I'm always touched by such support. Thank you! :o)

  16. Gorgeous quilt!!! I, too, share your passion for breast cancer awareness. I will definitely check the links to find out more information. Thanks for sharing.

    I hope to check every link of the festival, but there are so many!!! and just when I think I am making progress, I see the list has grown ;-))) Fun!!

  17. Wow! I zoomed in on the picture, and the quilt is gorgeous. The quilting is also very nice.

  18. Lovely quilt and a great cause! I'm lucky to be a breast cancer survivor and all of us who are are appreciative of all the efforts of others to cure this disease.

  19. You have made a beautiful quilt with an equally beautiful cause to help!

  20. What a wonderful reason to make a quilt! and the quilt is sure a beauty! i love that pattern...

    what a generous soul you are! I admmire your spunk as an awareness advocate!! and as a Granny, I'm wishing that just as many women rise up for the awareness of Childhood Cancers, also. the poor babies cannot speak for themselves. so maybe we can abolish ALL cancers!! thanks for sharing!!!

  21. Love the quilt! Beautifully done!

  22. Great Christmas quilt. I want to make one one of these days. Have too many other quilts on my list! ha.

  23. Beautiful Christmas quilt. I just love the red and white forever. Thanks for sharing - Hugs Natima

  24. What a beauty! Thanks for funding a good cause.

  25. I love the colors! It is sure a nice quilt! thanks for sharing

  26. Beautiful quilt and I hope it raises a lot of money. My Mom has ovarian cancer and it is a real fight.

  27. Beautiful quilt with a purpose!!! Thanks for helping the war against breast cancer. I admire you and your quilt! : ) Thanks for sharing.


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