> ~ Insights by SewCalGal ~

Friday, March 14, 2014

Free-Motion Quilting Workbook, by Angela Walters

Angela Walters is an amazing woman, quilter, teacher and author that enjoys inspiring quilters to bring out the best in their quilt tops through free-motion quilting.  Her work has been published in many magazines and books, and have been shown at many major quilt shows.  She also shares tips, tutorials and inspirational projects on her blog, Quilting is My Therapy  and at The Business of Machine Quilting

SewCalGal was able to get a "sneak peak" into "Free-Motion Quilting Workbook: Angela Walters Shows You How!", by Angela Walters and published by Stashbooks, an imprint from C and T Publishing.

Many quilters learn a variety of free-motion quilting designs that they can apply to their quilts, but feel little gets taught on how to plan the quilting on a given project.  This new workbook focuses on the planning and gives you the skills and tools to plan free-motion quilting, where you will gain such confidence.  And your quilts will truly look more spectacular!

Using Angela's workbook approach you'll learn about combining designs, such as a dense free-motion quilting design, with a very thin lightly quilted design.

While you may fear you can't draw, the doodling techniques shared in this book help you mentally visualize how to stitch out your quilting designs to make it more beautiful.  As Angela shares, it doesn't matter what your drawings end up looking like, it matters that by sketching you know what you want to do next when it comes to stitching your quilt!

Angela walks you through the steps to break down your quilt top into smaller components, before you pick out quilting designs!  And, by completing all the steps shared, your come up with a plan to stitch your quilt. 

The workbook has many gorgeous quilts, all beautifully quilted.  And there are pages in the workbook with suggested block shapes for "exercises" for you to plan out how your would quilt such a quilt.  These exercises are awesome for building confidence for stitching your quilts and the techniques carry over to an endless variety of quilt designs.


Angela's motto is "If you can sketch it, you can stitch it" and this workbook an an excellent resource to help you gain confidence for learning to plan out how to free-motion quilt your quilts.

This new book will be officially published on May 19th, 2014.  But you can pre-order your book now thru C and T Publishing's website.  SewCalGal highly recommends this book to anyone interested in learning how to plan their stitching, as well as those that want to improve such free-motion quilting projects.  It is an excellent resource for those interested in free-motion quilting! 

You can find Angela Walters at:

You can find C and T Publishing at:

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beaquilter said... 1

Uhh I want to be like her!! love her quilting.... I've told people too to sketch it out before long arm quilting, it does help a LOT!

What Comes Next? said... 2

such an inspiring person and quilter! I can't wait to get my hands on this book, and the one that is due to come out in August!

Connie Kresin Campbell said... 3

Sounds like a great addition to anyone's library!!

JJ said... 4

Seems all that doodling as a kid may really have been useful. It looks like a great book to own.

Rebecca Grace said... 5

I love Angela's quilting and I will definitely be on the lookout for her book! I've been quilt-doodling like a madwoman on my iPad ever since I was told to practice that way in your 2012 FMQ challenge. I was skeptical, but it really HAS helped. It's also the ONLY way you can practice FMQ in the waiting room at the doctor's office. Well, I suppose I COULD haul my machine and set up in the waiting room, but I'm pretty sure the office manager would have a problem with that...

IHaveANotion ~ Kelly Jackson said... 6

Looks like a great book. I really like that she says, "If you can sketch it, you can stitch it." I've never thought of quilting quite like that.


2ne said... 7

She does great quilting and is an enjoy to see and learn :-)