For those celebrating Hanukkah, I hope hope you have a 'chag sameach'. And, of course, I hope everyone enjoys this video by Adam Sandler titled the "Chanukah Song".
For those celebrating Thanksgiving, I hope you have a very Happy Thanksgiving.
For everyone, I hope you find time to enjoy this weekend, to spend time with family and friends, and to hopefully find time to enjoy, as well as create.
If you are a new follower of SewCalGal, you may not be aware that I work hard to research and share insights about Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, Cyber Monday Sales (aka Steals and Deals) that may be of interest to quilters. And this is the time of year where I share such insights.
I actually launched "Fingertip Shopping" as a "sister" blog to SewCalGal. And Fingertip Shopping is where I try to share insights with you on steals and deals throughout the year. This is not a blog full of paid advertisement, but sales that catch my attention and I think are worthy of sharing.
If you are not yet a follower of Fingertip Shopping, you should pop over their soon to check out the deals I've found that are available this weekend - all perfect for quilting, sewing and embroidery enthusiasts. And, these sales only come once a year! And my insights are not paid advertisements, but a result of my research looking for steals and deals that might be of interest to quilting, sewing and/or embroidery enthusiasts.
One sale, I do want to call your attention to is hosted by Craftsy. I've become a big fan of Craftsy and found so much value in their classes that I signed up to be an affiliate. When you click thru to Craftsy from SewCalGal and purchase a class or a product in their online store a small % is given to SewCalGal (your price remains the same). I use these funds to supplement shipping expenses for prizes and giveaways. More funds earned by way of Craftsy simply means I can offer to host more giveaways and ship more prizes. So, thank you to those that do click thru to Craftsy from my site to sign up for classes at Craftsy or buy products in their store.
And, even if you don't want to click thru to Craftsy from my site I still want to increase awareness that Craftsy has an amazing sale going on this weekend. Their prices are always reasonable, but this sale is one that is simply too good to overlook. Even if you are too busy to take an online class right now, don't forget that you can sign up now (when they are on sale) and take the class at your leisure any time. And, a class at Craftsy would also make a great gift.
Here are some insights that I've heard from Craftsy on their sale this weekend.
Black Friday /Cyber Monday Sales at Craftsy!
All Craftsy classes are on sale $19.99 or less! Be sure to check out their sale on "supplies" as you'll find some AMAZING deals too!
Craftsy Class Sale up to 66% off from 11/29-12/2!
Craftsy has brilliant savings for a limited time only! All their online classes are on sale for $19.99 or less. With classes priced up to 66% off, now is a great time to get the classes you've been eyeing all year! Craftsy classes also make a great gift, so do some holiday shopping for the crafter in your life.
Craftsy Yarn and Fabric sale up to 80% off from 11/27-12/2!
Craftsy has brilliant savings on the craft supplies you want! With up to 80% off yarn and 65% off fabric, get the best prices of the year while you can.

Don't forget to visit Fingertip shopping ( to learn about other amazing Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, Cyber Monday sales going on this weekend.
And, in the spirit of Giving, I hope you also find time to check out the Quilter's Bee Giving Charity Fundraiser. There are some wonderful prizes in the online auction that you can bid on, as well as raffle prizes you can buy raffle tickets for a chance to win. 100% of your donation will go to benefit the non-profit charities showcased in this event. And, you can decide which of the four charities that you'd like to donate your money to!

SewCalGal, I really appreciate all the research and insights you share on your blog. I am thankful that you can share these fabulous deals. I missed the great deal on an EQ7 upgrade recently, but I will be checking out the Craftsy sales. I think I am ready to tackle some of these classes. Wishing you and yours a Happy Thanksgiving.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. May it be filled with blessings and memories made
I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family.
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