Over the years, there have been Collector Plates issued with various quilting artwork. Pondering .....how many quilters collect such plates and if there are enough of us to have a virtual Collectors Plate Quilt Show?
Do you collect such plates and have any with quilts on them? Do they hold any special memories for you?

I've never noticed these plates. I probably will now that you've mentioned them.
I've not run across any, but, I do check out the collectors plates at the thrift stores, just in case one has a quilt or vintage sewing machine on it. I'll look harder now.
I might have one. I started getting some plates with kitties on them, but now they are in a box, another thing for the yard sale, lol.
I collected plates years ago, but I do not think any of mine have quilts on them. I do, however, have a picture with a quilt.
I have a large box of my mother's collector plates that I haven't looked at in over 20 years. Shame on me!! Now I have to wonder if there are any with quilting on them. Maybe . . . guess I'll have to pull out that box and look won't I?
No plates with quilts here. If I had one would I be required to dust it? If so, I don't want one...LOL.
I've never "collected" them -- but I do have one or two by chance... Great question SoCalGal!
No I am not a collector but enjoy looking at them.
I do not have any.....
I've never seen them, but I'm with Kelly, if it needs dusting I'm not letting it in my house.
No quilt collectors plates :( All mine have Elk on them :)
Holey Moley! I just checked eBay for the set that I have (CHERISHED TRADITIONS) and the set is listed at $325! Mine are on the wall of my sewing room.
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