> ~ Insights by SewCalGal ~

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Quack Up Insights: Major League Quilting

quack me ups by sewcalgal copy
Are you a baseball fan?  How about a quilt fan?  Have you been watching  Major League Quilting this summer?    Well, if you are not yet aware of MLQ SewCalGal hopes you'll check it out soon and it will quack you up too!

Major League Quilting logo

Well, SewCalGal is sorry that she wasn't paying attention to share the scoop on MLQ earlier this summer, but as they say it is never too late until it is over!  Yes, there is still time to check out MLQ and SewCalGal wants to encourage every quilter to check it out.  MLQ is super fun.

Like major leagues baseball, participating quilt shops are divided into two leagues.  Each shop has a beautiful quilt which when they are up against another shop, quilters are able to log in to MLQ and vote for their favorite team (quilt).  Winning teams proceed to the next bracket.

Besides having fun and getting inspired by all of the beautiful quilts, you can also visit these stores online to get the pattern for their design or a kit.

You can also have fun watching youtube video reports of these games by "the Chief"  .

Some of the participating quilt shops include:   Cozy Quilt Shop (San Diego Madres); team managed by "shorty" who is also known to run a strip club!, Quilt Asylum (St. Louis Redbirds), Quilted Treasures (Minnesota Twinkies). and Stitchin Heaven Texas Wranglers.  Click this image for links to all of the participating quilt shops.

Each week two contests will be played:
  • Mondays the American League teams will compete
  • Thursdays the National League teams will compete
Game play will last for 3 days. During these 3 days every quilter is encouraged to visit the page for each quilt, read about them, and make a decision on which one should advance to the next round. Your vote is very important!

Games every Mon. 12:00AM until Wed. at Midnight CST ~ AND ~ Thurs. 12:00AM until Sat. at Midnight CST

The Miami Fish (Boutique 4Quilters) came up with a win in last week's game. This week the KC Loyals (Quilters Quarters) will take on the Detroit Tigers (In Between Stitches) in this second round of play. Like. Share. Vote. These teams are depending on your support to advance to the next round.

On October 21st Cozy Quilt Shop plays against Red Rooster Quilts And, of course, SewCalGal is rooting for her home team (Cozy Quilt Shop).  I hope you'll join the fun at Major Leaque Quilting and vote for your favorite team (shop) too!  There are many weeks left till the playoffs and every game needs your vote to help determine the winner that gets to move up the bracket.  While SewCalGal thinks all quilt shops are winners, I must confess I'm happy to cheer on Cozy Quilt Shop!

Cozy Quilt Shop

And let me know what you think of the quilts entered in this event.  Do you have a favorite quilt and/or a  favorite team?  SewCalGal certainly hopes this will quack you up too!  And, if it does, maybe you'll want to share it with a fellow quilter to bring them a smile too!

Major League QuiltingMLQ can also be found on Facebook:   https://www.facebook.com/MajorLeagueQuilting  

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Peg said... 1

What a great idea for people to support their favourite, I have to ask, is Shortys strip club of the fabric variety lol.

Good luck to all.

Peg xx

Marjorie said... 2

I'm so glad you found MLQ. I'm going to vote the rest of the way. What a fun way to shop.

Dana Gaffney said... 3

I haven't seen anything about this before, thanks.