There are twelve designs in this new book that range in size from 45 1/2" x 33 1/2" to 90"x91". There is also a Market Tote design 17"x17". Projects included pieced hexie quilts, as well as applique'.
There is an excellent section showing a really "Quick and Easy" Hexie technique with uses fabric cut in circles. No paper or plastic templates required!
All of the patterns have well written instructions that are easy to follow, with great visuals.
And the section "To the Rescue!" has the best information on Hexies that I've ever seen. It includes a handry Reference Guide to help you change the size of a project, use a different size circle of fabric, or combine the circle hexies with hexies you may already have. Plus it includes another Reference Guide that shows how many hexies you will need (and fabric) to make a Throw, Twin, Full, Queen or King with circles of 4", 6",8",10", or 14".

As I do enjoy making hexie quilt projects, I found the technique in this book which relies on circles, to be extremely easy, fast and fun.

Following the steps in the book, it was very fast and easy to create a hexie flower which could easily be turned into a quilt, or used as an applique' on top of a quilt, or other project.

Using this technique, the underside does look different than other hexie techniques. There are two layers of fabrics, giving each hexie body that makes it easy to work with.
The hexie techniques in this book also work well with the AccuQuilt GO! Circle die, but can be made using just about any circle size. This book also includes a Reference Guide to determine yardage, another to figure out how many hexies you'll need, and two sizes of graph paper to draft your own unique hexie design.
Click here to see a preview of this new book, published by AQS. I also hope you get a chance to check this book out at your local quilt shop soon. It really is a fun book, with innovative techniques that make it very easy to create hexie projects.
Did I mention a Blog Hop?
At each stop in the hop you'll learn about this new book and get a chance to win a copy of this new book.

Plus, one lucky winner will win an AccuQuilt GO! Baby and the Circle die which will really help making hexie projects shared in this new book. Visit Julia's blogs for more info on how to enter to win the AccuQuilt GO! Baby and Circle die.

Here is the line up for this blog hop this week:
June 3 Karen Griska (The Selvage Blog)
June 4 Susan Cleveland (BlackberryCreek)
June 5 Melinda Fulkerson at Melinda’s Blog
June 6 Victoria Findlay Wolfe (Bumblebeans Inc)
June 7 Sew Cal Gal
June 8 Kelly Jackson ( I Have A Notion)
June 9 Pat Sloan
June 10 Julia Wood (Hexie Blog and Green Quilts)
Did I mention a Giveaway?
One lucky follower is going to win a signed copy of this new book. To enter, simply leave a comment on this post. I'll randomly select a winner next Friday and update this post accordingly. I'll also send the winner an email to notify them.
I hope you have fun at this blog hop party this week. I'm certainly looking forward to it.
Update: Congratulations to Wacky Woman. Please email me with your mailing info to claim your prize.

1 – 200 of 214 Newer› Newest»The book looks great. Thanks so much for the chance to win.
This looks a great book! The method of using circles to make hexies is new to me!
Thanks for the book review! I'm intrigued, a hexie from a circle! Love to win the book, but definitely on my gotta have list at any rate!
I am still trying to work this out. I have made hexagons, using the paper method, for years, but still can't see how to do it with circles - and imagine having a machine that will do all the cutting out for you - sigh - BLISS!!
I'd love to be in to win!
I would love to win a signed copy of the book!
Thanks for the giveaway.
Oh what a great looking book. I love hexi's...And a simpler way to make without templates. That sounds too easy...Crossing my fingers to win and my toes too....Thank you for the chance to enter.
I tried to comment but now I do not see where it posted. If I duplicate post please delete one. I love hexi's. Wnat to win this book. Will be crossing my toes and fingers for luck. I love to make hexi projects and am allways toteing mine around working on makeing more of them. Thank you for the chance to enter.
I am so intrigued to discover this new hexie technique. Thanks for the chance!
This "new" way of doing hexies is intriguing. I look forward to seeing what is in the book.
Sounds really great! I love hexies!
Thanks for the giveaway!
Looks like fun! I'm always keen to try new techniques - this book looks interesting!!
I'd love to see a new way to make hexies. Thanks for the chance to win!
The book looks interesting. Thanks for a chance to win a copy! Hope I'm lucky.
Thanks for the chance to win. I have never made a hexie project.
You make these things so interesting...thank you for helping out with so many things for us.
I love this idea and the back of the hexies look almost as good as the front. I would love to try this new way of creating hexies. Thanks for sharing this book.
Can't wait to read the details of a new hexie technique and see some new hexie ideas!
Thanks for this giveaway.
Hugs from Spain
Hopefully this will be lucky number 1. Like what I have heard about this book so far. Would really like to give it a new home.
Interesting method. Certainly worth exploring, I love hexies
This is an interesting new way to make hexies.
thanks for the chance to win a book!
I'd like to win a copy of the book, the method sounds reallly interesting! And thank you for a most generous giveaway!
I'd love to give this new method for making hexies a try. Thanks for the giveaway.
Thanks for having a giveaway and the book looks like it would be a neat one to have!
This book looks like it would be very interesting --- I've been thinking about making a hexie quilt, but the traditional don't really appeal to me --- I like these. Thanks for the opportunity to win a copy.
Looks like a fun book! I love Hexies!
This does sound like an interesting way to do hexies. I love working on my hexies. Have projects in several sizes going.
This concept of a new way to do hexies is very interesting, can't wait to get my hands on this book. Hexies are another one of my Want to do someday projects. Jane
I`ve never try circle way,but sure I`ll try it.Thanks for sharing the tip!
This book looks like a keeper - I can't wait to try the technique - hexies are a favorite of mine!
Thanks for the giveaway-
Thanks for hosting today's stop on the blog hop! I follow your lovely blog via Bloglovin.
Thank you for the give away. I am intrigued by the idea of a hexie from a circle. Loved the look of the back! Very substantial.
I can't wait to learn this new technique for making hexies! Thanks for the chance to win a copy of the book!
sounds like an interesting technique! Thank you for a chance to win!
I 'm mad about hexies so I'd really love to win this book. Thanks so much for the chance.
Oh, I love me some hexagons! I make them while traveling for work on planes, in airports and in hotels!
I've not hopped on the Hexie bandwagon yet, but this book just might tempt me.
This technique looks so cool for taking along with you wherever you go & sew!
Great book! I'm just learning so this would be great!
It looks like the book has some fab projects. Thanks for the chance to win!
Looks like a fun book for hexies. I haven't done much hexie work as the papers or templates didn't appeal to me. But to make them without the templates would be great.
Enjoyed reading the review of this new technique of making hexies. Thanks for a chance to win.
Beth in AL
The circle method is indeed new to me, and I would love to win a copy of this book and try it. Reducing the prep time to get from a single hexie to a quilt would be awesome. Plus, I need the book so can learn how to put all those hexies together. I took note of your comment about the stability of the added layer of fabric. Thanks for the chance to win! I follow your blog too.
Thanks for reviewing this book, it sounds great! Can't wait for it to come out. Thanks for the giveaway!vickise at gmail dot com
Me encantaría ganar este libro y aprender esta nueva y fácil técnica de hacer hexágonos. Hace tiempo que es una de mis técnicas favoritas y sería una ocasión ideal para ponerla en práctica.
Pick me!! Pick me!! Love this technique.
I'm curious just how these hexies are made. Guess I'll either have to win or buy the book. Kathie L in Allentown
I haven't been bitten by the hexie bug yet, but I'm sure it's coming! Thanks for the giveaway.
I love making hexies and have a quilt in progress now. But I can't comprehend how you are making hexies out of circles. This is so amazing. I would really love to have this book. Thank you for the chance to win it.
I like the looks of that book. I've been resisting hexies, mainly because I'm afraid I will get hooked. :-)
The more I look at this book, the more I would really love to have it! Thanks for the chance to win one.
OOOh! I love hexie quilts!
I've been wanting to play with soem hexies, and this book would be a great win.
I love the Grandmother's Garden quilt and would like to learn more about making one. Thanks.
iw ould love to have this book. thanks for the chance
I have a "Forever" Grandmother's Garden in progress. But I would love to try the new technique.
I am interested in hexies as I have never used them. they seem to be all the craze right now!
Love the quilt on the cover of this new book.....thanks for the chance to win!
i'm enjoying the bloghop a really really want the book now, i need to figure out how she does it.
Looks great. Would love to try this.
I want to try this method. Thanks for the chance.
I'm loving these new hexies!
I would love to win the hexie book. I just cant wait to see if I won!
I would be super excited to win a copy of this book.
This technique looks super cool. Thanks for a chance to win the book.
I would love to win this book, it just sounds so interesting.
I've never attempted hexigons so this book would be a new adventure. Thank you for the chance to win one.
I've never attempted hexigons so this book would be a new adventure. Thank you for the chance to win one.
This new technique sounds very interesting. the book sounds great.
This new technique sounds very interesting. the book sounds great.
This past year I have grown to appreciate hexies! Would love to win this book!
now that is an interesting way to make hexagons. thanks for a chance to win the book.
It is my understanding that Hexies are addictive... not sure I want to find myself there yet!! But one day I know that I will go in that direction and not turn back!! The book looks amazing!
Looks like an intersting way to make hexies!!! I have been using the English Paper Piecing technique:)
I love hexes, didn't know they could be made with a circle. Thanks for the giveaway.
What a great new idea for creating hexies. I love this idea and lovely book! Thanks, SewCalGal. :)
Very interesting! I love those hexies and any way to make them is worth a try.
The book looks awesome.
I'd love to win a copy of this book - these designs look like _so_ much fun! :)
Winning this book would be so great, thank you!!
(smjohns63 at yahoo dot com)
Like the looks of this hexagon quilt. Would love the book.
Love the looks of this book, I am a big hexie fan and would love to check this book out.
I like the idea of saving paper.
I love hexies and like the way this book looks. Thanks for the chance to win.
I've never made anything with hexies mainly because of the paper cut outs and fiddliness of it. This looks like a great technique.
I'm loving all everyone's said so far about this book. It sure looks like a great book to have. Thank you for the chance to win a copy.
I am afraid Hexie's might be my new addiction and I will have to drop Solitaire on the ipad!
Jan Holman
I would love to win this book and join the hexie revolution!!! All my friends are making hexies but I haven't dived into the pool yet. This book might convince me to go for it!
I am very intrigued by this technique. Thank you for this opportunity
Am intrigued - a hexie from a circle with no papers. This is a must book and would love to win a copy.
It absolutely does look fun and easy!!
i love anything with hexagons...the book looks wonderful!
Thanks for the chance to win this book. I enjoy making hexies the EPP way. I always like to learn new ways to do things and this book looks great!
Thank you for sharing us the wonderful photos. :)
Love the hexies. What a fun new way to make hexies. Thanks for the chance to win.
I am really interested in this method for making hexies so would love to win this book.
Hexies from circles...sounds interesting!
Thanks for the chance to win the give away! The book looks great!
Love the excitement about hexie's & look forward to the book!!!
The book looks interesting. Thanks for sharing. I would love to try it.
I just fell in love with EPP and hexagons! A new way to make them sounds exciting!
Thank you for sharing!
I would love to win the go. I used die cutters as a teacher
Who doesn't love hexes! I want to win!
Hi! As a relative newbie, almost everything except straight stitch piecing intimidates me! LOL But I have always thought hexies are oh so cute and they are on my list of things that I want to learn at some point. Now I think winning this book would be an excellent opportunity to hop to it!! I'm so excited and I enjoy doing hand-work. Also, just found out that I have another baby quilt to make! Thank you for the chance to win!!
That looks like such a great book!
Hexies - love. Book - would love to have! Thanks for the chance!
I love hexies and this looks like a great technique! Thanks for much for the chance to win. o:)
I so want to win this book. I have been wanting to do a hexie quilt. This would be my incentive to go for it.
I have the circle die, but need the book now.
Thanks for a chance to win.
I'm intrigued by the technique. You show just enough to make me wonder how they made the hexies without templates?
Thanks for the great give away.
Hi there!
Sure would like a copy of that great hexie book!
Thanks for the chance to win!
Jacqueline VH
Thanks for the chance to win a book!
This looks like a really neat book. I'd really like to learn a quicker way to make hexies. Thanks for the giveaway.
What could be better than a whole book dedicated to hexis!!
Thanks for a chance to win!
Nice giveaway idea.
The back side of the assembled hexies is kinda cool.
I love that hexagons are small, self-contained pieces that are made and done. I love that hexies can be stored up without a definitive quilt design and are more interesting than just a triangle or square. Hexies are definitely a challenge to my imagination because I don't know how to arrange them.
That's why I need to win the book, and the circle die.
I would love to learn how to make hexies so thanks for the opportunity.
Would love to win this book. Have made many hexies but this method looks easier. Pocketbook is real tight right now so chance to win is appreciated.
I'd love to have this book. Thanks for the chance to win.
This does look like a fun book to add to the collection and great techniques.
Thanks for the chance to win this great-looking book!
The book looks fantastic! Thanks for the opp. to enter.
Looks like an awesome book! I love doing hexies and learning a new way would be great.
Thank you for a super giveaway and a chance to win.
I'm always up for learning something new. Thanks for the chance!
Cool prizes! I love hexies, and I'm intrigued by this new technique ...Thank you for the giveaway!
Hexies are still on my bucket list. Thanks.
The circle technique looks really intriguing! Thanks so much!
Must try the circles from hexies idea! Seems so quick and easy.
Wow, you guys are making this look so simple. Would love to win and check it out!
I've never made a hexi quilt before. I would love to win a copy of Hexi Quilts. You guys make it look so easy.
I would love to win this book and learn a new method of making hexies.
Not having to bother with pesky hexie papers or forms is intriguing. Must try!
I'm a hexagon junkie and I'd love to learn yet another way to make hexies!
I really want to learn how to do these hexes crafts!! So cool!
This book looks fabulous and the accucutter will make hexie-life so much easier.
This book looks like great fun! Thanks for sharing.
I love giveaways. Most of all, I would love to win this book. Thanks
Just found your blog hop. I feel very lucky today to haved found your blog. Thanks to Pat Sloan for promoting and sharing all the links to the blogs this week. I feel like I have found lots of new friends. I've never done hexi's before but this method inspires me to try.
Book looks awesome. I have been looking for a book for easy hexies. They looks intimidating.
This looks like a great book. I'd like to try the circle method of making hexies.
I love these hexies!
would love to win the Hexxie book. Nice portable hand sewing.
I "sew" love hexies!
looks like a great book
I'd love to make a hexie quilt using this book!
I loved the hexie flowers. Thank you for the book review and the giveaway.
I so admire your Hawaiian style quilts! Hexies are the new old IT now and this circle idea looks pretty cool.
ohhhhh.....book and a way to cut the circles...Sign me up Scotty!
What fun! A new method to making HEXIES!! Always such a great project to do on-the-go and while relaxing in the evenings, too!
Thanks for sharing and for doing this give-away.
I love hexies and would like to be able to do them without the paper.
I see lots of hexies in my future. Would love this book to guide me in that direction
I would love to win a fun new book, thanks for the opportunity!
This book looks intriguing and I cannot wait to learn their technique!
Sounds like a wonderful way to make hexies. Thanks for the book giveaway.
I would love to win!
I'd love a copy of this book - I love Hexie quilts!
I would love to win this book. I do so want to make a hexie quilt. Thanks for the chance to win
Would love to win the new book on hexies!
I'm so interested to find out about this new way to do hexies! Just started my first hexie quilt and am having so much fun taking them wherever I go!
Such a fun book! Thanks for the chance to win!
Thanks for the chance to win a copy of the book. I've been faithfully hopping to each blog but somehow missed this stop on your day. Better a bit late than never!
This book looks like such a fun inspiration. I can't wait to see more!
Would love to win, thanks for the chance.
As a beginning quilter, I am intimidated by hexies!! I'd love to give them a try though :)
Wow!! The reference guide alone would be worth the book. Can't wait to see the book, and play with this method.
I've made 3 Hexie quilts 2 small ones and a full sized bed quilt.
I've been obsessed with hexies! I would love to win the book. thanks
I love hexies and this book looks great. Thanks for the giveaway!
The book looks great!
I just bought two colorful fat quarters boxes from Craftsy that are from Free Spirit. These fabric would make wonderful Hexies with a white background. Thanks for offering an opportunity to win some great prizes and I would love to learn this technique and not have to use all those papers.
This book looks really good, can't wait to try the circle method for making hexies.
The book looks like it would be great for me to learn about hexies. Thanks so much for the chance to win.
I think cutting circles will be easier than cutting hexagons. I want to try this method. Thanks for the chance to win the book.
wow. I really am enthralled with this book! very excited!!! I so want the go now and the book! thanks for this fun preview and a great new idea.
I want to make the market bag. What fun! In bright beach colors! Thanks for the chance to win!
Looks like a great book and love the idea of not having to baste them.
I love making hexies . The book looks great and would to try a new way other than paper to make them. Thanks for the chance.
This method of making hexies intrigues me. I have tried a couple of other methods, but this one looks like the easiest and quickest.
I would love to win this book. Thank you for giving me the chance to try.
Thank You for the chance! I do love Hexies. The book looks great. Thanks again.
OOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHH my my I need this so badly. And my Moma Lynette is coming at the end of the month and she loves to quilt, so I would share with her for sure.
Vicki R
I am very intrigued! I would love to find out more about this technique! Thanks for the chance to win the book!
The book review sounds really helpful. Look forward to getting
a copy and start making circle hexies. I am ready for a
carry-with project. Thanks for the opportunity to win a book & the Acuquilt Go Baby cutter.
This book looks intriguing! I have some hex blocks put together, but not using EPP method, or this one! I hope I win, or I will have to buy this book.
Ay excuse for a new book! Thanks for the chance to win!
I like the circle technique. I plan o n trying it.
I have been having a great time making hexies for a couple weeks now and I am having so much fun - now I need a book to give me ideas on what to do with them! Thanks for the chance to win!
I love making circles to make yoyo's but the hexie's are so cute. I would love the book to see how it is all done!
Thanks for the giveaway!
I am a follower of yours & would love to win your giveaway!
would love to win this book, thanks for the chance. ♥♥♥
This book looks awesome! Would love to try the technique!
This looks like a fun technique. I look forward to trying it.
Thanks for the preview, I love a book with new techniques!
Gotta try this! I'd love the chance to win!
SO excited about owning and using this book!!! GREAT patterns and ideas in it! Thanks for offering this.
This way of making hexes looks a lot easier than the traditional paper pieced way.
I am so addicted to hexies I think I may need intervention. LOL! This book is totally amazing. I want it bad! Thanks for the chance to win it and the cutter also. :)
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