As a fellow quilter, you probably realize that getting a kid to experience quilting, sewing, crafting at an early age increases their chances of falling in love with it as they grow older and being passionate about such.
To my delight, many young kids are becoming designers, winning awards at shows, and launching their own businesses, long before many established professionals ever dreamed of doing. As such, SewCalGal is always looking for ways to inspire the next generation and eager to increase awareness of tools that help to do enable creativity among the young.
CT Publishing is committed to helping to inspire the next generation to embrace quilting, sewing, embroidery, crafting. They recently released an excellent post on their blog, about "We Love to Sew" and included ten tips for teaching kids to sew.
Needless to say, I was excited when I heard CT Publishing has created Fun Stitch Studio, a new imprint that focuses on the next generation! Kids are going to love this new line of books (and many adults too)!

This new line of books will include topics:
- sewing
- quilting
- embroidery
- paper crafting

There are cool projects in these books, which are targeted for kids to make as gifts, or to keep, all while encouraging crafting at an early age (e.g. 8-14 years old). While there are several books in the Fun Stitch Studio line, and more will be introduced every Spring and Fall, here are three new books perfect for kids to color, paint, draw, doodle and learn about combining colors so that they look good together:
Swirling Designs Coloring Book by Getta Grama

Doodle Designs Coloring Book, by Bethay Pease Sheets

Whimsical Designs Coloring Book, by Piece O'Cake

With suggested retail only $6.95 these books are an excellent way for kids (or doodlers of any age) to have fun playing with color and doodling! Just be sure when you order a set for the young ones to have fun with this summer, you also order one for you. After all, you'll be wanting to color these too (and maybe even stitch some of the designs out in free-motion quilting (FMQ) of your projects). To clarify, these books are not targeted for those doing FMQ, but SewCalGal does see some of the designs in these books as being fun to apply to FMQ.....maybe even using a variety of fun colored Aurifil thread?
You may even want to think of using these books for a summer birthday party for kids, or kids' party in general. After all, quilters love our sew-cials so why can't kids have even more fun coloring with these fun books and their friends. Add a few pictures of juice or kool-aid, some homemade cookies or cupcakes and these new books from Fun Stitch Studio and you'd be the hit with the kids and their friends. Can I come too?

Did I mention a giveaway?
C&T Publishing kindly shared these three new books for a giveaway for followers. If you are interested in winning one of these books (one book each for three lucky winners) please enter by completing this form: Rafflecopter giveaway form
You can find Fun Stitch Studio at:
You can find CT Pub at:
I am also happy to announce the winner of Beaquilter's EQ7 Applique' Blog Hop, from last Friday. The lucky winner will receive Quiltmaker's Quilting Designs Version 8. Congratulations to: Kathleen H.

Sit down and craft with them, but let them have artistic freedom. I'm constantly (and pleasantly) surprised by the choices my sons make.
Don't be too worried if they don't do it right - just let them have fun.
With quilting start small like a lap quilt or making a baby quilt for a brother or sister. Using fun fabrics with all kind of things on them will make it fun.
I want to teach my grand daughters to quilt and sew this would give me some great ideas!
What fun books! I think I see a new boredom buster for my kids this summer.
I taught my granddaughter to sew while she was little, by letting her sit on my lap. She watched me everyday, and asked to sew if I let her hold the fabric next to the needle. Not every child can do this or even want to try, but you use the moment when they are interested and see what happens.
My lil' Grangirlie just turned 6....she spends alot of time with us....loves to watch me sew, so she is learning to help me sew & pin pieces together...we cut the shapes with my Go!Baby. She is doing very well. She makes stamped cards with me, and now asking to learn to crochet! Goin' to be a FUN Summer!!! :) Kids learn by doin'...and being praised for what they do.
Doing it with them. Having fun doing it on your own so that they see that you love it. Making it part of day to day life.
My youngest is only 2 years old now, but already likes to draw. I do however have to keep a close eye, if I dont, EVERYTHING gets colored in..LOL
Is it crazy that at 44 I still love to color (no children necessary)! Thanks for the amazing giveaway!
My 10y old middle DS has been interested in learning to sew for a while - this would be just the thing to get him into it! Thanks for the chance to win!
I think for me my mom just let me get on with it and she was pleased with what I created which encouraged me to make more!
My 4 year old is super keen to sew. We do regular short sewing sessions. I won't continue the project without him, but when he gets bored we finish the bit we're on and set it aside for next time. I want him to own the project 100% but obviously at 4 he needs me there 100% lol
I often find sitting down with children and working beside them can get them interested in trying more things. They like to see a model when it is there first time trying something.
I've been encouraging my son to make things for gifts, or to decorate the house. If he can sense that someone will use and enjoy his creation, he is more motivated.
Sit down and do some crafting with them. It's fun to do things with Mom/Dad. Thanks for the great giveaway, these books sounds great.
Start out early with small, quick & easy projects. Let their creativity control the outcome. Give lots of encouragement. Thanks for the giveaway.
These books are sooo cute. Love the idea of introducing the next generation to color and design play.
I teach children's sewing camps every summer for the last 11 years. Kids love to create. We did a project sew week based loosely on project runway idea of challenges and it was a hit.
The best way to encourage kids is to let them see you enjoying it, then offer to let them "play" with you. Then if they show a real interest get them their own supplies (good ones, not cheap ones) and stand back to be amazed.
I think the best way to encourage children to do anything is to do it with them!!! Especially anything crafty!
I have 9 grandkids and they all love to paint and color. Of course, they want Grandma to join them in the fun, too. Sometimes, I'm still coloring after they've changed gears and are doing something else! lol
Encouraging children to sew starts by letting them choose pre-cut pieces of fabric to piece together for a simple project. They can show off something they have made.
You can encourage them by exposing them to as many different forms of crafting as possible, then seeing what "grabs" them. Everyone is different, so what you love may not be what they love. Thanks for the chance!
I agree with many others that getting kids interested in crafty things is often just a matter of taking the time to work with them. I recently taught my 9yo niece to do cross stitch and she is very excited about it. She wants to learn sewing next.
cool book, my kids would love it and also for church I think :-)
These look like just the thing for kids of all ages to occasionaly break a dugggg day
Always emphasizing the fun part of any craft and also making a quilt or pillowcase or any craft for someone else is always fun for kids. They do enjoy making a handcrafted gift for someone else.
My almost 6 year old daughter is already crafty. So, get her involved by making appliques for her name. And let her do all the cutting and the peeling the paper off the back of the fabric.
She loves it.
Also got her to start sewing her first wonky log cabin block.
Kids love to make gifts for the people in their life. I like to help my granddaughter make her gifts and encourage her with the making by coming up with new ideas.
hulseybg at gmail dot com
I believe you are never too old to color and doodle, love these books
My grandson loves to "Help" me sew and quilt. He cuts threads for me and hands me pins, etc. I ask him his opinion about things and as he is able to do certain things to involve him. I try to add a little something each time so he contributes and learns. He recently has helped press by pushing the steam button on my iron.
Thank You SEWCAL GAL for the giveaway! I am very excited have won and I am looking forward to use the Quiltmaker's Quilting Designs Volume 8! I also enjoyed Beaquilter's EQ Applique' Animals Blog Hop too!
Coloring with fabric crayons on muslin backed with freezer paper is a great way for children to make a quilt block or a tiny toy doll/pet pillow.
Start with something small and make it fun with fun colors and fabric that you have let them choose.
I failed as far as the quilting goes with my daughter although she cross stitches amazing thing. So with my granddaughter who just turned three - I have the sewing boards with shoe strings and yesterday she worked on those while I hand quilted. I hope to keep up with this each step of her development!
I love letting kids just craft - I cover up the kitchen table with an old plastic tablecloth, cover up the kids with discarded or outgrown clothes, then wait and see what happens!
With schools cutting back in the arts and crafts areas this would be a great way to get your kids or grandkids interested. Also a good way to spend time with them.
As long as it's part of your life,it will be part of theirs, too. Just make space for them to join you and have fun!
I invite my neices and nephew to come sew with me, and we make something fun. First it's usually a pillow or drawstring bag, something they can practice sewing straight. Then we make clothes or a small quilt. It's just a matter of saying "This is fun. Come spend time with me." I taught crafts at a summer camp, too. Kids usually love it. Just make time for them to do something crafty, and have the supplies. Don't judge their work, either. Let them play and have fun. It's art, so it doesn't have to be perfect. Let them use their colors and ideas, too. Don't tell them it has to be like yours.
I agree with teachpany. My aunt is an elementary art teacher. As a child, when we would spend time with her she would always have something crafty to do. Always hands on and didn't have to be exact. Now that i have kids, nieces and a nephew, i find i do a lot of the same things. Whether it is making paper, painting, sewing, etc. we find something fun to do that gets the creative juices going. It's not right or wrong, it's their own design.
i wait till they show an interest and then i teach them how. thanks
Have plenty of supplies on hand, and be prepared for "messes." Celebrate the process and the end result.
I think they learn frome example. If they see us enjoying it, they will want to try it.
Let them be creative and have fun, don't tell them to do so and so!
Start them young - give them your scraps to play with plus buttons, empty spools, etc., anything that they can play around with.
My favorite thing to do is, do it with them. I have a box that I throw stuff in and them we go thru it and make something. I've been teaching my grand daughters to sew. I do it one on one so there's no competition and they get to choose the pattern (within reason) and fabrics. I'm looking forward to this summer and more sewing. Thanks.
These books will be wonderful for Grandmothers. My 9 year old Granddaughter has made two quilts and is ready to to do more sewing projects. I have figured out that you need to direct kids into a project. Otherwise you get, "grandma can we make a bathing suit today?" No Honey, Grandma doesn't have a machine that sews stretchy stuff! I will definitely need these books this summer!
Sit down with them, listen to their ideas, and then help them with the practicalities to make the project real.
Thanks for the giveaway!
These books will be great for my summer visit with our two granddaughters! Thanks
really cool books! thanks for the chance to win.
Great books for my grandkids. Thanks for the chance to win.
test - this is all new to me.
I have taught my daughter who has no interest in sewing to make pillowcases. We make one each month. She gets to pick out the fabric. She get excited about this. Now she is asking about making a quilt. I think she has caught the bug a little bit.
test (sorry)
Sounds like a wonderful new series that will give folks lots of inspiration! Thank you for putting my name in the drawing.
These books are AWESOME - yes, you know you don't need to be invited to the party. ;) Hugs.
Encouraging them to sew small projects first.
Let them know that it is OK to color outside of the lines...or to make up their OWN lines!
Test once more please.
I have a scrap bin of fabric that I will probably never use, but I have it next to my sewing machine on the floor and I let my daughter (20mo) dig thru it when I'm at the machine. She keeps opening one of the drawers on my vintage Singer sewing machhine cabinet so I need to take out whats in there and put some floss and other scraps and ribbon in there that she can pull out and play with. I hope she'll want to quilt because some of the fabric I've bought I can't bring myself to cut up by maybe by the time she's 8 I'll be able to do it and hopefully she'll still want to help me out.
I have always included my two in any sewing or craft I am doing. They have created quilts with fabrics and sewn things together with my help.
My 3 year old sewed scraps onto a piece of fabric the other day on her own with my machine and I have just had a hand-crank singer restored so that they can sew on that.
I think that encouragement and allowing children to participate is really important - and giving them the chance to create something on their own gives them an amazing sense of achievement.
Kids have a natural curiosity, so expose them to as many sewing/craft projects as possible. Plant a seed.
For my granddaughters I just need to suggest sewing and have fabric ready.
I invite them into my craft room and let them explore!
Let them work alongside of you and start with a small project such as a pillow cover. I worked with a group of girl scouts a long time ago and I allowed them to embellish their pillow covers however the wished which they found lots of fun. Self expression adds to the fun of the project and keeps them interested in completing the process.
You gotta start them early and praise their attempts at creativity. Help them sew simple projects for themselves like pillow cases choosing fabrics and everything. If they don't want to do much more while young just wait, they may want to try it once they are adults. My youngest two are giving it a try after all my years of lamenting that noone wants to sew with me!!! Excited I am!!!
I would say encourage a small project with no expectations of perfection.
Thank you! I want to teach my girls sewing and quilting. The books will really help. Yeah!!!
My granddaughter is so fascinated by fabric! She sneeks into my string stash every chance she gets, like it is treasure. I recently introduced her to a glue stick and she loves to make collages!
We always kept our girls supplied with art supplies of all kinds. They kept themselves amused.
I'm so excited about this. I can't wait to teach my granddaughter about sewing and quilting. She already loves to play with thread and fabric.
My daughter is ten and learned to sew last year. I was getting a sewing class from friend and she wanted to do it too. I guess being excited about it made her want to try too.
Give them a few of their own tools that they can use on their own. Let them create anything that they can imagine. Thanks for the giveaway!
I think you have to listen to the kids and see what their interests are and exposing them to lots of different crafts. It's also important to do the craft with them and to be encouraging.
Thank you fo a super giveaway and a chance to win.
I loved to color as a kid and I still do!
These look amazing! I know that I would like them... I wonder if my grand daughter who is tuning 12 in a few days would like them too? What a great way to spend some 'Nana' time with her next time!
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