> ~ Insights by SewCalGal ~

Friday, March 15, 2013

SewCalGal's Virtual Sew-cial - International Quilting Day

Welcome to my virtual sew-cial.   If you didn't see it, you may want to check out insights I shared yesterday on other fun events going on this weekend, as well as some great freebies and giveaways.

What is a Virtual Sew-cial?

While it would be wonderful if we could all get together at some great retreat center, it isn't practical. Thus, I'm delighted to have you join me for a day of sewing and share insights virtually.  Hopefully we'll spend the day having fun in our own sewing rooms, or sewing with friends that are nearby, and share insights virtually via our blogs or, for non-bloggers, on flickr.  And, we'll know we are helping to create a fun International Quilt Day by quilting with friends all over the world.

I'm also hoping to collect some photos to be able to share a video of how participants spent the day and share on Sunday.

There are certainly many fun quilty events going on this weekend, many in celebration of International Quilting Day.  But, as SewCalGal has been a big supporter of making the US National Quilting Day and International Quilting Day, it just seemed appropriate that I host a virtual sew-cial.

And, I'm delighted that  Hoffman California Fabrics and Martingale agreed to sponsor this event and donate some wonderful prizes.  The complete list of prizes is at the bottom of this post.  They will be awarded to those that join this virtual sew-cial.

To join the sew-cial, bloggers can write a post on March 16th (or appropriate date for International participants) and share insights on what they are working on today.  Be sure your post captures the spirit of what this sew-cial is about.  DO NOT just link a blog post to enter to win a prize. Make sure you are sharing appropriate insights to this virtual sew-cial and celebrating the International Quilting Day!

And, of course, tips, tutorials are always appreciated, but not required.   Maybe you'll be willing to share insights on yourself with others that may pop by, letting them know where you live and what style of quilting you prefer.  What you share is really up to you!   We simply want to sew with you today and get to know you better.  Non-Bloggers can upload pictures to Flickr and add them to a group on Flickr called "2013 International Quilting Day".  Then, pick your best photo and get a link direct to that photo to add to the linky.  To clarify, one link per blogger and non-blogger can be added anytime on March 16th to show that you are participating in this event.

Linky entries need to be direct links to your current blog post, not generic links to your blog, nor links to old blog posts.  The intention applies to non-bloggers using Flickr too!

Of course, I hope everyone will visit all the participants in this sew-cial for a better chance to get to know them too!  This is all about fun and spending the day doing what we all love to do.  SewCalGal does reserve the right to remove links that have not followed the guidelines.  While I'll try to contact those that may need to be removed, participants should also check back at the end of the day.  Thanks for understanding.  If you have experience with linkies this probably won't be an issue, but if you are knew, definitely keep an eye on this and validate your link was accurately added!

I wonder how many States in the US will be represented, as well as countries?  I must admit, I'm always fascinated to meet quilters from around the world and learn from them.  Probably one of the best things of being a quilter that follows a lot of blogs. While I have many amazing quilters that live near me, as well as great quilt shops, when I started following quilting bloggers my world of quilting changed like night and day.  I know I can always find inspiration, great tutorials, excellent tips, as well as seek feedback from this amazing group of virtual quilting friends.  So, I'm truly happy to spend today sewing knowing I'm sewing with you virtually!

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

And what is SewCalGal working on?

While I rarely share what I'm personally up to, I will be updating this section throughout the day to provide some insights.  I'm hoping to work on two projects: 1) a quilt top for a great niece, using the Windy Ways design, and 2) a Machine Embroidery project that I need to have ready for the blog hop that Kelly (IHAN) is hosting and kicks off on Monday.  Silly me, I signed up to share insights on Monday.

Did I mention Prizes?
Thanks to Hoffman and Martingale we have some wonderful prizes for those participating in this event.  Winners will be randomly selected and announced sometime on Sunday.  Here is a lit of the yummy prizes.

One lucky winner will receive a yummy Sushi Bundle of Hoffman Batiks and Hand dyes.  You'll not find this bundle in stores as it is a special bundle that SewCalGal finds yummy and wants to share.
book review March-001
martingale logo
Five lucky winners will receive one of the following book published Martingale.

Super Scrap Quilts

book review March-003

Paper Piecing Perfect Points - 13 Fabulous Quilt Patterns,  Debby Kratovil

book review March-005

Fast and Fun Baby Quilts

book review March-002

Everyday Handmade - 22 Practical Projects for the Modern Sewist,   Adrienne SmitkeCassie Barden

book review March-006

Holiday Cheer Quilts

book review March-004

I want to thank Postage Angels and those that sign up for classes at Craftsy, via links on SewCalGal, as well as buy items on Amazon from links on SewCalGal.  As an Affiliate to these programs, what little funds I receive go towards postage expenses that allow me to ship these prizes to winners any where in the world.  It is still a subsidy to actual postage, but funds raised as an affiliate helps with postage expenses, thank to your help and support.

And, don't forget For those that use Twitter, all weekend long we can chat using the hashtag  #WWQuiltDay

I sure hope you have a wonderful weekend and find time to enjoy and create.  Especially so, on International Quilt Day!

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Raewyn said... 1

Seems like a great excuse to celebrate quilting!! Thank you for this!!

Geta Grama said... 2

Great excuse to sew even for non-quilters!

Nina Marie said... 3

ohhh what a great idea! I spent a great day on Thursday and will again on Sunday taking the whole days to finish up a big art quilt. But Friday and Saturday - I'm working - sighhhh - gotta get my boss in line with what day National quilting day is! - LOL!!!

Pam Quiltaholic Biswas said... 4

It is a wonderful day and I will be attending our Houston Modern Quilt Guild meeting, taking sewing machine to finish up a few projects, and finish basting a quilt. Excited to see what you have in store for today. Yipee, we have our own day for quilting....

Quiltsmiles said... 5

I'll be happily joining in on this fun event. Sorry I had trouble adding my photo and thought it would allow me to grab one from several days ago but didn't. Jane

Unknown said... 6

I Love that we have a quilt day.

I'm just getting back, actually
getting started at quilting, and
loving every minute of it. I am currently working on a quilt for my daugther the top is almost done. Also a skill builder block of the month with Pile of Fabrics. So I will be quilting all day long. I will post later on how i'm coming along.Nice to meet you. Debbie

Unknown said... 7

Thank you so much for hosting this! I don't have any quilter friends near by that I could quilt with today, but I still feel like I'm at a quilting party with tons of friends! This is so great and so fun. Such a wonderful way to celebrate quilting!

Martha said... 8

Happy International Quilting Day SewCalGal and thank you for the Sew-cial!!! I'll be working on a skull/motorcycle quilt today. Not the photo I posted because.... well, the skull isn't as pretty as the snowflake quilt in my sewing room :^) Have a great day everyone!!!

IHaveANotion ~ Kelly Jackson said... 9

How do you do it? Keep my blog and your blog full of such wonderful events? Amazing woman you are and I'm so very happy to be able to call you friend!

Big Hugs,

Nina Lise@Mrs Moen said... 10

Happy Quilt Day! Our day will soon be over now, but I am happy to say I have made progress on two projects today. I'll be checking out the rest of the links tomorrow.
Thanks for setting up this sew-cial!

Cleary (Cie) said... 11

Happy Quilting Day! Thanks for having this I added my link and the neat part was my blog post today was so perfect for this even before I read yours.
Cleary K.

Barb said... 12

YOu always have such fun things going on over here.... I am playing with my embroidery machine...whohoooooo

Bonnie Baker Lippincott said... 13

Always love your blog! Happy quilting day.

teachpany said... 14

I'm so glad I finally get to sew with you!! lol. I hope you are having fun, and will post pictures of what you are working on!

Kathy @ Kwilty Pleasures said... 15

It was fun sewing with you today. Just posted my LINKY - in the nick of time.....Happy NQDay!

prsd4tim2 said... 16

While I didn't actually sew today, I have big plans for the rest of the weekend. Meanwhile, thanks for hosting this "sew-cial". It was fun getting together with so many fun quilters. I just posted my linky - 11:00 pm central time. Happy IQD to you and all your readers.

sherry said... 17

thx i have enjoyed reading what others did on IQD...i packed up studio so i can paint it..

LJ said... 18

Always look forward to your posts; so informative. I wonder how you have time for any quilting/sewing!! SUPERSewCalGal is what it should read. Will the change in Google Reader affect you much? I've already seen many bloggers who are switching to Bloglovin. Another service that I've heard good things about is Feedly. Do you have any thoughts, ideas, suggestions for those of us who will need to make a change?

c said... 19

what lovely quilty sewing handouts!
I especially love the sea birds you have in your blog header. It reminds me of my favorite place, Port Aransas, Tx. but then it reminds me of a huge quilt bee, everyone talking, laughing and sounding like the birds-lol. I wish I could do points like Karen, I wish I had fqs you talked about, I wish...........i could spend a day with you creating. Thank you for sharing so much of yourself