> ~ Insights by SewCalGal ~

Friday, June 1, 2012

Fun Friday Giveaway: Kim Diehl Note Cards & Martingale Sale

First, I let  you know that Martingale has an amazing Warehouse sale where 35 + popular titles are on sale for $6 each!   This is a great opportunity to build your library, as well as purchase books for gifts, guild door prizes, etc..  But, this sale only goes thru this coming Monday, midnight.

I'm also delighted to share insights withyou on a wonderful card collection, published by Martingale, that has beautiful quilt motifs on blank cards.  The "Kim Diehl Note Cards" collection is a perfect collection for you to send special cards, as well as this collection would make for an excellent gift.

Martingale - Kim Diehl Note Cards

This collection includes 12 blank cards, with envelopes,  each with a high quality image of quilts featuring photos from quilts designed by Kim Diehl.

Martingale - Kim Diehl Note Cards

While I love all of the 12 beautiful cards, in this collection, I must confess I'm particularly fond of the card with this cute cat on this beautiful bed. 

Martingale - Kim Diehl Note Cards

Yes, this collection of note cards would certainly make a wonderful gift.  And, would certainly make for a special note for those that want to send a note that is far more special than an email, or e:card.  Ok, I'll confess I really enjoy receive cards via snail mail with a quilt motif. 

Did I mention a giveaway? Thanks to Martingale for donating a collection of these beautiful cards for a Fun Friday giveaway for followers of SewCalGal.

Want to win  this collection of beautiful note cards? Followers of SewCalGal can simply leave a comment on this post to enter. One lucky winner will randomly be selected and announced next Friday.

Want an extra entry ? For those on Facebook, go "like" Martingale  and leave a comment under their post about their new blog "stitch this", where you'll see a photo for this cute project and also find out about how to get six cool patterns for free. And leave an extra comment, under this post, to claim this extra entry.
Special thanks to Gwen R., of Orlando, Florida for being the Postage Angel for this weeks's giveaway. Gwen kindly made a generous donation to help with postage. 

I'm also happy to announce the winner of the Fun Friday Giveaway last week, for a copy of the new book "Decorate Your Shoes: Create One-of-a-kind Footware", by Annemart Berendse.  The winner is:
Brita (Scraps of Happiness)  Congratulations to Brita, who needs to email me within 5 days to claim this prize.


Wivi said... 1

So I'm the first to comment.
The cards are beautiful so I'll be glad if I win.

Pippas quilts said... 2

Thank you for Friday give away's I would love the cards.

Pauline G said... 3

Lovely cards-thanks fr the chance to win them

Linda Lee said... 4

Last day of school for the summer! I would love the cards. I also left a comment on Martingale's Facebook.

Sooli said... 5

These are lovely! I like the kitty one too - the quilt its sitting on is gorgeous. These would be perfect for sending with my block swap block each month!

Annemart Berendse said... 6

Congratulations Brita! I hope you enjoy the book!

Brenda said... 7

Love anything by Kim Diehl.

Mary Ann said... 8

I love sending cards with a quilt theme - thanks for the chance to win - these are gorgeous!

Mary Ann said... 9

I 'liked' Martingale and am glad I did. I also posted for their give-away of a paper-piecing book. Thanks, SewCalGal!

Ruth said... 10

The cards are gorgeous! Please add me to the drawing.

Karen M said... 11

Thanks for the heads up about the book sale. Thanks also for the chance to win these cards.

Leah said... 12

I love the matching pillowcase in the cat photo!

Sandy D said... 13

What awesome cards.Love them.

kay said... 14

I love Kim Diehl's quilts, and I have one in the works now. Thanks for the chance to win the cards!

yorkie mom said... 15

Absolutely beautiful! Kim Diehl is my favorite quilter/designer! Thanks for a chance.

http://thankfullga447 said... 16

This is great, I am always running out of cards, thanks for the chance to win.

Marjorie's Busy Corner said... 17

I am def. a very happy follower...these are lovely cards. Thank you for the giveaway.

Miss Jean said... 18

Thanks for sharing, these are sweet

Karen - Quilts...etc. said... 19

I would love to win those cards - as I was looking through your posts I was loving them and thinking of all the quilts to make from the designs.

Becky said... 20

I've looked at these cards in shops. Just beautiful! Thanks for your Friday giveaways!

Jacqueline said... 21

Thank you for a chance. I am no longer stalking your blog but am now an official follower.
There are 12 of us in our quilting group and a beautiful card like this would make their birthday even more special.

Deb said... 22

These cards are perfect for communicating with guild members who don't email, and they are some of the nicest I've seen. Many thanks for the giveaway!

Diane N said... 23

I love those cards! Thanks for the chance.

Teresa in Music City said... 24

Such cute cards! I have to agree with you on the favorite one - that cat is positively gloating about sitting on that quilt :*) He's clearly saying, "It's MINE, and you can't have it!"

Sue said... 25

I love those cards...especially the one with the cat! I have a painting of a cat on a quilt and I love it too! Crossing my fingers that you draw my number.

Deb said... 26

I "liked" Martingale and got a neat pattern for a fat quarter bag!
Thanks so much!

Mhairi said... 27

I am a follower. These are gorgeous cards and I would love to share them with my aunt who taught me to quilt and continues to foster my love of quilting.

Linda said... 28

I would love to win those cards! I've been a follower for a long time!

Jocelyn said... 29

I love Kim's quilts. And these cards are fabulous!!! Thanks!

Diane Wild said... 30

What beautiful cards. I would love to win them. Thanks for the chance.

Joan said... 31

What beauriful cards - I SO love to win them..... ever hopeful :)

Mishka said... 32

I used my last quilting card with a gift I mailed last week. These would be very useful right now.

I already like Martingale on FB and really enjoy their new blog, especially the Quirky Question posts.

Nancy said... 33

I'm with you... cat on quilt card is so appealing! I hope to take a class with Kim someday. Love her style.

WoolenSails said... 34

Love using cards like this to put into gift packages, perfect for a little note to the recipient and as thank you cards.


DuAnne said... 35

Those are just darling! Hand written notes is a lost art and that is sad. I love sending special wishes by the written hand. Thanks for the opportunity!

Cynthia Stockdon said... 36

Beautiful cards! I still like getting actual cards in the mail too.

Cynthia Stockdon said... 37

I just "liked" Martingale on facebook, but couldn't figure out which post to comment on.

Dar said... 38

The cards are beautiful. I send a lot of custom made cards to friends and family "just because". I have a close friend who loves Kim D - her classes, quilts and I know who would love her cards, so if I win, I'll share half with her. Thanks much.

janequiltsslowly said... 39

I have several friends working on Kim Diehl quilt projects right now. Such a great gift idea. I'm emailing them about the Martingale sale too. Thanks for the chance to win.

Cathy said... 40

I love receiving and sending quilt note cards. Would love to win this!

Sharon S said... 41

Always looking for quilty note cards. I liked Martingale. Thanks!

Linda E in NM said... 42

I'd like to have that cat to keep me company when I sew/quilt.

Anonymous said... 43

I, too, enjoy the snail mail cards more than online ones. These would be fun to send and to receive!

Laceflower said... 44

I'm quite taken with the quilt the cat in sitting on, very vibrant.

tubilinha tiacarminha said... 45

Sou sua seguidora e gostaria de ganhar.obrigada.

Richard Healey said... 46

Thanks for chance to win.

Richard Healey

Janet said... 47

The cards are lovely.

Jayardi said... 48

• • • I can always use more note cards. Thank You.

mary mahoo said... 49

Thanks for the Friday giveaways and the chance to win.

mary mahoo said... 50

I liked Martingale of FB, but couldn't figure out where to comment.

Jeanne said... 51

I would love to win these beautiful cards by Kim Diehl. Thanks for the chance.

Anonymous said... 52

LIKED + SHARED ON MARINGALE'S FB!https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1711336606


Anonymous said... 53



liberal sprinkles said... 54

oh the cards are so pretty. Thanks for the chance to win them!

sao said... 55

The quilty themed cards are adorable.....I am a follower and thank you for the opportunity to be a winner too!

sao in Midlothian, VA

Sallie said... 56

Love the cards! Thanks for the giveaway! Congrats to Brita!

Sallie said... 57

I like Martingale on FB and I subscribe to their Stitch This! newsletter. Wasn't sure where to leave a comment on their FB page, so I entered the giveaway for the paper piecing book. Thanks!

Bente-I like to QuiltBlog said... 58

Beautiful cards, would be a big pleasure to win them, so thanks to you for the chance ☺
Wish you a nice weekend!
Liebe Grüße

Joanna said... 59

Those are beautiful notecards. I must be hooked on quilting since I want to send friends cards with those images. Thank you.

Joanna said... 60

I wasn't sure where to comment on the Martingale facebook page, so did so on the book sale section. Now I'm going to see what's on sale:)

teachpany said... 61

Quilted note cards are great! I love the pictures.

Nayala said... 62

There are beautiful cards... Can I win...?

Millie and Walter said... 63

I've been looking for some quilty note cards.


Snoodles said... 64

I'm with you --- handwritten notes in the mail are so wonderful! And these are gorgeous....would love to have them and use them. Tho I might be tempted to have them and just keep them to look at! LOL

Christine M said... 65

Beautiful note cards. They are so nice you could frame them!

2ne said... 66

A great give away :-)
Have a great week end.

Jeanne said... 67

It would be great to win these beautiful cards. Thanks for giveaway.

Valerie said... 68

I'm a huge fan and have made several of Kim's quilts and some of my own inspired by Kim's quilts. I too would love the cat and all the accessories on that bed LOL! The cards are too awesome....

Margaret said... 69

These note cards are beautiful.

Colleen said... 70

I'm a follower. And I would love to win those cards!

Heather said... 71

Just visited Martingale's sale...thanks for the heads up! These cards are definitely an adorable treat.

Quilting Babcia said... 72

Love the cards and would love to win! Thanks!

Leo said... 73

being a regular "old fashioned" mailer I would love the post cards!

The Quilted Dog said... 74

The cards are lovely, I think my favorite is #12 -- the stars mixed in with applique.

And I really have to thank you for all the notices about book sales -- I really appreciate it! My C&T order just arrived and it's wonderful! Now on to Martingale!

Pip said... 75

My favourite is the cat on the quilt too. Thanks for the chance to enter.

Becky said... 76

I previously Liked Martingale. Left a comment on the knitting book for post beginners. Have a fabulous weekend!

Becky said... 77

I previously Liked Martingale. Left a comment on the knitting book for post beginners. Have a fabulous weekend!

Bonnie58 said... 78

Love the cards. Here's hoping

Jeanne Gwin said... 79

Hoping and thinking that I really would like to win this set of note cards, thanks,

Jeanne Gwin said... 80

i already "like" Martingale on facebook
and left them a note.

LisaT said... 81

The cards are beautiful, thanks for the chance! PS.. I took advantage of Martigales sale already - I receive emails from them. Unfortunatly Kim's books arent on sale this time around. Thanks!

LisaT said... 82

Im liking Martingale on FB!

JoyceLM said... 83

Love the cards & I love Kim's books. Thanks for the chance to win. I'm a follower by email.

quiltretreat namawsbuzyquiltn said... 84

Love the quilting cards

Laura said... 85

I love sending quilt cards and this collection is beautiful! Thank you for the give away!

Laura said... 86

I found Martingale's on facebook and 'liked' them. I also clicked on the blog and found the cutest puppy all dressed up! How sweet!

Kathryn said... 87

I'm always dropping notes to friends and family, and love to use quilt themes. Thanks to you and Martingale for the giveaway. Kathie L in Allentown

BillieBee (billiemick) said... 88

I'm following and love the note cards.

Lyn said... 89

Love the cards. Thanks so much. I follow you on Google Reader.

Patty said... 90

Love the cards! Thanks for the chance to win them and for letting us know about the warehouse sale

Purl Buttons said... 91

I "Like Martingale" on FB and left a comment.

Purl Buttons said... 92

Your giveaways are always exciting!

PJB said... 93

Cute notecards. I've just discovered your Fun Fridays!
I hope I can remember next week!

Kd Brown said... 94

What great Kim Diehl notecards! I love them so much. Thanks for a great giveaway. :)

Kd Brown said... 95

I "Like" Martingale on Facebook and left a comment on their post. Go go SewCalGal! :)

Beth said... 96

Lovely cards. I'd be proud to send them. Perhaps if I win I'll catch up on my correspondence...

wordygirl at earthlink dot net

Donana said... 97

I love receiving cards but I love sending them more.

beaquilter said... 98

what a cute set, I hope I win :)

Rosa Robichaud said... 99

Would LOVE to win these gorgeous cards!!!!

Rosa Robichaud
Saint John, NB
(but prize could be mailed to the USA... IF I'm lucky enough to win this)

Gill said... 100

Beautiful cards!
Count me in please!

Richard Healey said... 101

Thanks for the chance to win.


bets said... 102

Very gorgeous cards...thanks for the giveaway!

Lori said... 103

oh these are so bright and pretty.
i would love to win. i send a lot of snail mail out.
quilting dash lady at comcast dot net

Pam said... 104

I'd love to win these cards. very nice.

Erin said... 105

I love Kim Diehl! Thanks for a chance to wins her cards.

carol said... 106

Love the cat on the quilt also. Nice Notecards. Way too pretty to use.

Karen O said... 107

Those cards would be perfect to tuck in packages to quilty friends! Alhough it would be hard to let them go!

quiltmiep said... 108

Lovely cards, special for a adicted quilter.