When quilting items are stolen I feel as if foul words were spray painted on our quilting home, making it less of a home where good things of creativity and fun happen. These things break my heart, even when they do not happen to me personally. As such, my heart is very heavy tonight as I've learned that one of us has been violated.
Patsy Thompson posted about her car being broken into, while she was traveling in Corbin, Kentucky on February 29, 2012.
This theft resulted in missing quilts, quilt tops, machines and other items. I hope we can all do our part to keep an eye out for these missing items, as well as to help increase awareness. Maybe, with luck and everyone's help, these missing items can be found and returned to Patsy.

You can read more about this situation on Patsy’s March 3, 2012 blog at http://www.patsythompsondesigns.com/.
If you can help with the recovery of these quilts, please contact Patsy at patsy@patsythompsondesigns.com.
Possibly quilters in the Corbin, Kentucky area can help with visiting thrift shops and posting flyers at shelters, quilt shops, quilt guilds and more. What ever it takes, let's rally and try to recover these items for Patsy. Help increase awareness and keep an eye out for these missing items.
This theft has also been reported to the police and to Lost Quilts.com, but your help can make a difference.
...heartbreaking! I'll be praying for the quilts recovery...
Unfortunately, the idiots who stole the stuff probably don't even know what they stole. They probably just grabbed and checked it out later. I just don't get people like that. I saw lovely quilts at a show yesterday, but, I'd never consider taking one of them. How sad. I hope she gets her stuff back.
the very sad part is most of the people who do this do not know what the quilt means to us. To them it is just a blanket to be discarded. My brother had a safe stolen and he was most sick about the pics of our Mother that were in there and the police told him they are the first things to be thrown out! Makes me sick to think peopel do these things! I do hope she recovers her quilts!
I am always just astounded when I hear stories like this. What is wrong with people? I had someone steal from my booth when I was vending at a show, and my husband just could not believe that theft would happen at a quilt show. Prayers to Patsy, hope that her things are returned to her.
Oh! This just makes me sick! Heartbreaking. I hope, hope, hope, that as these quilts are so distinctive, that they are recognized and recovered.
I hope you don't mind, but I copied and pasted this onto my blog giving you credit for the post. I just figured the more advertising we put out the greater the chance the items will be found. If this is a problem let me know!! :(
Martha at http://quilttotheedge.blogspot.com/
I also mentioned it on Quilting Board!!
Good posting! As a former law enforcement employee, I would like to remind all your readers to purchase a cheap engraving gun and engrave special characters, letters, etc. on their engravable items. Take pictures, keep serial numbers, make an inventory list and keep it on a zip drive. If something like this happens, when an officer arrives to take the report, you have everything they will need...pictures, serial #'s, special markings and these all help more than you know!
What a horrible thing to have happen! I have posted a link to your blog for today in both emails to my quilty friends and a private website for my local guild, so that they can find you. That way they can spread the word, as it might help Patsy to get her quilts and other items back.
Have posted info to my blog and Fb. We quilters are everywhere and can make a difference!
That is so sad that someone would do this....I hope the items are found!
I hope that these beautiful creations get found!
Oh, my heart hurts for her. I hope she finds her art soon.
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