> ~ Insights by SewCalGal ~

Friday, March 23, 2012

Fun Friday Giveaway: Simple Style

Simple Style -  Easy Weekend Quilts, by Sarah Dieperslooot, published by Martingale & Company, home of That Patchwork Place, is a fun quilting book with fast and easy designs.
Martingale - Simple Style (Print version + eBook bundle)

There are over 15 patterns in this book and they also work great for theme prints.
Martingale - Simple Style (Print version + eBook bundle)

All of the patterns come with well written instructions and great visuals, making this an excellent book for beginner quilters.
Martingale - Simple Style (Print version + eBook bundle)
All of the patterns come with well written instructions and great visuals, making this an excellent book for beginner quilters.
Martingale - Simple Style (Print version + eBook bundle)
These designs are also perfect for quilters, of any levels, that want to make a table topper, wall hanging, or quilt quickly.

Martingale - Simple Style (Print version + eBook bundle)Martingale - Simple Style (Print version + eBook bundle)

I  hope you get a chance to check out this fun quilt book at your local quilt store, or online at Martingale & Company's online store.

Did I mention a giveaway? Thanks to Martingale & Company for donating a copy of this delightful book for a Fun Friday giveaway for followers of SewCalGal.

Want to win a copy of this book? Followers of SewCalGal can simply leave a comment on this post to enter.  One lucky winner will randomly be selected and announced next Friday.

Want an extra entry ? For those on Facebook, go "like" Martingale & Company and leave a comment under their post about their new blog "stitch this", where you'll see a photo for this cute project and also find out about how to get six cool patterns for free.   And leave an extra comment, under thi post, to claim this extra entry.

Special thanks to Gwen R., of Orlando, Florida for being the Postage Angel for this weeks's giveaway. Gwen kindly made a generous donation to help with postage.

I'm also happy to announce the winner of the Fun Friday Giveaway last week, for a bundle of Spring Theme Charm Squares.  

The winner of this charm pack is  Dresden Quilter.  I'll send the winner an email to request their mailing info and confirm they want to claim this prize.  If I do not hear back within 3 days I will randomly draw another name.


Linda said... 1

That looks like a great book to have. Thanks for the chance to win!

Lisa Cox said... 2

What a great looking book. I would love to win.
Thanks for the chance.

kerrykatiecakes2 said... 3

I'm a follower!

kerrykatiecakes2 said... 4

I've liked Martingale & Co on facebook.

Jocelyn said... 5

What a fun looking book! Thanks!

Tiffany said... 6

I'm a follower! :D

Linda E in NM said... 7

Looks like a fun book!

Anonymous said... 8

I am always looking for quilting inspiration that is easy and quick. Thanks for info about this book

Diane said... 9

I am a follower. Thanks for the giveaway.

Brenda said... 10

Love a good book!

Vroomans' Quilts said... 11

I am a follower - this would be a great book for our church charity quilt sewing group - many are beginner sewers. We keep things simple.

Carla said... 12

Always wanting to add good books to my library.. thanks for the giveaway.

Nancy H. said... 13

Thanks for the chance to win. The patterns would be great for the kid's quilts our guild makes for the Domestic Abuse Shelter.

Josie McRazie said... 14

Follower, new quilter!! hehe! :) congrats to last week winner! Great giveaway and it has my name on it!

Deb said... 15

Great book! Thanks!

Phyllis said... 16

Great book! Thanks for the giveaway! I'm a follower of your blog!

Michele T said... 17

This book looks fantastic!! Thanks for the chance. I follow your blog via google reader!

Belinda said... 18

Well wouldn't that be an awesome win?! Good luck everyone!

Phyllis said... 19

Left a comment on fb!

Carla G said... 20

This book looks great! Thanks for a chance to win! :) I'm a follower of your blog! :)

Carla G said... 21

Already like Martingdale & Company on facebook! Left a comment for them! :)

sheri said... 22

Looks like a great book to use with prints in my stash

B Greene said... 23

Thanks for the chance to win the book - it looks like a great resource!

Maya said... 24

Thanks for the giveaway! That looks like a wonderful resource to make quick quilts.

Quilting "b" said... 25

This book looks great, Thankyou for the chance to win

Fleurette said... 26

I'm a follower. Thanks so much. Love the designs you have shown, looks a great book.

kfr14819 said... 27

Follower and love a new book. Thanks.

Anonymous said... 28



Karen said... 29

Great book. Thanks for sharing. I'm a follower

Marjorie's Busy Corner said... 30

I could certainly use that lovely book...thank you.

Janet said... 31

Simple and Style, I like those words together. Thanks for a chance to win the book.

Laceflower said... 32

These are charming quilts.

Janet said... 33

Liked Martingale on Facebook, and yes it is a lovely pattern!

Mike Pearson said... 34

This book is right up my alley :)

Lisa England said... 35

I would love to have that book with all its lovely inspiration! Thanks for the chance to win.

RSHudson said... 36

Am a follower; thanks for chance to win this book! (marshudson at comcast dot net)

Rhonda the Rambler said... 37

I am a follower - looks like a fun book

Rhonda the Rambler said... 38

I like them on FB

suemac said... 39

Ah. Yeah. I love quilting books. Looks like a fun book.

Regina said... 40

Great looking book for those "I need a quick project" times! Simple yet stunning.

Jeanne said... 41

I would love to win this great book. Also I am a follower.

Judith said... 42

I like to work on two projects at a time--one challenging and one simple. This book appears to have simple, but still interesting, projects. Great give away. (follower)

Terry@ a quilting blog said... 43

Looks like a fun book...thanks for the chance!
~Terry~ :o)

Lesley said... 44

Looks like a wonderful book!

Diann said... 45

Thanks for the giveaway. I like to do an easier quilt here and there.

Terri in BC said... 46

That book looks like just what I need to get some projects done! thanks for the opportunity.

Deb said... 47

Thanks - what a great book for inspiration!

Dot Moore said... 48

Love the patterns from this book. Would love to make some to the quilts.

beaquilter said... 49

what a fun book.... the first one looks like a sudoku quilt.

Quilt Kitty said... 50

With so many fantastic fabrics around, an easy quilt that shows them off is the way to go. This books looks great. xx

Missy Shay said... 51

What a great pattern book! Thank you for the chance to win!

Gale, Ky quilter said... 52

I love all books about quilting and sewing. Please enter me. Thanks!

Sharon B said... 53

Quilt in a weekend? I am so ready for that!

Quilterbell said... 54

I love quilting and sewing books!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for the chance!

Richard Healey said... 55

Thanks for the chance to win.


teachpany said... 56

That book looks great!! I'm looking for some fast, fun patterns for some FQ packs I recently won. This looks like it might inspire and idea. Thanks!

Mrs.Pickles said... 57

thank you for the chance to win

M-R Charbonneau said... 58

That book looks like fun! Thanks for the giveaway!

ritainalaska said... 59

the patterns in this book look pretty good ... thanx for the opportunity to win it.

Editfolt said... 60

thank you for the chance to win. In Hungary, there are unfortunately no such beautiful books!

Unknown said... 61

Did you say Beginner Quilters... that's me!

ritainalaska said... 62

have made the post on martingale's fb page :)

Kathryn said... 63

I love easy quilts like this for charity quilts. Thanks for the giveaway. Kathie L in Allentown

tubilinha tiacarminha said... 64

Que lindo presente,obrigada.Esta colcha de natal é tão fantástica,que parece que tem um jogo de lâmpadas piscando.Foi criada para termos ilusão de ótica?Estou encantada.tiacarminhapezzuto@gmail.com

2ne said... 65

A great give away :-)
Have a great week end.

Sharmond said... 66

What a lovely giveaway. I am now a follower. I enjoy your site. Thanks for all the ideas you inspire.

DebrafromMD said... 67

I love your book reviews. I can use some quick designs for charity quilts.

Rosemary Dickinson said... 68

I'm a follower and this book looks like fun!

Lynn said... 69

I'm a follower and this looks like a great book to have on hand. Thanks for the chance!

TexPat said... 70

Thanks for the chance to win! That looks like a book I'd actually use...simple, easy, gorgous quilts!

Darlene B said... 71

Thanks for the opportunity to win this great book! If I win, I will donate it to a friend who is just starting out quilting (I will have to read it first, though, don't you agree?)

Diane N said... 72

Thanks for the chance.

Jensters said... 73

Wow im new to patchwork....so its wonderful to be in with a chance of winning this lovely book.

Rina Mason said... 74

Looks like a fun book with ideas for whipping up some fast quilts. Love your blog, you always have such refreshing posts.

Rina Mason said... 75

Went to FB and Liked Martindale & Co. Didn't know what I was missing. Thanks for the intro.

Joannag said... 76

Looks like a great book! Thanks for pointing it out and offering the free-bee!

Diane Wild said... 77

Thanks for the chance to win this book. Patterns look great.

thegoose said... 78

I'd love to win a copy of this book!

nlcalendar said... 79

Looks like a great book...would love to win it. Thanks for the giveaway. M

FlourishingPalms said... 80

If I win this book, I know exactly the new quilter to pass it along to. Thanks for the chance to win!

MC said... 81

Looks like this has tons of designs in it that would work for my next project (a baby quilt). Thanks for the chance to win!

Rosa said... 82

There are beautiful projects to play with.I`m a follower
Have a great weekend.

Joanna said... 83

I like the quilts shown in your post. Sometimes simple is just the ticket. Thanks to you and to Martingale and Gwen.

Joanna said... 84

I'm not sure if I was supposed to come back here and post if I commented on Martingale's facebook page, so this may be redundant. Sorry if so.

Unknown said... 85

looks like a great book! thanks for a chance to win!

Marcia W. said... 86

I like that black and red quilt - looks like one I could make. Thanks for the chance to enter and win. I already follow your blog.

Jennie P. said... 87

It looks like a great book. Thanks for the chance.

Sandie @ crazy'boutquilts said... 88

Congratulations to Dresden Quilter! This book looks like it was made for me!~ Love the stars! Thanks so much for the chance~ I am a happy follower. :-)

Marcia W. said... 89

We already liked Martingale on FB and left a comment at the "rug" symbol for Stitch It - as Marcia and Margaret the butterfly avatar alternate email mlwright29(at)hotmail(dot)com

Wivi said... 90

Great book. I hope it will find its way to my home.

Wivi said... 91

I left a comment at Martingale & Company on FB and have got six free patterns.

Lee said... 92

Thanks for another great book giveaway!

Colleen said... 93

I'm a follower. Looks like a good book.

Anda W said... 94

I follow via email and have only quilted for a year so this book would be ideal! awolk@rogers.com

Shirley in Canada said... 95

Like how kewl is this giveaway!!!

Razzle Dazzle Quilter said... 96

Please please please put my name in the hat!
I so want to make the quilt with the big red stars.

Joanne said... 97

Looks like a great book. Thanks!

Doreen said... 98

I can see some of these enlarged to QOV size and being the perfect design. Would love a copy!! Hugs, Doreen

Kathy M Boice said... 99

Great Book, great give away!

PJ said... 100

Looks like another nice book from That Patchwork Place. I'm a follower. Thanks for the chance to win.

Bonnie58 said... 101

Looks like a great giveaway. Here's hoping

Sallie said... 102

Enjoyed seeing some of the quilts in this book! Thanks for the chance to win!

Anonymous said... 103

what a wonderful prize,thankyou for having the givaway.xx

Mhairi said... 104

What an amazing looking book. I would love to have the chance to look through it. I am a follower, of course.

Unknown said... 105

The book looks wonderful...would love to win a copy of it. Congrats to this weeks winner......

Karen M said... 106

Looks like a book with fresh ideas. Thanks for the chance to win.

Bern said... 107

I love a quilt with simple but elegant designs which look like they sew up quickly. Thanks for the chance to win this book.

Rachelle said... 108

Looks like a great book, thanks for the comp.

Val NZ said... 109

I have a couple of Martingales books also have some jelly rolls haven't been game to use them they have been sitting with m stash for months ,this book would be a great help,

Purl Buttons said... 110

Your giveaways are always filled with exciting treasures. Thank you for another opportunity.

Shebandowan said... 111

I would love to win this book. I need all the inspiration I can get. Thanks for the chance to win.


Lois said... 112

I read your blog with regularity and would love to win the book.

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said... 113

What fun looking quilts. Thanks for the chance to win it. Yes, I'm a follower.

Jeanne Gwin said... 114

This looks like a really fun book. I would love to win this book Thanks

Jeanne Gwin said... 115

I already like Martigale on Facebook

Anonymous said... 116

I have a stash that NEEDS this book!

Anonymous said... 117

Wow. I would love that book

tesuque said... 118

Simple can be stunning!

JoyceLM said... 119

Looks like a great book to add to my library. Thanks for the chance to win.

JoyceLM said... 120

I liked & posted a message on Facebook. Also previously subscribed to Stitch This. Thanks for the giveaway.

Anonymous said... 121

Looks like a very cool book. Thanks for letting us know about it!

Anonymous said... 122

I would love to add this book to my quilting library. The weekends are the only time that I am free to devote my time to quilting.
Charlotte Betts

Anonymous said... 123

I posted on a message on Facebook about the new blog. I really like it. Put my name in the drawing a second time. Thanks.
Charlotte Betts

jaj said... 124

jSimple Style. That would suit both my taste AND my quilting skill level! Thanks for the opportunity to win.

KatieQ said... 125

That looks like a fabulous book.

Goldogmom said... 126

Thank you for the opportunity to win this book. I am still a beginner and while my eyes see beautiful patterns, I have much to learn. Books are great for providing me with foundation knowledge so I can be successful!

Susan S said... 127

I need all the inspiration I can get for using charm packs!

ELNM said... 128

I'm a new quilter and a new follower - I would love to win this book. Thanks for the chance!

California Fiber artist and composer said... 129

I could do with something to get me going again after surgery. And something easy would be good.

c said... 130

since my cancer episode, I need things explained slowly in step by step methods, this book should help me accomplish better made quilts, thanks for allowing this for your followers!

aka kingcooper0001@aol.com

Unknown said... 131

I cross my fingers. thank you

Sewgirl said... 132

I love simple quilts that look great. I am always on the lookout for those as they make quick gifts.This book looks like it has many ideas along those lines. Thanks for the opportunity!

Mom C said... 133

Simple Quilts sounds interesting. The quilts pictured looks fun. Thanks.

barbara woods said... 134

i am a follower

Margaret said... 135

This book looks great and I think it should be in my library. Thanks for the chance.

linny said... 136

This book looks like a must have. Thanks for the chance to win it.

Hannele said... 137

Giveaways and patchwork books are always fun!

Karen M said... 138

I am a follower of your blog. Thanks for the chance to win.

Katie, Julep and Derby's Mom said... 139

I was doing a little blog hopping since I'm brand new to quilting - just learning the basic and learning how to sew that perfect 1/4" seam! I'm also your newest follower ...
Happy quilting from Katie at www.westiejulep.blogspot.com
(in case I win kwyatt8419@aol.com)

KAM said... 140

Looks like a good book to own...thanks for the opportunity to be entered into this draw

Anonymous said... 141

This looks like a great book - I'll definitely check it out!

Kim said... 142

Great looking book! I already see a couple patterns I would like to try!

Kim said... 143

I also commented on the correct post on their FB wall!

robin said... 144

I would love this book - it looks fun. :) Thank you for the chance.

robin said... 145

I like them on FB and left a comment.

Lynn W. said... 146

What a great book for a library! Like mine ... or my guild's. I've long been a Martingale liker with their daily posts and FB page. Thanks for giving your readers a chance to win it.

Katie, Julep and Derby's Mom said... 147

I'm so excited to find your blog .. there is so much wonderful information here. Thanks for sharing your talent as well as your time with all of us!

All the best,

Linda Coleman said... 148

what a great book, thanks for the giveaway

LindaB said... 149

Looks like a book with lots of ideas to use up some of my stash!
Linda de Beaudrap

Purl Buttons said... 150

I follow, and I like contests very much. Especially the ones with quilty prizes.

Cheryl said... 151

Simple weekend quilts are my kind of quilts.

June D said... 152

Sounds like a fun prize - pls put my name in the hat! Thanks!

Anita in Florida said... 153

Looks like a great book......thanks for the chance!

Jodi - usairdoll said... 154

What beautiful quilts and an amazing book. Simple quilts in a weekend, count me in!

Thank you and Martingale &Company for a super giveaway and a chance to win an awesome book.


Jodi - usairdoll said... 155

I already Like Martingale's FB page. I also left a comment about their new blog, Stitch This. Great new blog!

Thank again for a chance to win.


Kathy MacKie said... 156

Like the looks of this book so count me in.

The Quilted Dog said... 157

It's always wonderful to discover a new book and add to my quilting library!

mwhite said... 158

Love the book!! thanks for the giveaway. Now back to my sewing machine. ha ha

Anonymous said... 159

Nice looking book. Thank you

Kristin said... 160

Another lovely book by TPP.

Kristin said... 161

I did post on Martingales FB page and liked their page. I signed up for the blog as well.

Jan said... 162

Thanks for signing me up for the drawing for this neat looking book---the patterns look great!

JoAnne in southern California said... 163

Thanks for telling us about this book, it looks like a lot of fun. I'm going to put it on my Amazon Wish list.

Caity-Jo said... 164

Oh I love the looks of this book! The quilt that uses all the batiks with only the horizontal sashing is to die for!! I want to make it!

Lisa in Port Hope said... 165

Love the Ohio Star optical illusion. I really like patterns like this where the blocks combine into new patterns.

sherry said... 166

looks like a great book. love your blog

sherry said... 167

looks like a great book. love your blog

cleomisty said... 168

love the book looks quilts like fun would make great charity quilts love your lots of things to see and do