A Few Scraps is hosting a Free Motion Quilt Along. I've enjoyed other Free Motion Quilt Alongs and have been impressed with how much your FMQ skills can improve in a short time, if you practice every day. And I'm always looking for new FMQ designs and tips to improve my FMQ skills.
I do hope you'll join in the fun of this FMQ along, plus they have a fun giveaway for oodles of prizes. Deadline: August 21st.
And, if you are interested in learning about more giveaways and contests, check out my page above with a similar label. I update this page as I hear appropriate insights. Plus, this page also contains various tips that may help you win a prize!
I am going to keep my eyes on her site too.
I will be working more now that I am cleaning out my room, so can't wait to see what she has for tutorials.
I am so looking forward to this!
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