Over the past seven years, more than 20,000 students have taken over 50,000 classes at Quilt Univesity! They offer more than 120 online classes, from basic quilting to graduate design work. Have you ever found any other place with so much to offer?
Classes are offered with various subjects, from traditional and contemporary quilting techniques, dyeing, surface embellishment and design, to machine embroidery.

Currently, QU has five to seven classes starting every weekend from January until the end of October. Classes have three main parts: the written lessons, a Discussion Forum for daily interaction with the teacher and a photo Gallery. The classes all have well written material, which includes photographs and exercises. Classes are composed of one or more lessons. Repetitive classes have new lessons posted every week as that exercise "opens" for the students to follow. Every class also has a forum for students to ask questions and post insights of their progress. The teachers are great and respond to questions in a timely manner, as well as provide positive and constructive feedback. And, every class has a gallery to share photos of classroom work.

The Quilt U course catalog is always available at http://www.quiltuniversity.com/catalog.htm And they offer many classes, in the following categories:
• Appliqué
• Computer Aided Quilt Design (EQ6, Corel Draw)
• Design & Color
• Dyeing & Painting
• Embroidery
• Garments & Accessories
• Paper & Foundation Piecing
• Patchwork & Piecing
• Pictorial Quilts
• Quilting Surface & Embellishments
• And various other classes, such as Math for Quilters, Photographing your quilts, Tools of the Trade, etc.

Pricing of classes at Quilt University are very reasonable. They range in price from $27 - $55.
Quilt University is a great source of learning. And they have a very talented faculty, which includes 32 teachers from the US, Canda, New Zealand, Australia, and Kenya. Their faculty currently includes: Betty Alofs, Patti R. Anderson, Janice Baehr, Marilyn Belford, Ruth Blanchet, Susan Brittingham, Nancy Chong, Karen Combs , Dena Crain, Barbara Dieges, Susan Dorchester, Fran Gonzalez, Daphne Greig, Jane Hall, Martine House, Raymond K. Houston, Lily Kerns, Lyric Kinard, Leslie Lacika, Helen Marshall, Marjorie McWilliams, Carol Miller, Nyla Morrison, Julie Brown Neu, Chris Pascuzzi , Susan Purney-Mark, Bethany Reynolds , Linda Schmidt, Michele Scott, Cindy Thury Smith, Joan Waldman, and Joanne Winn.
QU has many delightful new classes starting weekly in September and early October. Keep checking back, throughout the year, to learn about QU course offerings: http://www.quiltuniversity.com/catalog.htm
QU is coming to the end of their school year. Registration for the last classes opens September 25 and the last classes open October 30. By that time, the calendar will be up for next year and registration for first semester 2010 will open Thanksgiving weekend.

I strongly recommend Quilt University! From my perspective, it is well worth your time and money.

QU is also currently offering a free class, that provides you the opportunity to gain insight on how wonderful their online classes are. Plus, this two lesson class provides you the ability to learn more about adding delightful borders without having to create a project to complete the class. How great is that? For more information on this free sample QU class on "borders", check out: http://www.quiltuniversity.com/registrar_free.htm
Thank you for taking the time to leave such a nice comment about my bird quilt--it's very much appreciated!
How fun...online quilting classes! Thanks for the links and info.!
I have taken a few courses there, and it is great! I just took a mini landscape course.
Thanks for this great review of Quilt University! Member of Quilt U faculty since 2004, I have a new class opening there on October 9 called Goodbye to the Grid. It's THE class to move traditionalists into the world of art quilting. Hope your readers will join me for that. Registration is open now at Quilt University.
Dena Crain
I've taken almost every class at QU. The classes are really wonderful. QU has helped me into a growing quilter.
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