> ~ Insights by SewCalGal ~

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Necktie Social Party by Prairie Moon Quilts

Shelly Pagliai is the owner of Prairie Moon Quilts, which opened in October '08. Shelly is a delightful lady who is passionate about quilting and helping others. As such, she has created a delightful way of raising money thru quilting to help others. And I'm hoping you can help her by way of sending her neck ties, yes neck ties. Or maybe you can offer to help to sew blocks or offer long arm services.

Here is the dirt (isn't this an old term for newsworthy scoop) on this heartwarming project.....

In the Old West, "Necktie Social" referred to a public execution by hanging.....Prarie Moon Quilts isn't hanging anyone, but trying to help those in need. They are turning old neckties into quilts and using them for charity fundraisers. To clarify, these necktie quilts will be turned over to various charities that are holding fundraisers that can optimize using a beautiful handmade quilt to raise funds to make a difference for a worthy cause. A few examples of the great causes that are currently targeted to receive one of these necktie quilts are:

- Ronald McDonald House Charities
- ReliefShare (their Shriner's Quilts project)

But with more volunteers, hopefully many more charities will receive one of these beutiful necktie quilts to help raise funds for their charity project.

To clarify, cash donations are not accepted for this project, but if you have neckties, batting, or can offer assistance, etc., please contact Shelly to see how you can help. Volunteers are currently needed to help make blocks. You may actually want to turn your ties into a block and send the block on to Shelly to be quilted.

You can help by donating neckties, volunteering to help make blocks, or help assemble the quilts.

Prarie Moon Quilts will:

- accept any tie of any kind and color
- they will clean and prepare the ties for use in quilts
- The prepared neckties will be packaged up to make quilt blocks, and volunteers are asked to make a block or blocks using the ties, and return the finished blocks to us.

- The finished blocks will be made into quilts that will be donated to charities.

All you need to do is send your ties to:

Prairie Moon Quilts
Necktie Social Project
31763 Intrepid Road
Macon, MO 63552
email: info@prariemoonquilts.com

For more info: http://www.prairiemoonquilts.com/Necktie_Social.html

Here are some ties that I found pretty easy to talk my husband out of and I'll be sending to Prairie Moon Quilts. But then, I think I may have fun turning them into blocks and sending blocks to Prairie Moon Quilts.

Here are some ties that have been sent in by other supporters. This looks to me like a fun charity project to help with and certainly sending them a few ties (or blocks) is an easy task).

blogsite: http://prairiemoonquilts.wordpress.com

Free patterns: http://www.prairiemoonquilts.com/Free_Patterns.html


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the publicity! We can use all the help we can get! It IS a fun project . . . I'm a firm believer that we should all help out wherever we can, and if quilting is where our talents lie, then how fun is that? To get to help out doing something we love to do . . . not to mention that you get to meet a lot of great folks while you're doing it!

Nedra said...

What a wonderful Charity idea.

Anonymous said...

My father wants me to make a necktie quilt using my grandpa's (his father's) old ties. I have been looking for ideas, waiting, holding off for quite a while (think years) but now and then I have sat down with a bundle of his ties to "deconstruct" them. It's quite a process! I thought at one point I would like to make a crazy quilt using his ties, but I didn't like the way it was turning out. One thing I highly recommend is to fuse the slinky tie fabrics to a lightweight interfacing before cutting. Well, good luck!!!

Micki said...

What a wonderful charity. Joe only has three favorite ties, and wouldn't part with them. He is not a tie man. This is a great idea!