To date, monies raised have been donated to the Oregon chapter of Home of the Brave ($1,000+), The Hugs Project ($2500+, and several quilt guilds $500 and 100 plus caseloads of books to guilds to use for fundraising. Plus, many military and veterans groups have scheduled this exhibit (fees are waived for veterans and military groups).
A contest, which has an indefinite deadline, calls for entries of 22" Patriotic Quilts. Approximatgely 180 beautiful quilts have been submitted to this contest to-date. While the majority of the quilts are 22", there are ~20 quilts that are larger (up to 9'x9').
“How do I love America? Let me quilt the ways” is the theme of Judy Howard’s “God Bless America” Quilt Contest.

Judy is also working on a Patriotic book to help raise funds. The plan is to have this book published and available this fall for purchase for the upcoming holiday season. It will include photos and stories from this touring quilt exhibit. There will be a drop down story label for each quilt, whereby the quilter can also provide information to sell their quilt and/or pattern (and receive 100% of the proceeds) and this story label can help provide insight on their business, if appropriate. She is also hoping to get entries and stories from other groups that are making quilts for Wounded Soldiers, to ensure that all groups involved in patriotic quilting programs are represented in this exhibit and this book, when it is published. But she needs to hear from those interested in being included in this book ASAP!
Another effort Judy is trying to coordinate is to get a 22" patriotic quilt permanently displayed in Veterans and Military hospitals, centers, US Capitol, etc. to encourage troops and their families. But, she needs help in getting supporting contacts at these places who will coordinate getting these quilts permanently displayed at these centers. From my perspective, I think it would be wonderful to have a patriotic quilt on display at these places and I'm hoping volunteers will contact Judy to help coordinate.
To clarify, Judy has many great ideas but is in need of volunteers to help. For those that can help with PR, all PR is greatly appreciated (e.g. write articles in guild newsletters, post articles on blogs, contact your local libraries & newspapers, etc.).
These traditional or pictorial 22” quilts created by children and adults capture the essence of “America the Beautiful” by paying tribute to our American Heroes, Troops, Presidents and depicting “Liberty and Justice for all,” or expressing flag-waving loyalty to our “One Nation Under God.” “Blanket America in Stitches of Comfort, Patriotism and Hugs for our Heroes

All profits from the $100/ week-end rental fee go to non-profit groups who provide quilts for wounded and families of fallen soldiers — those most in need of the touch of love that quilts represent.

This exhibit is available for a nominal rental fee ($100) for quilt guilds, schools, libraries, quilt shows, or other events. Rental fees are waived for veterans and military groups. Again, 100% profits go to non-profit groups that make quilts for wounded soldiers.

For more info on this touring quilt exhibit:
Reserve your exhibit today by emailing Please mail your quilts to 12101 N. MacArthur, #137, Oklahoma City, OK 73162 ASAP.
Here are photos of a few of these Patriotic quilts:
Taylor Grubbs, Mikayla Miller, Jessica O'Conner, Millboro Elementary, VA

Ann Roberts - Fayetteville, AR

Marsha Poplin, Seminole, OK

By Marsha Poplin - Seminole, OK

Joan Ballew Marine Mom - Edmond, Ok

Quilter's Corner in Midwest City, OK

Judy Howard - Oklahoma City, Ok

I want to personally thank all of those that made quilts and entered in this contest, as well as those those helping to coordinate this touring quilt exhibit. I can't wait to see it! And I hope that many volunteers will come forward to help Judy with this Patriotic effort, especially helping with PR!
1 comment:
What a great site! So glad you stopped by mine so I could see yours! This is so fun!
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