Friendship Quilters is a friendly quilt guild in Poway, CA that has been in existence for ~25 years and has ~175-200 members. This quilt guild has been holding this free quilt show for ~15 years. Typically there are 50-60 beautiful handmade quilts on display.

2nd Overall Favorite Lee Olson:

Most Humorous Janice Rudgers:

Overall Favorite Linda Card:

Most Patriotic Quilt by Peggy Martin:

Quilt about Poway (to be on display this year) by Mary Tabar:

For more information on Friendship Quilters: http://www.friendshipquilterssd.org/
In addition to this great quilt show, the Poway Parks is coordinating an "Old Fashioned Fourth of July" at the Old Poway Park. From 10am to 4pm this free event will have plenty of entertainment for all ages. And definitely going to provide fun for everyone. There will be live musical entertainment in the Gazebo throughout the day. The Poway Station Model Railroad Club will display model trains. The Poway-Midland Railroad Volunteers will give rides aboard the steam locomotive for a fee of $0.50 for children and $2.50 for adults. Historical gun fighting re-enactors will perform mock train robberies and gunfights. The Heritage Museum and Nelson House will be open with patriotic and educational décor and memorabilia. The Park’s blacksmiths will be demonstrating iron making and forging metal into useful tools. The Poway Arts and Crafts Guild will be providing demonstrations and selling their one-of-a-kind handmade crafts. Children’s activities will be offered such as face painting, arts and crafts, and old-fashioned games. There will be plenty of lunch items and treats for sale such as an old-fashioned picnic lunch, traditional ice cream social, and more.
While there are many wonderful bands that will be playing during the day, my favorite is the Pomerado Community Band. This band will be playing at 3pm. http://www.pomeradoband.org/
This beautiful quilt show and fun 4th of July Activities are going to be held on July 4th, from 10am - 4pm at the Old Poway Park, 14134 Midland Road, Poway, CA 92064.
For more information on the Poway Park 4th of July activities contact: Audrey Denham, Poway Recreation Supervisor , (858) 668-4576
Sounds like a great show! I hope you will have fun. Love the pics...looks like a wonderful time with lots of people, lots of quilts.
I wish that I could go to that show. It looks wonderful!
Wish I could come. The photos of the patriotic quilts are great. Would you like to enter them in my God Bless America Touring Quilts for 4 years? All profits from the books and $100 exhibit rental (free to veterans and military) go to non-profit groups and guilds that make quilts for wounded troops and the families of the fallen. See www.HeavenlyPatchwork.com Judy Howard, BuckboardQuilts@cox.net
Thanks Darlene, the patriotic quilts are only one part of the show. I have put the show on for the last two years, and the whole day is fun! Judy I can ask the members and my students if they are interested in your exhibit. Your blog is great Darlene!www.marytabar.com
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