
Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Want To Have Some Fun and Promote International Quilt Day?

green plans

Better, yet, what are you doing this weekend?

National Quilting Day is all about fun. Definitely a day we should all try to find time to quilt, or do something quilty. You may recall that SewCalGal has been trying to rally to make the US National Quilting Day an International Quilting Day.  So, on March 16th I'm inviting every quilter, from around the world, to join me for a day of quilting and fun!

You can be a blogger or non-blogger, quilt on your own, or in a group, but I do hope you can find time to quilt and have fun.  And, of course, share insights on what you work on to help inspire others and create fun.

SewCalGal will kick off this event on Friday, March 15th with insights on fun quilty things going on this weekend.  On the 16th, I'll create a special post to with a linky where you can use to "link up" to this virtual sew-cial and share insights on what you are working on, but your blog post will need to be dated on the 16th (not before).  Those that join this sew-cial on Saturday will be able to enter to win prizes.

I hope some of you will also share tutorials and insights to help others learn, as well as insights on your projects. I'll also be doing the same throughout the weekend.

For those that use Twitter, all weekend long we can chat using the hashtag #WWQuiltDay

Sneak Peak on some of the sponsors for this event include:

One lucky winner will receive a yummy Sushi Bundle of Hoffman Batiks and Hand dyes.  You'll not find this bundle in stores as it is a special bundle that SewCalGal finds yummy and wants to share.
book review March-001
martingale logo
Five lucky winners will receive one of the following book published Martingale.

Super Scrap Quilts

book review March-003

Paper Piecing Perfect Points - 13 Fabulous Quilt Patterns,  Debby Kratovil

book review March-005

Fast and Fun Baby Quilts

book review March-002

Everyday Handmade - 22 Practical Projects for the Modern Sewist,   Adrienne Smitke, Cassie Barden

book review March-006

Holiday Cheer Quilts

book review March-004

SewCalGal is also proud of The Quilt Show for recognizing the "International" Quilt Day by providing all members (includes free memberships) with a 3-day weekend of free shows.  Plus they are giving away a new Bernina 550 QE.  If you don't yet have a membership with The Quilt Show, SewCalGal recommends you go sign up now.  All you need is a free account to watch free shows the weekend of International Quilt Day.

Free shows at TQS start Friday, March 15th through Sunday, March 17th.  For more info:

Do you want to join the fun ?

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  1. Thank you for letting us know! That will be a perfect day! I shall quilt absolutely! x teje

  2. Great idea! I will definitely be quilting that day!

  3. Looking forward to seeing what quilty thing YOU'RE working on! It's rare that we do! :):)

  4. Love the idea of an International Quilting Day! Just to be sure I'll have to do some quilting tomorrow to get warmed up for Saturday, although given that the weather here in Adelaide, South Australia is set to be hot for the next 7 days, warming up is the last thing I should be doing! Looking forward to Saturday!

  5. I have a quilty thing planned for that day. I am going to a sweet 16 birthday party and I am giving the honored guest a quilt for her birthday.
    And yes, I will probably sew on that day also.

  6. I will try to get in some quilty sewing on that day too. Weekends are normally spent doing what DH wants to do!

  7. Sounds like great fun - count me in!!!

  8. Great!! My friends and I are sewing together all day on the 16th.

  9. Sounds like fun, and around here every day is a quilting day!

  10. I didn't know there was a National OR an International Quilting Day, but these days quilters reach out to one another on a daily basis across national borders, even across continents and hemispheres. So if there's going to be a special holiday to recognize and celebrate quilting, it really should be international. If the quilters of the world stormed the United Nations and threw out all of the politicians, each of us bringing our sewing machines, quilts in progress, and a casserole to share, I'll bet we'd be able to solve all of the world's problems by the time we had our binding stitched on, and we'd all be the best of friends at the end of the day.

  11. I will be working on those pink ribbon block quilts you sent me! Sewing with friends!

  12. It sounds like a fun day. I hope to join you.

  13. I have a yard sale planned that day! LOL Maybe I'll get a little quilting done.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. I will be working at the workshop that day at Quilters by the Sea Quilt Guild. Sue Rasmussen will be out teacher.

  16. This sounds like so much fun. I sure hope I can join in.

  17. A good is quilting, but a National day quilting is Great!

  18. Yes, and be sure to join us for the Sew In on Twitter. Use hashtag #NQDSI to share in the fun!

  19. This sounds like fun. I'll be joining in.

  20. I'll be living and breathing quilts on March 16, 2013. Our local quilt guild is hosting it's bi-annual show.

  21. It's a great idea...I will try to find time to join! Thanks for having it internationally:)

  22. Oh yes, I will be celebrating International Quilting Day :). I teach a "Stardust" class that day, and I'm sure we make it a day to remember :)

  23. There's so many other International days out there....why shouldn't we have our own day.

    So long as I remember it, I'll be here, I'll even do a double up day as my 16th March starts before yours!

    Great idea and I look forward to spending the day with everyone


    P.S. I'll write it on my calendar then I can't forget!

  24. I'm in! Thanks for reminding me of this special day. I'm working on a baby quilt for a friend's newly arrived little girl.

  25. Certainly, I want to join the fun!!! Hope to be there!

  26. I'll be sure and mark my calendar! Sounds like fun, thanks to you and the wonderful sponsors!

  27. Plus, the Glendale (Calif Quilt Guild is having their annual show on this weekend--so many of us will be feasting on lovely quilts and browsing fabulous vendors!

  28. I have been watch a lot of shows :-) Lovely and inspirations.


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