
Sunday, February 3, 2013

2012 Free-Motion Quilting Challenge - Grand Prize Winners

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First, I want to thank all of the FMQ Experts that helped with this challenge by providing such wonderful tutorials.  With out their support this challenge would never had happened and many would not have had a chance to learn/improve their FMQ skills, as well as learn about each FMQ Expert and a variety of products appropriate for those that enjoy doing FMQ on a domestic sewing machine.

                                                     SewCalGal says thank you to all the FMQ Experts

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I also want to recognize and thank all of the sponsors for this challenge as they have wonderful products that are certainly perfect for those interested in FMQ and they generously donated wonderful prizes.

SewCalGal says thank you to all the Sponsors who generously donated prizes for the Monthly Challenges and bonus tutorial challenges:

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SewCalGal says thank you to all the Sponsors who generously donated Grand Prizes for those that completed 12 or more tutorials in 2012.

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There were over 2,000 quilters that participated in this challenge.  It was fun to see everyone learn and improve their FMQ skills, as well as have fun, throughout the year.

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I also want to recognize and thank several Postage Angels who have recently donated to help with postage expenses.  This has helped to cover the shipping cost for prizes for this challenge and the September challenge too!   If you have a chance, I hope you visit their blogs and let them know that you too appreciate their help as Postage Angels for the 2012 FMQ Challenge.  They are wonderful people and have delightful blogs!

Sheila Painter

My sincere apologies if I have overlooked other Postage Angels.  I tried to go thru my notes, but fear I may have left some of you off.  Please know I do appreciate your help with postage expenses, very much.

There were 87 participants that completed 12 or more FMQ tutorials in 2012 and  entered to win a Grand Prize.  All of the participants in the 2012 FMQ Challenge had an opportunity to learn and improve their FMQ skills.  While many completed many, if not all of the tutorials, there were only  a few the completed 12 or more tutorials in 2012 and entered to win a Grand Prize.  SewCalGal wants to encourage all quilters to continue to learn/improve your FMQ skills, while taking advantage of the tutorials provided by FMQ Experts in this challenge and practice until you have mastered and can apply to your projects, as well as attend FMQ classes, watch FMQ DVDs, read FMQ books and follow blogs that share insights on FMQ. SewCalGal is proud of every quilter that took time to learn and improve their FMQ skills in 2012.  And, I'm  happy to announce the winners, of the Grand Prize Challenge. These winners were all randomly selected.

SewCalGal will be sending an email notice to these winners to confirm they want to claim their prize and get their snail mail info.  They will have 3 days to respond, essentially claiming their prize, or another name will be ranomly selected:

The Fat Quarter Shop
Six prizes for Grand Prize Winners:
1 - $250 gift certificate

Dana (Stormy Days)

1 - $150 gift certificate

Sherry  (Adventures inLife)

1 - $100 gift certificate

Joanne (Thread Head)
3 - $50 gift certificates($50 each)
#1 Liane N.
#2 Pat (Color Me Quilty)
#3 Elspeth (Elvispeth)

logoOne lucky winner will receive a $200 gift certificate to The Stencil Company where they can pick out their favorite continuous line stencil designs that are perfect for quilting

Joan at Leschenault

Dream World
One lucky winner will receive a Pieceful Holiday Quilting Package, which includes:
a Steady portable tables, a Travel/Storage Bag, Sew Straight Guide, Spinner Tray and Polish Kit
Pieceful Quilting Holiday Package w/ Drawer Tray
estimated value: $149.99

Diane Mitchell / AveryQuilter

The Electric Quilt CompanyOne lucky winner will receive a copy of EQ7

Retail price:  $189.95

Mary J.  (Seamless Expressions)

June TailorA bundle of June Tailor products, perfect for free motion quilting, with an estimated value over $100

Pat (Amity Quilter)
 photo martingalelogo_zpsbf8704e3.pngA bundle of books, perfect for those interested in free motion quilting, with an estimated value over $100

Kearstie (KB's Quilting Quest)

Don't check the main page for this event periodically.  It will be updated in 2013 to share insights on follow-on FMQ Challenges, which will also be shared with those that follow SewCalGal's blog, have joined the Facebook group for this challenge, as well as those that have opted in for the email messages for this challenge.  

And, don't forget to practice.  

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  1. Congratulations to all the winners - so excited for all these ladies! Thank you to all the sponsors, wonderful presentations by the monthly experts, to all the postage angels and a special thanks to you - it was a wonderful year.

  2. This has been such a great motivator in the quest to improve on FMQ skills. I am grateful to all who had a hand in making it possible--especially you!

  3. Congrats to the winners and congratulations for a very successful Challenge.

  4. I can't say enough about how much this helped me, and I continue to steer people to the blog to view the tutorials. I just updated my December challenge pictures on my blog because I added a central motif. And I am quilting on another quilt, feeling confident! Thanks to SewCalGal for bringing this to us (what a feat of organization!) and to the teachers.

  5. P.S.
    I am sure there are others out there, like me, who did not realize that we needed to do an additional link after completing the final challenge. I did complete all 12 monthly tutorials, but wasn't part of the 'contest' because I didn't visit the blog often enough, I guess.

  6. Wow, I can't thank you enough, I'm still working on my skills, but you put me on the path and I'm improving with every quilt. Thanks to all of the experts for their time, and thanks to the Random # generator for my prize.

  7. what a wonderful year we have all had. Thank you to the Stencil Company for my wonderful win... and congratulations to all other winners. It really has been a fantastic year, we]\here we have been able to learn and improve on our quilting skills. I now feel I know a lot of lovely people with like interests and its great to be still able to see what everyone is doing. Again - congrats to all winners :)And THANK you SewCalGal especially ..

  8. Thanks to you and the sponsors and angels. It was a great experience and I learned so much. You deserve an award!

  9. Herzlichen Glückwunsch!

  10. Congratulations to the winners. From what I saw visiting participants' blogs, there are some very talented FMQ'ers now. Thanks so much to the sponsors and experts. And thank you, SewCalGal.

  11. Thank you SewCalGal for all you did to facilitate this super-great year of FMQ learning, that came at precisely the right moment for me in my quest to learn machine quilting! I'm so delighted to have won one of the prizes and congratulations to each and every one of the participants - we're all winners of a great set of new FMQ skills and new friendships as our bonus!

  12. Thank you to SewCalGal and all of our instructors...I had a fantastic year!! Congratulations to the grand prize winners!!! I am also very thrilled to have won the items I did through out the year....thank you very much sponsors.

  13. Congratulations to all! Thank you to SewCalGal and the sponsors, too!

  14. Congratulations to everyone who won a prize for the year end. The skills that I've learned are the best prize of all! Thanks SewCalGal! I've entered my red FMQ wholecloth quilt (the December and December Bonus tutorial assignments combined) into the quilt show of a nearby town. It's a first for me, and had it not been for this challenge, I wouldn't have been able to make the quilt that I'm entering. Thank you!

  15. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  16. Thank you SewCalGal! I was one of the winners and I'm so looking forward to designing my own quilts on the Electric Quilt software, and, of course, free motion quilting them, too! I learned so much! Thank you for all your hard work and thanks to all the sponsors and expert instructors.

  17. Thank you for running this challenge. Even though I did not win a physical prize, I have gained so MUCH more and learned so MUCH more than I ever thought possible this time last year. Who knows, I may even start to like FEATHERS! No, seriously, thank you for the countless hours you and the fantastic teachers gave to us. I LOVE the idea of machine quilting small projects and hope to move on to larger projects this year. You have helped me in ways I did not know I needed and opened my eyes to some extraordinary quilt leaders.
    Michelle Harrison

  18. Thank you from one of your "lurkers". While I didn't post any progress, I am working slowly through the tutorials as time permits. They are wonderful. It's this type of generosity on the part of you and the teachers that make me so glad to have stumbled into the world of quilting. Thank you doesn't begin to cover it,

  19. congrats to the winners. I learned a lot and I want to thanks all the tutors and the sponsors and you of course. Thanks alot.

  20. Thank you once again for a fantastic year! When I started the FMQ Challenge I really didn't know how to do anything, but I gained so much knowledge and confidence throughout the year that I am now doing free motion feathers and more!

  21. Felicidades a las ganadoras, después de participar durante 11 meses y un bonus, además de la presentación final de los 12 tutoriales del año, mi premio ha sido lo que he aprendido. Estoy muy agradecida tanto a los autores de los tutoriales como a SewCalGal por el gran trabajo realizado aunque me gustaría haber ganado, además, alguno de todos los premios que se han dado a lo largo del año.

  22. Oh my goodness. I didn't receive SewCalGal's first email, but did get the second one. Thank you so much, not just for the prize, but for the amazing job you did in setting up and running this challenge. Everyone who entered the challenge has seen improvements in their Fmq and had lots of ideas open up. Thank you so much Sewcalgal

  23. Sherry here somehow I missed the fact I won a $150.00 gift certificate in the grand prize draws. So I would like to claim my prize. Contact me thru my email.


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