
Friday, January 18, 2013

Mrs. Lincoln's Dressmaker and a Giveaway

Jennifer Chiaverini is a well known author, frequently recognized for her delightful books in the popular series of Elm Creek Quilt books.  Her latest book "Mrs. Lincoln's Dressmaker", published by Dutton press,  was officially released on January 15th.  And, SewCalGal is delighted with the opportunity to review this book, along with hosting a giveaway of a copy for one of my readers.

"Mrs. Lincoln's Dressmaker" focuses on Elizabeth Keckley, who was born into slavery, yet earned her freedom for herself and her son, through her sewing skills.  She moved to Washington, DC, where she gained recognition as being a talented dressmaker and was sought after by the elite in Washington during a time of political turmoil, pressure of elegance, yet economic disaster, not to overlook loss of life and loved ones during the Civil War.

Jennifer does an exceptional job visually stimulating the reader with the elegance of the period, where rich woman were beautifully dressed, as well as sharing insights on how a talented seamstress could earn a comfortable living with her skills, as well as teach others to do the same.  While prior books, written by Jennifer, spent time allowing the reader to get to know "all" the characters, the primary relationship in this book is with Elizabeth Keckley and Mrs. Lincoln. The  reader is drawn in to seeing this relationship evolve from the point where Elizabeth is initial hired to work for Mrs. Lincoln, to where friendship, trust and respect is formed, on through the years to when Mr. Lincoln is killed, as well as what happened to Mrs. Lincoln as she left the White House and her lifestyle in Washington.

While this book is historical fiction, it is well written and an interesting story.  Jennifer does a great job getting the reader to care about the characters, yet also paint the picture about a painful time in US history.  Sewing enthusiasts will certainly enjoy hearing about costumes of the period.  Fans of Jennifer will enjoy her story telling skills, and those that enjoy fictional history will certainly enjoy reading "Mrs. Lincoln's Dressmaker".  This book would also be a "must read" for book clubs, which I think would certainly enjoy the discussion that could come afterwards!

SewCalGal hopes you get a chance to check out this book at your local quilt shop or book store.  Jennifer Chiaverini is also making many book signing appearances, where you may have a chance to meet her in person and get a signed copy of this new book.  

Jan 18Joseph-Beth Booksellers7:00 PMCincinnati, OH
Jan 19Warren County Historical Society12:00 PMLebanon, OH
Jan 19Joseph-Beth Booksellers7:00 PMLexington, KY
Jan 20Towne Book Center2:00 PMCollegeville, PA
Jan 21Vero Beach Book Center5:00 PMVero Beach, FL
Jan 24Racine Public Library6:30 PMRacine, WI

Jennifer Chiaverini is the author of many wonderful books that you may find in your local Quilt Shop or Book Store, and on Amazon.  Here are a few of her books.


Did I mention a giveaway?

Dutton Books, Penguin Publishing is sponsoring a giveaway where followers of SewCalGal, that live in the US,  could win a copy of this book.  The sponsor will be shipping a copy of this book directly to the winner.

Enter via this Rafflecopter entry form. SewCalGal will announce the winner of this giveaway next Friday, when a new Fun Friday Giveaway is announced.

Update:  Congratulations to Jocelyn P. (Happy Cottage Quilter)

Enter via this Rafflecopter form

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  1. I love Jennifer's books, anxious to read this one. Thanks for the chance to win.

  2. I read a review about this book in my local paper and it sounds great.

  3. Love this period in history and characters. Thanks so much for this chance! :)

  4. Would love to win this!
    I am a happy follower via GFC

  5. Sounds like a great book! I enjoy Jennifer's books and can't wait to read this one!

    Thank you and Dutton Books, Penguin Publishing for a great giveaway and a chance to win.


  6. OK, this book seriously intrigues me!

  7. I have wanted to read these books and haven't found time...yet. I hope I win so I can get started.

  8. Sounds like another fantastic book by a great author.

  9. This book sounds very interesting. I've read several of Jennifer's books in the past.

  10. I love Jennifer Chiaverini's books and have read at least 8 or 9 already. They're especially my favorite for the long plane flights when I go to visit our grandbabies on the east coast!

  11. I love Jennifers books. I have read them all!!

  12. Love Jennifer's books. This should be another great one.

  13. I would love to read Mrs. Lincoln's Dressmaker. It is very timely with the recent focus on Abraham Lincoln.

  14. Sounds like a very interesting book!

  15. I Would Love To Read This book

  16. I've heard about this book and can't wait to read it.

  17. Sounds like a really good book. My DH is a Lincophile --maybe he will want to read it, too? :-)

  18. I think I would really like this book.

  19. Would love to win this book ... Have read a lot of her books and liked them all. Thanks for the opportunity.

  20. I really like listening to Jennifer's books. I travel quite a bit and I enjoy her stories and all the quilting she interweaves. I'd love to read her newest. Thanks.

  21. Sounds like a very interesting book. I love to read historical fiction.

  22. Sounds like an interesting read. Thanks for the chance.

  23. The book sounds like it would be a good one! Jennifer C. is one of my favorite authors, and I love historical fiction. I'm kind of a history buff, especially on Lincoln and the Civil War, so I would love to win this!

  24. Thanks for hosting this give away. I love the look of your blog.

  25. Thanks for a fun giveaway chance.

  26. I am so excited about this book. Thanks for the chance to win.

  27. My librarian turned me on to The Elm Creek series and I've read all of them. I'm always waiting for the next book. Jennifer was even a guest speaker at our LQS a few years ago, we all had a great time. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway. ;-> Toni Anne

  28. You are the second review I've read of this book and I would really like to read it! So please count me in on a chance to win the book. Thanks for giving us the opportunity to secure a copy of our very own!

  29. Ooh I love historical fiction! This sounds like just my cup of tea... oh, now I'm thirsty. Cup of tea, anyone?
    - sunshdws at yahoo dot com

  30. This book looks like it would be right up my alley...and I am LIVING in the USA and I am a follower! Thanks so much for the chance to win!

  31. I'm a follower! i've never read any of her books altho I hear of her books on quilting blogs!

  32. I've read all of the Elm Creek books and loved every one! This new book sounds fascinating, especially since I have served as a dance master at Victorian balls that feature costumes from the Civil War era.

  33. Should be a great read. I have all her books sew far ... sew now I will be looking out for this one.
    Sure wish I could be in on the draw but also I am in Canada
    have a great weekend
    in stitches

  34. Sounds like a very interesting book, if I don't win it, I may go ahead and purchase it. I love history, and all the little intricacies that they entail.

  35. I love all her books and would love to read this one too!

  36. After seeing the movie Lincoln, I'd love to continue to read about that period. Thanks for the giveaway.

  37. I've enjoyed most of her books - and am looking forward to reading her writing in a different storyline.

  38. I've read several of Jennifer's books and appreciate the chance to win this new one. Thanks!

  39. I know I'd enjoy this book. Thanks for the giveaway.

  40. I love all and have all of Jennifer's book and would love to win this one.
    I am a follower.

  41. Civil War history is fascinating & this books sounds like it adds to our understanding of this era

  42. I love her books and have read them all. So excited for this new one. Thanks for the chance!

  43. I have read all her books and would love a chance to read this one!

  44. I have never read any of her books and I'd live a catch to try then out.

  45. I have never read any of her books and I'd live a catch to try then out.

  46. I'm a huge fan of her books, and am so excited to read this one!

  47. I love to read Hennifer's books! Thanks for the giveaway!

  48. I just looked at this book today at the bookstore, and it looks fascinating, especially since it is based on historical figures. I am already familiar with Jennifer's storytelling, so this is sure to be a winner!

  49. A few months ago, I got the chance to meet Jennifer at a local book store. Can't wait to read the book.

  50. I've got the audio book The Wedding Quilt going in my car this week. Love Jennifer Chiaverini's storytelling!

  51. I enjoy reading Jennifer's books. Thanks for the chance to win a copy of her new book.

  52. I love Jennifer's books and missed her book signing here last Thursday. :( Would love to have a copy of this book!

    Sandy A

  53. I have read several of Jennifer's books and have always enjoyed them...and I love the idea of reading about Mrs. Lincoln and her seamstress. Thanks for the chance!

  54. I have loved every single one of her books and would love to win this one.

  55. I love Jennifer's books! Thanks for the giveaway.

  56. I love all of Jennifer's books, and this sounds like a good one. Thanks for the chance to win.

  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. This comment has been removed by the author.

  59. This comment has been removed by the author.

  60. I love historical quilting fiction books! Thanks so much SewCalGal. :)

  61. I have all of Jennifer's novels, so would like to add this one to the bunch! I have a U.S. mailing address to send it to.

  62. I`ve read several of Jennifer`s books and love them! I love the Civil War period and I`m dying to read her newest book.

  63. I can't wait to read this book! Fun!

  64. My friend Brenda is reading this book. She said that it is fabulous! We've read all Jennifer's books. Excited to read this one, too.

  65. Love her books. I'm a follower. Thanks.

  66. I'm working on getting all the Elm Creek books so of course I'd love to have this newest one. Thank you for the chance to win.

  67. I follow you. Thanks for this giveaway. I think Ms. Chiaverini does a great job with historical novels.


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