
Friday, January 11, 2013

Fun Friday Giveaway

SewCalGal is happy to announce the winner of the Fun Friday Giveaway from last week, sponsored by the Electric Quilt Company and share insights with you on other amazing giveaways and contests.

The lucky winner is #117

And #117, the winner of the Judy Martin Star Power software giveaway is:  Linda (Stray Stitches)

I want to share with you some additional opportunities for you to have fun and win prizes:

Craftsy has a free 2013 Block of the Month program.  This is a great way for quilters to have fun, even if you can't create the blocks in the month assigned, or all 12 blocks.  Still fun to learn new designs, tips and have fun.  Plus it is free....and you could even win an amazing prize!

Laura Nownes is teaching this free online quilt class where participants will learn a new quilt technique each month. By year end, you will have a beautiful quilt sampler and a new toolbox of techniques! Whether you're a beginner or an expert quilter, join the largest online quilt-a-long with

Here are a few insights on this free program:

  • 2012 Block of the Month had over 120,000 students from around the world.
  • It is a free course with a new block released each month.
  • At the end of the year you will have a finished quilt sampler.
  • Learn new quilt techniques each month.
  • Taught by Laura Nownes, author of Quilts! Quilts!! Quilts!!!
  • Missed a month? Starting late? It's okay - access never expires!
Did I mention a Giveaway?  
As a Craftsy Affiliate, if you sign up for this free class from this site, by January 31st, 2013, you will automatically be entered to win a course kit with 11.5 yards of Robert Kaufman fabric, a $100 value.  Craftsy will be randomly selecting the winners and making the announcement.   Again, all you need to do to enter to win this prize is sign up for this free Craftsy class from my here: free 2013 Block of the Month program.  Again, your entry is simply completed by signing up for this class from this site before the end of January.    Craftsy will be announcing the winner (not SewCalGal).

But, I do hope you'll sign up for this free 2013 BOM class on Craftsy and have fun. I'm certainly signing up and looking forward to it.

Interested in other Giveaways & Contests?
Fellow bloggers that host giveaways and contests, as well as those that find such opportunities are always invited to share insights by adding a link on the linky to a page on my blog labeled "Giveaways and Contests".  SewCalGal updates this page weekly and based on feedback (followers) updates it more. But, going forward, SewCalGal is going to be offering extra entries to giveaways hosted on SewCalGal based on those that share insights to giveaways on this page.

SewCalGal is also currently working on packing and shipping prizes from Fun Friday Giveaways, Quilter's Christmas Party, 2012 FMQ challenge and getting ready to announce sponsors and prizes for the 2013 Golden Quilter's Awards.  While I have sponsors for more Fun Friday Giveaways, I need some time to catch my breadth...stay tuned and I'll soon be announcing more yummy Fun Friday Giveaways for followers of SewCalGal.

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  1. Yaay...thanks for the heads up on the free class. I used your link and signed up for it. I love taking Craftsy classes.

  2. Congratulations to Linda and thank you for hosting.

  3. Thanks for the free class info. I'm heading on over to sign up! Happy Friday to you!

  4. Congrats Linda. You did an awesome job on Block Swap Adventure. I am happy you won a prize. I loved the 2012 BOM. I have signed up for 2013 BOM but have not started it yet.

  5. I was already signed up for the Craftsy BOM but I'm glad you are spreading the word. I love Craftsy and free is always welcome!

  6. Thanks for the info on the free classes. I just signed up. Online classes are the best. Thanks, again.

  7. I am a Craftsy member and have taken several awesome courses... can't wait to do this one too! Thanks!

  8. Yes I signed up and I do hope I get to those blocks sooner rather than later :)

    Have I told you lately how impressive your blog is? If not....You blow my mind! Always on top of the latest! When I grow up I want to be you :)


  9. Thanks for the info on this free BOM!


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