
Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Why Help QOV, QOH, Linus, Operation Homefront, Charities in General?

It is easy to look around us and find someone in need and easy to find a worthy charity program. And then, there are those worthy programs that can easily be overlooked, not getting enough support even though they have valid needs.  Today, I want to heighten awareness of such a charity and ask for your help to increase awareness with others, particularly those that are already involved with QOV, QOH, Linus and other charity quilting programs.

I see a common thread that hasn't yet been stitched between Operation Homefront, QOV, QOH, Linus and several other charitable quilting programs.  My Christmas wish is to help stitch that thread across our nation. 

The odds are high that you are aware  QOV and QOH make beautiful quilts for wounded soldiers and Veterans, whereas the Linus Project makes quilts for seriously ill or traumatized children, all with the hope of bring a good quilty hug to someone in need.

Across the our nation Operation Homefront (OH) provides homes for wounded soldiers to live as they exit the military, until such time that they are able to find a job and a place to live on their own. Many of these homes house not just the wounded soldier, but their entire family.  Yet, it does not appear that in any state QOV, QOH, nor Linus is connected to help.  Wouldn't it be nice if quilts could be given to those wounded soldiers living in homes funded by OH donations?  Wouldn't it be nice of those kids living with their families might kid a kid friendly quilt, as they too are the little heroes who have also been impacted with one of their parents off fighting in a war zone and coming home injured.


Operation Homefront is a nationwide non-profit, with locations in almost every state.  Many will hold group baby showers for wives of enlisted men, whose husband is off fighting in a war zone.  Some OH give baby gift baskets or other items a new mom may need.  Wouldn't it be nice to give a new baby quilt to each of these women?

Again, my dream is that you'll help spread the word about Operation Homefront.  Can we work to get our QOV, QOH, Linus and Quilt Guild Charity Coordinators to learn more about Operation Homefront and hopefully give some quilts to their program?  Seems we just new a few stitches to tie us all together, as when it gets down to it, we all care about the same thing.  We want our wounded soldiers, veterans and kids to know that as a community, we care and we appreciate them.

Of course, I also hope you'll come to the Quilter's Christmas Party on December 9th.  We'll have fun and also hear more about the Operation Homefront program.  They'll be oodles of door prizes and raffle prizes, in fact so many that I'm also going to be coordinating a silent auction to benefit OH later this month!

I also want to recognize the sponsors for this Quilter's Christmas Party who have generously donated prizes to help raise money for Operation Homefront:

ASF/Lightware Solutions/The Reading Light (Beam N Read), Kelly Jackson of I Have A Notion (IHAN), Island Batik,  Martingale
MyMemoriesAmerican & Efird LLCSewEZI QuiltingLark CraftsCozy Quilt DesignsCraftsy, Judy Chain of Sew Fun QuiltsNew Leaf Stitches, Rebecca Goldsmith of  Piece O' Cake, Ebony Love (Love Bug Studios) and Lily Patch Quilts.

For more information on Operation Homefront:

For more information on the Quilter's Christmas Party: click here

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  1. I have a simple tutorial for a Christmas project I'd like to share on Sunday for the party. How do we go about sharing the information for Operation Homefront? Will there be a button to put on our blog?

  2. See you tomorrow at the party!!

  3. Thanks for putting together the party in San Diego! It was great to see so many people come together and really interesting to hear directly from Operation Homefront!


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