
Sunday, December 23, 2012

2012 Free-Motion Quilting Challenge - November Winner

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All of the monthly tutorials and bonus tutorials are now released and I'm trying to play catch up on announcing winners of the monthly challenges.  This post is focused on the November FMQ Challenge and announcing the winner of the November Monthly Challenge.

The November FMQ Challenge, where Sarah Vedeler showed us how to create a variety of beautiful swirl designs.

Before I announce the winners of the October Challenge, I want to take time to recognize all of our sponsors:

2012 Free Motion Quilting Challenge



Dream World

Grand Prizes will be awarded to those that have taken the Pledge to complete all 12 FMQ tutorials. After they complete 12 tutorials (any combination of monthly tutorials and bonus tutorials) anytime in 2012.    More info on how to enter to win a Grand Prize will be shared later this summer.   In te meantime, save photos/links that show you've completed any of these tutorials as it will help you when you enter. And for those of you that are doing the optional FMQ Sampler Quilt, you will simply need to show a photo of your completed sampler quilt created using any 12 tutorials (monthly or bonus) shared during this challenge.  For newbies in this challenge that are not aware of the sampler quilt, visit the post that shared insights on two possible FMQ Sampler Quilt designs to use for this challenge.

SewCalGal is proud to recognize our
for the September  Challenge.

Each month, one lucky winner will receive a special bundle of prizes.  For the September challenge, the winner will receive a bundle that includes:
a sample pack of 5 Aurifil threads

A SewSlip mat
Revolving Sewslip images

A Pair of MACHINGERS Quilting Gloves
Quilters Touch LLC

The winner will need to determine the size that is appropriate for them
that shares insight on how to help fit gloves.

SewCalGal is responsible for shipping the prize bundle directly to winners, with the exception that Quilters Touch will be shipping their prize (Machingers gloves and DVD) directly to the respective winner.   As shared previously, this Challenge needs to be about learning/improving our FMQ skills and not about prizes.

The winner of the monthly bundle prize is:

Congratulations to Barbara (Pointless Quilter)!

Prize #2 - Winners choice of  Quiltmaker Quilting Designs software from Volume 1-8, from the Electric Quilt Company, will be announced shortly (this post will be updated...I simply forgot to randomly select someone.

A few reminders:

  • Grand Prize - For 2012 FMQ Challenge Participants that complete any 12 tutorials (any combination of monthly/bonus tutorials) in 2012 and want to enter to win a grand prize, be sure to enter by December 31st.  At the time of this post, only 35 of the 2,000+ participants in this challenge have entered to win a Grand Prize.  {click here to enter}
  • Bonus Tutorials - Many of the bonus tutorials also have giveaways which those that complete the respective tutorial anytime in 2012 can enter to win a prize.  The exception is the December Bonus Tutorial, by Teri Lucas, has a deadline of January 15th.

Bonus Month
FMQ Expert
Tutorial Topic
FMQ Challenge: Hand marbled fabrics
FMQ Challenge: Finding fabulous motifs
FMQ Challenge: Machine Trapunto
Teri Lucas
FMQ Challenge:  Print on Fabric with Kaleidoscope Creator software and Feathers!

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  1. Congratulations to the monthly winner and thank you SewCalGal and all sponsors for this wonderful project.

  2. Congratulations, Barbara!

  3. She did a great job on the spirals. Congrats.


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