
Friday, October 26, 2012

The Big Little (Blog) Book Tour! & Giveaway

SewCalGal is delighted to participate in the Big Little (Blog) Book Tour and share insights with you today about this new book.  

The Big Little Book of Fabric Die Cutting Tips, by Ebony Love is a new book that is a great resource for those looking at purchasing a fabric die cutting system, as well as those that may have purchased, but still has questions or concerns about how to use these Modern Quilting Tools.  And, while there are many quilters that are also bloggers and share insights on their Modern Quilting Tools,  this book is a great single resource that can really help you through the process of selecting a die cutting system as well as answering all your questions.

Die cutting systems have been on the market for ages and are extremely popular with those that enjoy scrapbooking.  But, a few years back these cutting systems crossed over into the world of quilting and have become a tool that is growing rapidly with popularity!  Still, many struggle with deciding which cutting system is appropriate for them, best way to buy dies to meet "their" needs, as well as how to become efficient when cutting fabric with a die cutting system vs a rotary cutter.

Ebony's book is here to answer all those questions and more.  It isn't a project book, but a reference book.  Click here  to read an excerpt from this book.

This 256-page book is packed full of tips, extensive Q & A,  details on how to use a die cutting system, and more!

There is a great chapter "All About Dies" that covers a broad range from getting them home, handling, compatibility, strip cutters, geometrics, traditional dies, applique', rag, and even insights on custom dies from a variety of die manufacturers.

The chapter on All about Consumables shares insights on Trays, Adapters, mats and more.  Even if you have experience with a die cutter, this chapter will most likely share insights with you to give you a better understanding about the different die cutting systems, with respect to their consumables.

Many quilters feel challenged when trying to convert a quilt pattern written for one die cutting system to another.  Fortunately, Ebony came up with the EDeN system, that can help. And, she shares insights on this great system in this chapter, with more information available on her EDeN website.

The Big Little Book of Fabric Die Cutting Tips retails for $29.95 in the US, and is available for purchase through,  independent quilt shops,  online stores,  or direct from the publisher at Wholesale or distributor inquiries can be made on the same site, or by calling 877-577-8458.

SewCalGal hopes you get a chance to check out this new book at your local quilt shop and/or favorite online store, Amazon, or through Love Bug Studios 

Here is the line up for the Big Little (Blog) Book Tour!  Each of these participating blogs are sharing their insights about this book and offering the opportunity for you to win a copy.  

Did I mention a giveaway?

Thanks to Ebony, one lucky follower will receive their own copy of  "The   Big Little Book of Fabric Die Cutting Tips, by Ebony Love.   Public Followers can simply leave a comment on this post to let me know you are interested in winning a copy of this book.  I'll randomly select a winner and announce next Friday.  Ebony will ship the prize to the respective winner.

 Update, the winner of this giveaway, for the book "Big Little Book of Fabric Die Cutting Tips", by Ebony Love, the winner is:  Josie McRazie (Insanity Defense).

I'm also happy to announce winners of recent giveaways:

Don't forget to check the page on this blog labeled "Giveaways" to find insights on current Giveaways & Contests.  I'm currently trying to update this page 1-2 times per week.

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  1. oh my i would love to win one of these books,thankyou for a chance.xx

  2. Looks like a book I must have in my stasha. Fingers corssed! lol

  3. Appears to be an excellent book, covering lots and lots of important information!! I'd certainly enjoy winning a copy! Thanks.

  4. This looks a great book! I'd love to win a copy!

  5. I'm looking forward to Ebony's book to help me maximize the use I get out of my Sizzix Big Shot Pro. It looks like a must-have book, for sure! Thanks for the chance to win!

  6. I would love a chance to win this book. I've been struggling with the decision to get one of these machines and it woub be a great help.

  7. I would love to win this book. I keep thinking about getting a die cutting machine, but have no idea which system would be best for me. Thanks for the opportunity.

  8. Thanks for sharing! Looks very useful.

  9. looks like a great book. btw on blogger dashboard you show up as noreply blogger.

  10. I have a cutting system on my Christmas Wish List, but don't know which one to tell Santa I want. This book would be perfect to make a decision! All these reviews have certainly created a "Can't Wait To Read That Book" syndrome out here. Thanks for the review.

  11. Would love to win a copy of Ebony's book. Thanks for the chance.

  12. I'm a librarian/archivist, I love reference books! Would love a book that helps me get more use of my cutter and how to best take care of it and the dies.

  13. How interesting I was just looking at some machines yesterday on the internet trying to find out what was out there. This book would be very helpful.

  14. I can see that I will need this book ASAP!!

  15. The chapter about using any type of dies in your system is so needed. Have held back purchasing dies because I don't know what adapters, trays, etc. I would need. Thank you so much for the giveaway. It's definitely needed in our sewing rooms.

  16. Thanks for sharing, SCG! Looks like a good one to own! Thanks for the chance to win a copy!

  17. Please enter me into the drawing for Ebony's book. It sounds like the perfect book for me!

  18. I'd love to win this, don't use my Go as much as should!

  19. Thanks for the opportunity. I would love to win this book! Been following this hop and it sure sounds like a great book.

  20. Thank you for the great post about Ebony's book. I am so looking forward to having her book myself. It would be wonderful if I could win one so I've got my fingers crossed too.

  21. Thanks for a great review. I have been on the fence trying to decide if I want to pursue info on purchasing a die cutter and I think this book would help me a lot to fall off the wagon so-to-speak.......... I would love to win a copy. Thanks for the opportunity

  22. I love book reviews - thank you for this one! And thank you for the chance to win!! Yes please ;)

  23. I would love to win this book.

  24. This looks like a great resource, thanks for the review.

  25. I'd love to win a copy of "The Big Little Book of Fabric Die Cutting Tips." Thanks for the chance!

  26. I would love to win this book because I have an accuquilter go for over a year and still have gotten up the nerve to use it. Help I need Help.

  27. I've been looking at these and thinking it would be nice, a book giving more information would be really handy!

  28. YOu certainly know how to review a book....

  29. Looks like a very useful book which I would love to win jennylarking at gmail dot com

  30. I'd sure like to own this book! I know I would use my cutting system if I had this to read first.

  31. Die cutters confuse me! Tethys leave this blond scratching her head! LOL

  32. I would love to win this book. I have the GO Baby and would like to learn more tricks on how to use her.

  33. Winning this book would be great. Have a Go cutter and haven't used it much!

  34. Sounds like I could really use this book to get more out of my die cutter.

  35. I need this book!!!! Have a Studio and Go! Baby and bought a Go! die that doesn't work on either (duh!) even with adapter--feel sooo dumb--love my cutters, both of them!

  36. As a new owner of a Go this book would be a perfect addition along with my dies.

  37. Wow! you are reading my mind again! I was thinking about a die cutter and here you are telling me about a book that will cut my research time..I'd love to win it.

  38. Thank you, I would love the op to win Ebony's new book. I just ordered a Sizzix from Amazon and would love to learn about choosing dies, etc..
    [I'm a long time happy follower]

  39. I recently purchased the Big Shot Die cutter and even more recently the Accuquilt Go! Baby as well as some dies. I have only used the dies a couple of times. Having a reference book would be a great help in getting more use out of my purchases. Please enter me in the drawing for this book.
    Thank you!
    azjune @ rocketmail dot com

  40. I already have a die cutter, but it sounds like this book would help me make the most of it!

  41. I am a public follower and would benefit from this book. My mother won a baby GO! with no dies or mats. We want to use our baby, and Ebony's book would give us a great jump start.

  42. I'd love to win a copy. What a great resource to have.

  43. This book sounds like it would help me choose which machine and dies to purchase. Thanks for a chance to win! :)

  44. I just got the Accuquilt GO and sure could use some assistance with it! awolk at rogers dot com

  45. Hi sew calGal I could surely use this book. Since going thru chemo and radiation and then breaking my finger I could use a cutting machine and I have a cuttlebug that I have never used ans don't even know if I can for would be appreciated...


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