
Saturday, October 20, 2012

Fun Machine Embroidery Blog Hop Coming This Fall

A Fall Machine Embroidery Blog Hop will be sharing inspiration with an emphasis on Fall, and Christmas ideas too!  They'll also be some tips, tutorials, and giveaways in this fun blog hop.  And, you don't have to do machine embroidery to join the fun in this event.  

Here is the line up for this fun event:

Monday, November 5th
Marjorie's Quilting Bee

Tuesday, November 6th
All Things Crafty

Wednesday, November 7th

Thursday, November 8th
I Have A Notion

Friday, November 9th
Cherry Blossoms Quilting Studio
Cheeky Cognoscenti

Mark your calendars and come join the fun November 5th - 9th.

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  1. Ah, yes! I will be sure to join in. I know several of the bloggers already and I feel like I am sure to learn something.

  2. I cannot wait to join you, I also machine embroider.

  3. I'll definitely be checking this out. I've been doing machine embroidery since 2003 when my wonderful husband bought me my first machine.

  4. Looking forward to this. It's just around the corner.

  5. Oh, I'm loooking forward to this!


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